
The next day Kai is sitting down at the table texting while Remi is making brunch. Max is yawning and playing on his computer.

Remi: Who are you texting?

Kai puts away his phone.

Kai: No one important.

Max: Ya must be hiding something.

Kai: What are you doing?

Max: Nothing, don't look at my computer!

Kai: Exactly.

Remi hands them plates.

Kai: You getting more info from Max.

Max: I guess I'll pass along some information, but only if the hashbrowns are good!

Max finishes eating his food. Kai finishes his food too.

Kai: I gotta go.

Remi: Are you on a mission?

Kai: Yeah, why?

Remi: I'll come with you-

Kai puts out his hand.

Kai: Absolutely not.

Remi: Why can't I come on this mission with you?

Kai: Personal mission. I have a feeling that you would only be a detriment to the mission anyways.

Remi: How would I-

Kai: I would have to protect you. Now stop asking questions for once Remi. I know you're a reporter, but y'know. I have to do what I have to do.

Kai walks up stairs. He puts on his suit and teleports out of the house.

Max: What a weirdo.

Remi: Maybe it's a family thing?

Max: Nah, Kai doesn't have any family.

Kai walks outside. He calls someone. Raelynn is in a room. She looks at a picture of her and Jilaya.

Raelynn: Why did you have to do it?

Tears run down Raelynns face and she throws the picture across the room. The picture shatters. Her phone rings. Raelynn wipes her tears away and takes a deep breath. She answers the phone.

Raelynn: I'll be right there.

Back at Kai's house.

Remi: So, what's the info?

Max: I found out who did it. It was The Mayor Charles White.

Remi looks sad but almost relieved. Remi embraces Max holding onto him.

Remi: Thank you.

She lets go.

Max: It took a while, and I had to send you on a ton of missions, but we ended up finding him.

Remi: Where is he?

Max: C'mon, I'll show you.

They walk down to the basement. Kai overlooking the city from a rooftop. Someone appears behind him in dark clothing.

Kai: I only texted you to come. Not in battle gear.

Raelynn: What else would you call me here for?

Kai turns around. She has her hood down so he can see her face.

Kai: Did you try to date me because you knew I was a superhero? I mean, honestly I'm already over it.

Raelynn: I learned when you were thrown into jail.

Kai: I figured as much, but as we both know it's about time I take you down. I can't be wasting time when there is so little left.

Raelynn: Then let me stop wasting your time.

Raelynn moves her hand making a signal. Mutants appear on top of the two buildings next to Kai.

Raelynn: Bye.

The mutants all blast different elements at Kai. While Raelynn creates a shield around herself. Remi is traveling across rooftops. Remi stops at an office building.

Remi: I'll check the building out.

Max: Then return back.

Remi: I know how a scouting mission works.

As the flame comes in Kai teleports back and forth from one mutant to the next. He punches and kicks the mutants. One hit and the mutants are knocked out. Then the last mutant he grabs by the head, and teleports back to his spot on the building. He slams the mutants head into the building.

Kai: Foiled. What else you got for me.

Raelynn: I expected no less from the man who has already taken down two of our group.

Kai: You know. Now that I think about it. You were always kinda boring.

Raelynn: I don't get attached. I can't get involved with some human. You were just a plaything. We were just friends with benefits.

Kai chuckles.

Kai: I agree.

Kai starts charging Raelynn. He is blasted back by wind. Kai is about to land on his feet. He sees fire down on the ground. He teleports to a different spot on the rooftop. Then black smoke hits Kai in the face. Kai starts coughing, and trying to wipe the dust off his face. Kai stumbles back, and falls off the building. Kai teleports to the top of the building again. He wipes his face off.

Kai: What's your power?!

Raelynn: I control the elements. All of them.

Water splashes at Kai. The water turns into small ice needles that stick into Kai's abdomen. A rock flies at Kai. Kai punches the rock and it breaks into pieces. The ice in his stomach starts to melt. Then Raelynn flicks her wrist. Kai is gasping for air, but can't breath.

Raelynn: Having a problem over there?

Kai punches forward. A blast of energy comes from his fist and hits Raelynn. Raelynn flies into the side of the roof. She gets back up and Kai starts breathing again. Then Kai teleports to Raelynn and punches her. She waits for a second and then puts her hand over Kai's fist. Her hand starts to be pushed back, and then Kai's arm dissolves into water. Kai jumps back.

Kai: What the hell?!

Remi returns to Kai's house. Max is on the couch waiting for her.

Remi: I saw him in the building.

Max: It's finally time to get revenge. All you have to do now is wait.

Remi: I've been waiting so long already. A few more hours isn't really all that much.

Max taps the spot next to him on the couch. Remi sits down and they start watching tv. Kai is looking at his missing arm.

Kai: It doesn't hurt.

Raelynn: How?!

Kai: You cut the nerves. I feel nothing, but that's going to take a little time to heal.

Raelynn has a weird expression..

Raelynn: Your so… different. You acted normal when we first talked, and now your just a whole different being.

Kai laughs.

Kai: People have been saying that a lot. Since you're about to lose anyway I might as well tell you. I normally do a lot of thinking, but I don't really show it. I've been in my head a lot more lately. In prison I realized that it's time to move on from just being a hero twenty four seven. When I was younger I went head first into the military. I went on year long missions. I didn't take breaks. As soon as I came home I did the same thing. Except that's when it became bounty hunting. I eventually quit that. Then all I did was take down villains. It's a cycle, and I think it's time I break the cycle. After I take down W.A.T.K.H.

Raelynn: Why are you telling me this?

Kai: Therapists usually say it's good to get out your thoughts, but that's only partly the reason I told you. I also saw a few similarities between us.

Raelynn: How do I match up with your story on how your an addict?

Kai: Because every time I was in denial about the new activity I found. You're in denial about something too.

Raelynn: What are you talking about?

Kai: I would have been dead already if you went for the head, but you hesitated and then went for my arm.

Raelynn: Don't try to psychoanalyze me! I know what I fight for!

Raelynn throws fireballs at Kai. Kai charges her. He takes out his staff, and deflects those fireballs. Then the ground below him disappears. He falls down, and the ground reappears. Kai teleports back up to the top of the building to continue his charge. A storm appears above them, and lightning strikes down near Kai. Kai moves in a random pattern to dodge lightning. Then Kai swings his staff. Raelynn touches it, and it disappears. Then Kai kicks Raelynn in the head. She falls to the ground, and Kai puts meta-cuffs on her. Kai sighs.

Kai: I wonder when I'll get my arm back.

Kai waits for the B.L.A.D.E soldiers to come. Then he travels back home. As he is traveling back home he sees that the sky is getting dark. Kai opens his door, and sees Max on the couch.

Kai: Where's Remi?

Max: She just left. She's on a mission.

Kai: Shouldn't you be downstairs then?

Max: I have everything hooked up to my phone. It will alert me if she needs help, but I have a feeling she won't need help with this mission.

Kai sits down on the couch.

Max: What happened to your ar?

Kai: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Remi waits on the top of a building. It gets darker and darker. She sees the last people leave the building. Remi sneaks through the window. She walks down the corridor, and into a room. She is standing above Chales. He looks up at her from his desk.

Chales: W-who are you?

Remi takes off her mask.

Remi: Do you remember me now?

Charles looks at her face, and he gets a flash of another woman.

Charles: Your Zoey's daughter.

Remi: You killed my mother because she was digging into you. She wanted to report you-

Charles slams his hands on the table.

Charles: No!

Charles looks like he is going to cry.

Charles: I did not kill Zoey! You can hate me for a lot of things, but that is not one of them. I should have done more for her. Zoey and I loved each other! I wish I had done more for her. I am not her killer. The president, Jayden Bordon, killed your mother.