
Two days ago, Fever was sitting at a long table. The table has mayors at it. Datura is sitting to his right with her face covered by her hood. To his left is Vision, and behind him is Dead Air.

Fever: I believe you know the situation, am I correct?

Mayor: If we don't give you our positions you'll wage war on us. You think we believe you'll win a war?! You can't win a battle against the whole U.S army!

Fever laughs.

Fever: Can't I? The army wishes it had my mutants. Not only that, but your cities have armies inside of them. Your entire Mutant population will join me. It doesn't matter what my army is because I have armies set up in every town, every city, and eventually every state.

Mayor2: Where is the proof? I haven't seen any Mutant retaliation!

Fever: Why would I want you too?

Mayor: Hasn't that, uh, Crimson dragon already took out two of your generals.

Fever: Those were my weakest generals Mayor, please. The only reason he has been winning is that he has taken down my army in small intervals. If I were trying to kill him he'd be dead, but he could never stop me. Even if he takes out my generals what would that leave. I would still have my armies and myself. Which means it would be thousands against one. He thinks he has a chance, but reality says different.

Mayor: Fine, but I want-

Fever: Eh, eh, eh. I have already worked out what you'll get.

Mayor3: And what is that? What could you possibly give me that I don't already have?

Fever: Simple. I will be giving you your lives, your wives lives, your children's lives. They won't be dead if you simply give me your positions. If anything you're winning in this deal. You wouldn't want your whole bloodline wiped off of earth would you? All you have to do is sign the papers.

Dead air passes out the papers.

Fever: D.A, doesn't that sound fair.

D.A happily nods.

Fever: See, you can trust him. He has your best interests at heart. That's why if you ever go against him he'll have to-

D.A takes out a knife.

Fever: Slice you to bits.

D.A stabs the knife into the table. Then D.A looks at a specific Mayor. He just starts staring at him. The mask covering his eyes makes him all the more frightening. The Mayor quickly signed the paper along with the others. Once they pass the signed papers back D.A approvingly nods and takes the knife out of the table.

Fever: Ladies. Show these men out of my office.

Mayor: This is my office.

Fever: Not anymore!

Datura and Vision get up.

Mayor: This is blasphemy!

Datura puts her hand on the mayor's head. His head turns into water. The water washes down his body.

Datura: Is it blasphemy?

The mayors get up, and the two women follow them out the door.

Fever: D.A.

Dead Air looks at Fever.

Fever: I have a feeling you wanted to kill that Mayor.

Dead Air nods.

Fever: What are you waiting for?

Dead Air flips the knife and walks out the room.

Fever: Little rascal.

Fever looks at the papers.

Fever: One week before I officially have control over everything they had. It sounds too good to be true.

Kai is at home in present day. Remi is with him. Max comes up from the basement with a full trashbag.

Kai: Fuck, this is the worst possible thing that could have happened!

Remi: What?

Max: We're we right?!

Kai: We were fucking right!

Max: Dammit!

Max walks out of the house.

Remi: What the hell is going on?!

Kai: Max and I were thinking. Why would Fever care so little about his other factions. He wouldn't try to help any of them. He should have already applied another leader to the beastmen territory already. Why wouldn't he? He wouldn't if he was doing something more important. Like spreading is reign of fucking terror!

Max walks back in.

Remi: He's moving on to different cities?

Max: We have no idea, and that's the problem. This small scale invasion could turn into a large scale mass genocide of humans. We have no idea what's going on behind the scenes!

Remi: Have we lost?

Kai: We have five days to take out the remaining four members of W.A.T.K.H.

Remi: Does today count as one of the days?

Kai: I couldn't tell you Remi!

Max: The camps spread forty million Mutants around the country. All of those Mutants will, without a doubt, join Fever. He basically has armies ready for him to take over.

Kai: But how would he even take them over? He can't take them all over at the same time.

Max: All he needs to do is set up a person to rule everything for him and report to him. He'll be a king.

Remi looks shocked and scared.

Kai: Remi, why don't you lay down. You look a little off balance.

Remi sits on the couch and takes a deep breath.

Remi: What are we going to do?

Kai: Welp, game over. I'm going to bed.

Max: I'm feeling the same way, night Remi.

Remi: Wha-

Kai: We're joking. We'll figure it out tomorrow. There isn't anything we can do today.

Remi: Goodnight I guess then.

Remi leaves. Max goes down into the basement. Kai walks outside. Then Kai sits down in front of the pool. He closes his eyes and starts meditating. Kai can hear a man meditating from the other side of the pool. Neither of them open their eyes.

Kai: Stick.

Stick: Kai.

Kai: I was expecting the last mission we did for you would keep you away longer than what it has.

Stick: You think I'm here to send you on another mission?

Kai: What else would you be here for? To give me something else that sells my soul awa?

Stick: I don't repeat myself. I still have creativity even in my old age, but I have something else too.

Kai: And what would that be?

Stick: Wisdom. I still watch over you and Terra. You are my children.

Kai: Slade raised me. Not you.

Stick: He raised you because I asked him to. I came by constantly to check on you. Even if you didn't know it.

Kai: Stalker.

Stick chuckles.

Stick: Maybe, but only for the good of my children.

Kai: What good have you done for me?

Stick: Without me you would have never taken down detective Steel, learned martial arts, or even have been the person you are today.

Kai: I'll repeat. What have you done for me. Without that I would be-

Stick: Where? You would have been the christian boys home until you went to college. You wouldn't have been able to get a scholarship with your grades. You would have ended up a regular man working a minimum wage job wishing what could have been. I gave all that to you and then you betrayed me, but I'm still here. Why? Because you are my son. All I have ever done is give and asked for little in return. Why would I be here for anything else?

Kai: Sorry.

Stick: For?

Kai: For betraying you, but you can't say that you didn't give me everything because you wanted me to work for you.

Stick smiles.

Kai: Why are you smiling?

Stick: As the years pass they say you turn into your parents. They were right.

Kai raises an eyebrow.

Kai: What do you mean?

Stick: You don't see the similarities between us?

Kai: No, I don't.

Stick: Then let me give you some examples. You always call me ruthless, but you will do anything to win. Today you even slipped up on your no killing rule. A rule you only follow because your friend made it. Now you have even started to see the grey lines between that black and white you young superheroes love. Your personality is becoming like me along with your strength. You have been training the way I train. You don't even sleep anymore. You just meditate. I can't even remember the last time I slept.

Kai: Maybe if you slept you wouldn't be so cranky. Less people might be dying.

Stick: If only it were that simple. I watch you all the time Kai. I know what your thinking.

Kai: You're really starting to creep me out. An old man just follows my every move.

Stick: More than just one old man follows your every move Kai. I'm just the only one you'll ever meet. I still haven't even got to the reason why I am here.

Kai: And what is that?

Stick: I wanted to tell you not to doubt yourself.

Kai: You told me that years ago.

Stick: And it seems as though you forgot. Like I said, you are like me. The same way that you never underestimate me, you should never underestimate yourself.

Soon Stick is gone.

Kai: Thank you.