
Kai and Remi are standing on a building looking at a skyscraper.

Kai: Did you get some sleep?

Remi: Yes, but it doesn't matter because we're about to be up all night again.

Kai: Yeah, I feel you. It's time to head in.

They both start running. They hop off a building. They kick open the front door to the skyscraper. No one is there. They sneak around to the elevator. Kai presses the button. Kai and Remi hide at the sides of the elevator. The door opens, and nobody's there. Kai and Remi get in the elevator, and Kai presses the button to go up.

Remi: Are we really taking the elevator? Wouldn't that be a trap?

Kai: No, it's definitely a trap, but I'm not walking up those stairs..

Remi laughs.

Remi: You're ridiculous.

The elevator comes to a stop. Kai and Remi hide at the sides of the elevator. Nothing is there.

Kai: Hm.

Remi: What are you thinking?

Kai: The elevator stopped before the button I pressed. Everything from here on out is what they wanted. Watch out, and stay close to me.

They walk over to the stairs. They open the door. When they close the door it locks. Barrels roll down the stairs.

Kai: What is this donkey kong.

Kai smells something funny. Kai grabs Remi's hand.

Remi: Huh?

Kai teleports them to the next platform. They watch the barrels roll. The barrels hit a wall and exploded. Kai let's go of Remi's hand.

Remi: How did you know?

Kai: The smell.

They keep walking up stairs. Kai steps on a star. The stair feels like it moves down a little. Kai ducks, and Remi does the same. Arrows fly over their heads.

Kai: Why did they guard this place like a pyramid?

Remi: Maybe they have riches up there.

Kai: Yeah, and maybe they have a group of Mutants with pitchforks.

They walk up more flights.

Kai: We're almost there.

They see two Mutants. The Mutants drop a box of small explosives. Kai turns around and overs Remi with his body.

The explosives go off. They only minorly damage Kai.

Remi: Warning next time.

Kai: Next time I'll let you take the explosives then. Let's go. That was their last ditch effort.

Kai and Remi run up the stairs. They kick open a door. There are ten Mutants.

Kai: Now time for fun.

Kai and Remi run at the Mutants. Kai punches one in the head. He goes down to the ground. Mutant punches. His hand detaches from his arm and hits Kai. The hand comes back after the punch. The mutant keeps throwing punches, and Kai can't hit him. A mutant grows spikes on his arm like a porcupine. He elbows at Kai. Kai teleports behind the mutant that was punching him. His right hook punches him in the back of the head. Another mutant blasts off. Fire coming out of his foot propelling him forward and into the air. He kicks Kai. Kai blocks it, and is pushed back into the porcupine arm. Kai flips the porcupine mutant and slams him onto the ground. A mutant runs at Kai. He has almost a blue aura around him. Kai punches him in the head, but his fist bounces off the guy. The guy rams into Kai. Kai is sent back and onto the ground. The propeller mutant shoots into the air, and drops down on Kai. Kai rolls out of the way, and the mutant lands on the ground. Kai gets back up. The mutant tries to punch Kai. Kai deflects the punch, and punches the guy in the jaw. The guy is sent flying back.

Kai(in head): Too hard, less power.

The last mutant attacking Kai charges Kai again.

Kai(in head): More power.

Kai hits the mutant as hard as he can. He feels resistance from the aura. Then the aura shatters. Kai's fist hits the guy in the head. The guy falls to the ground. Kai checks his breathing.

Kai(in head): Fuck, he's dead.

A guy spins around with blades in his hands. Remi can feel the air moving. She watches him get closer. She kicked him in the stomach.. He hits the ground. A mutant is camouflage below Remi. He turns back into normal colors, and uppercuts Remi. Remi barely blocks it. Then another mutant pulls Remi toward him with the movement of his wrist. He punches her in the head, and she falls to the ground. Kai knocks the mutant out. Remi gets back up. Rock builds up around Kai and Remi's feet. Kai breaks through it easily, but Remi is stuck from the rocks. The camouflaged mutant Goes to punch Remi. Remi grabs his wrist and pulls him closer. She knocks him out with a punch to the temple. Kai moves his fingers and the rocks at Remi's feet are blasted away by spiritual energy. Kai and Remi see the last two mutants. One picks up rocks from the ground. The rocks are launched at Kai and Remi. The other blasts energy at them. Kai teleports behind the rock manipulator and grabs him by the throat. Kai throws him into a wall. Remi slides under the blasts of energy, and throws sparks at the mutant. He is blasted back by the explosion.

Kai: Good job. Let's go. I'm tired now.

A man walks out from the back room. A dog following him.

Guru: Crimson Dragon. You've become famous among us Mutants. You're known as the betrayer.

Kai: I would fight for Mutants, but this whole let's take over the world thing is just not my style.

Guru: They say you killed Jackal. I would ask you if you did, but I'll find out if you try to kill me.

The dog starts walking towards Kai and Remi. Kai and Remi look confused.

Guru: Oh, I'm not a meta-human. My dog is. His name is Crater.

The dog transforms into a human. He takes out a cigarette, and lights it. He starts smoking.

Crater: It's been so long since I've been able to stretch my legs.

Crater starts stretching.

Crater: Let's get this silly fight over with.

Crater throws his cigarette onto the ground and stops on it. He slams his hands into the ground. His hands are under ground. Bone spikes come out from the ground each one quickly growing closer to Kai and Remi. They both jump out of the way. The spikes split up and follow both of them. Kai is backed up against a wall. Kai jumps onto the wall and pushes off. He launches himself at Crater. Crater takes his hands out of the ground, and the spikes stop. Kai punches at Crater. Crater catches Kai's hand with both hands and is pushed back. Crater lets one hand go off Kai's. A giant spiked bone appears in that hand. Crater stabs Kai through the stomach. Kai falls to his feet. He rips the bone out of him, and starts slashing the bone at Crater. Kai slashes one hard time. Crater jumps back, and Remi is behind him. She throws sparks at him, and Crater is blasted back at kai. Kai stabs Crater through the stomach. Crater falls to the ground. Kai and Remi jump back. Crater gets up, and pulls the bone out of his stomach. Kai and Remi can see the wound start to heal.

Guru: I think it's time to use your real form.

Crater: The one time I can use this form, and now I have to go back to dog form.

Guru: You and your complaining.

Crater: I guess I should listen to you. You are the smarter brother.

Kai(in head): Brother?

Crater transforms into a wolf. The wolf starts growling. The wolf charges Remi at blazing speeds. It jumps on Remi. It bites Remi's neck and bucks her stomach with it's back claws. Remi falls to the ground, and kicks the wolf away. Kai teleports to the wolf, and kicks the wolf into the wall. The wolf lands feet first on the wall, and jumps at Kai. Kai takes out his staff, and spins it around himself before slamming it into Craters snout. Crater is sent flying. The wolf lands on the ground, and charges Kai again. A mark on the wolfs body spread through the wolf's fur. Then the wolf jumps at Kai. Kai swings his staff. The wolf appears behind Kai, and bites Kai's neck. Kai drops his staff, and grabs the top and bottom of the wolfs jaw. Kai pries the wolf off of him, and slams the wolf onto the ground. Kai then throws the wolf into the wall. Kai runs up and knees the wolf in the stomach. The wall completely shatters like glass, and the wolf is sent flying into the next room. The wolf transforms back into a dog.

Kai: How the fuck do I put handcufss on that?

B.L.A.D.E. soldiers bust through the door. They handcuff Guru, and put a meta-collar on the dog. Kai walks up to Guru.

Guru: I want to be with my dog. Even a cruel bastard like Integer did that much!

Kai: Fine, but you have to answer a question.

Guru: What is it?

Kai: How much time before they spread?

Guru: How do you know about that?

Kai: My question, not yours.

Guru: You have five days before we win.

Guru is carried away by B.L.A.D.E soldiers.

Kai: FUCK!