Another Shot

Remi is looking at her board drinking a soda.. It has pictures of all the murders recently. The board has a picture of Jax, Natalie, Mark Smith, the electrocuted woman, and the eaten victims.

Remi: What's going on this week? Three killers just emerge out of nowhere! That rapper, the beheaded woman, and that military man all died from a sword. So they are all together, but why behead the woman? Maybe so the cops have a harder time recognizing her, or maybe he wants her head as a trophy. The cops found out the girls name was Natalie Stuart. So I can't see the killer trying to hide it from the cops. Especially since he just took down two more important people.

Remi sits down in her chair, and finishes her drink.

Remi: Owen thinks that this killer hates the police, and killed a nurse to show that they can't get help. I think Owen's wrong. I think this killer has a personal agenda. He wouldn't have needed to kill Jax if he was getting the police's attention. What do you think?

Remi's cat hops in her lap, and lays down. Remi pets her cat, and looks back at the board.

Remi: This is a weird case.

Remi gets an email on her laptop. She rolls her chair over to her desk, and annoys the sleeping cat. Remi reads the email.

Remi: "If you really want to know more about this case go to…"

Remi looks up the address on google maps.

Remi: A house in harlem?

Remi looks back to the email.

Remi: Anonymous, but what better lead do I have? I have to go check it out.

Remi grabs a few things, and heads out of the house while it's dark. Two days before that Kai was lying in bed depressed. Friends had died, and to top it off Kai failed to even get backing for his invention. Cal walks in the room again.

Cal: This week has been real shitty.

Kai looks over at Cal, and then back to the ceiling.

Cal: I know, I know. I just tried to help you out, and then you got turned down. You have to look at why you got turned down. Did you even have a plan. You were walking around like a zombie for the past few days. Why did they even turn your idea down?

Kai: "It wouldn't sell."

Cal: Just because one person doesn't believe in your idea doesn't mean other people will. They probably just thought it would be risky to invest. Find a way to make it less risky. Anyways, I have to go. Try to get back up again today if you can. Just don't become a zombie again. It freaked me out.

Cal leaves Kai's room. Kai stares at the ceiling. He sees the ceiling is completely white, empty. The walls are the same blank white with nothing on the. Kai starts thinking about what Cal said. Kai gets up from bed, and grabs a freeze pop. Kai sits on the couch, and eats the pop.

Kai(in head): Cal's right. I didn't really have a plan. Once they started questioning my idea I didn't have anything to make them believe in my idea. Maybe Max and I can figure out some way to make them believe.

Kai texts Max, and they both meet up at Bibble and Sips. They sit down at the table.

Max: No coffee?

Kai: Nah, we need to figure out some way to make investors feel less of a risk.

Max: hm…

They think for a minute.

Max: You could put some of your money down. If you put half of your money down on the business it might not be a lot, but they'll see that you're willing to risk your own expense.

Kai: That's a really good idea. I'll try that. I'll try and set up a meeting as soon as possible. Until then I'll be planning out what to say.

Max: Don't get overwhelmed if they refuse. In business you just have to keep trying. Someone will invest.

Kai: Not too inspiring. I would hope that more than someone would want to invest.

Kai goes home, and starts trying to set up appointments. He gets a call, and Kai talks. Kai was hoping to be able to set up a meeting in the next few days, but the caller wanted the meeting at brunch tomorrow. Kai accepted.

Kai: I wonder why they wanted to meet so soon? I guess I better find something to do until then. Kai turns on the TV.

Reporter: Later today will be the Teflon memorial service. Many fans, family, and friends are all arriving to show their support for the families loss.

Kai(in head): I've been so focused lately I didn't even think about Jax's funeral. I have to go.

Kai puts on a suit, and drives to Jax's grave. Everyone is sitting in chairs. Kai sits down, and the priest starts talking.

Priest: Jax was a man loved by many. He had a family who cared for him, and believed in him all throughout his life. Then he had his wonderful fans. Encouraging him through every step in his career. His music helped people who went through the same struggles as him. He would always help his friends. He will be remembered and loved as a great man that's in a better place.

The coffin is put into the ground, and Kai watches everyone drop flowers on the coffin before the coffin is covered with dirt. Kai watches as all the fans leave first. The family stays, and talks to each other. Soon the family leaves, and Kai is alone. Kai walks over to the grave.

Kai: This is all my fault. You didn't have to die. If I wasn't around you this would have never happened. I hope you find more peace wherever you are now then what you found here. You were a great friend Jax.

Kai puts a flower in front of the grave. Kai goes home, and turns on the tv.

Kai(in head): I never finished watching.

Kai turns on the news. To see Phoenix attacking another bank.

Kai: Everytime I watch the news. It seems like there is always something to do.

Kai puts on his red sweatshirt, and goes out to the bank. The Phoenix flies out of the top of the building with bags of money to see Kai standing on the roof. Phoenix lands on the roof.

Phoenix: Here to stop me.

Kai: I'll try.

Phoenix: Your attempts to try always fail. Just like you trying to get backing for your invention. It failed. If an armored suit that can stop just about any police force won't be backed. What makes you think that dinky little glasses will do any better.

Kai: Who told you that? Wait, how did you even get out of jail?!

Phoenix: Let's just say. A knight in shining armor.

Kai starts running at Phoenix. Phoenix flies at Kai. Once they were about to collide Kai slid under Phoenix wings. Phoenix puts his legs on the ground to stop his momentum. Then he turns around, and moves his wings shooting metal feathers at Kai.

Kai(in head): I'm not dealing with feathers again.

Kai jumps to the side. Phoenix keeps shooting metal. Kai jumps in the air, turns his body to the side, and spins dodging the metal. All the metal comes up from the ground, and flies back to Phoenix wings. One of the feathers goes right through Kai's abdomen, and back to Phoenix wings. Kai takes out his staff, and teleports to Phoenix. Kai swings his staff, and Phoenix blocks it with his wings. Then Phoenix tries to slam the blade of his wings down upon Kai. Kai blocks it with his staff, and they hold that position.

Phoenix: The knight wanted me to tell you a message. He's going to kill all your friends, and then he's going to kill you. You're going to die before you do anything important. You're just going to die as another person trying to play the hero.

Kai kicks Phoenix in the stomach. Phoenix stumbles back, and Kai does a spin kick. It cracks Phoenix's helmet.

Phoenix: You think one kick will do anything to me? This battle will take more than that!

Kai runs at Phoenix, and guns come out of Phoenix's shoulders. Two missiles fly at Kai. Kai jumps over the missles, and then Phoenix laughs. Phoenix starts shooting feathers at Kai, and Kai uses his staff to block them. Kai hears the missiles coming from his back. Kai teleports up high, but the missiles follow him. Kai braces for impact, and the two missiles hit him directly. Kai falls onto the roof. Part of Kai's skin was charred. Phoenix stood above Kai and stabbed his wing into him. He held him up above the building.

Phoenix: You can't even beat me. What are you going to do against The Knight?

Phoenix dropped Kai off the building. He landed in an alleyway on a flight of stairs. Which he promptly fell down. He laid at the bottom of the alleyway for a while. Until he started to feel again in his legs. He slowly got to his feet. Kai goes back home, and turns on the news again.

Kai(in head): Please I need a break.

Reporter: The weather tomorrow-

Kai(in head): Thank you.