
The planes fly over New York city. Kai and Remi look out the window to see the city in ruins below them.

Kai: You'll land at one of New York's airports.

Remi: We'll have to fly over General Grey's base. Won't he try to shoot us down?

Kai: Pilot, can you avoid General Grey's building?

Pilot: No. He's in the shot of the runway.

Kai shrugs.

Kai: Hopefully we don't get shot down.

They can hear bullets being fired. A missile flies past the plane.

Kai: That was close.

Another missile hits the plane's wing. The plane starts losing altitude rapidly.

Pilot: We're going to crash! Brace yourselves!

The pilots pull up on the steering. The plane still losses altitude quickly. The ground approaches, the closer it gets the more anxiety takes over the pilots. The plane smashes on the ground. The wheels break off, and the metal of the plane slides across the ground of the runway. Sparks fly off the plane. The plane spins to its side before it stops. Kai runs to the back of the plane. He opens the door and jumps out of the plane. Remi follows him.

Remi: What are you doing?

Kai: The plane is in the way. The other planes will crash into this one if we don't move it.

Kai grabs the plane. He starts pulling it. The plane moves little by little. Remi grabs the plane and pulls it with Kai. Kai sees another plane incoming.

Kai: We won't be able to move it in time. Everyone! Get out of the plane!

The League members jump out of the plane. They all run away from the plane to a clear area. Kai thinks to himself for a second.

Kai: I'm going to make a spirit hand. When I make it, put sparks in the hand.

Remi: Alright.

White energy covers Kai's arm. It extends out twice Kai's arms length. A glowing white hand appears at the end of the energy. Remi holds sparks in her hand creating more and more. She drops the sparks into Kai's energy hand. Kai slams his hand into the plane. The spark goes off, and the explosion propels the plane to the other side of the runway. The other plane hits the runway. Both Remi and Kai jump to the side dodging the plane. They both look at each other.

Kai: How the hell does General Grey's soldiers have that kind of aim?!

Remi: I told you not to fly over his building!

Kai: What's in the past is in the past. We should move on.

Remi: I'll move on to smacking you.

One more plane comes in. The group of League members all get together. Kai and Remi stand before them.

Kai: Alright, listen up. You guys are normal humans. You aren't very powerful. You have stayed mostly out of the war. You are untrained in the new territory that is the US. Your swords aren't going to do anything because the mutants have ranged attacks. They have superpowers and guns that could take down mutants pretty quickly. That's why we are going to get some of these guns for ourselves.

Kai mumbles under his breath.

Kai: Now that we're in range the coms should work.

He taps his ear and walks a little away from the League members.

Kai: Max, where can I give a fleet of ninjas guns?

Max: The soldier base off in east harlem. You could ask them nicely.

Kai sighs.

Kai: Yeah, I'll use my manners.

Kai shuts off com's and walks back over to the League members.

Kai: Follow behind me in the shadows. I'll signal when you can come out.

The League members nod. Minutes later Kai is walking down the Harlem streets.

Kai: My old neighborhood has really gone to shit.

Kai looks around and remembers that everyone is hiding.

Kai: The one time I have a good joke.

Kai sees the building. Soldiers are outside the building. Kai walks up and soldiers point their guns at him. Kai raises his hands.

Kai: I'm here to talk.

Soldier: Are you a mutant?

Kai: Let me say this again. I'm here to talk. Where's your captain?

Soldier: You better leave mutant! You'll get a bullet through your skull.

Kai: Do you think I really would have come here if I was afraid of being shot? Open the fucking door.

One of the soldiers reluctantly opens the door. Kai walks in and the fleet of soldiers all point their guns at him. The captain steps forward. He is wearing glasses and smoking a cigarette.

Captain: Good to see a mutant with some common sense! There's not many of em, right men?

The captain lets out a laugh.

Kai: I'm not here to turn myself in. I need your guns.

The captain stops laughing.

Captain: Excuse me?

Kai: I need your guns.

The captain takes off his glasses.

Captain: Are you trying to tell me that you think I'm just going to let some mutant scum take my guns for himself?

Kai: Well they aren't for me.

The captain looks so confused and disrespected that his cigarette drops out of his open mouth.

Kai: See, I'm guessing you've heard of General Grey. He has an army more than double the size of yours. Now you could stay in New York and do nothing about him until he inevitably kills you, or…

Kai taps coms.

Kai: Remi.

Kai turns off his com.

Captain: What are you doing?

The League members show up outside. Kai walks out the door.

Kai: You're going to need a bigger army. If it helps, they're all human.



Kai travels back home as the captain gears up the League members. Remi returns home with Kai. When they walk inside Leo is walking on the roof and Owen is talking to him.

Owen: Blood doesn't go to your head or anything? You're just kind of, fine.?

Leo: I'm cold-blooded.

Max spins around in his chair.

Max: Oh Kai, you're back.

Leo: What happened with the League of Assassins?

Leo jumps down from the ceiling.

Kai: I recruited a lot of the members. They're gearing up with B.L.A.D.E. soldiers.

Owen: What? I thought you hated B.L.A.D.E.

Kai: Sometimes you have to work with the ones you hate. Speaking of, I think I have one last call to make.


Kai is sitting down at Bibble and Sip with a coffee. The Bibble and Sip building is in shambles. The only thing not destroyed is the walls and ceiling. A woman walks inside. She has armor, she has a full chestplate now, shinguards and gauntlets. and long hair, with a black undersuit. She has a belt with two portugues falling down on each side.

Terra: Hey Kai. What do you need? You wanted me here fast.

Kai: Do you know of a man named General Grey?

Terra: Oh yeah, he's been terrorizing New York since the war started!

Kai: I'm staging an attack on his base. B.L.A.D.E. soldiers, League of Assassin members, my team, we're all going to fight him. I can't afford to lose this battle. So I'm gonna need, your help…

Terra: First of all, you have a team?

Kai: A man with powers like a spider. He goes by Arachno. An ex cop fighting back against the corrupt department. His name's Owen. Lastly a woman with powers to create explosions. Her name is Remi.

Terra: I'm guessing you need as much help as you can get, I can get my friends involved.

Kai: How many friends?

Terra: Like five. Maybe more.

Kai: Are they like you?

Terra: Like me? I mean some are.

Kai: In what way?

Terra: What do you mean like me?

Kai: You know, loving explosions. Terrorists like behavior. You know, like you.

Terra: I'm getting pretty tired of the term Terra the Terrorist. I'm trying not to do shit like that anymore.

Kai: A terrorist who turned a new leaf is still a terrorist. If you're trying to stop being like that. Then your friends should be trustworthy enough. Call them up. We'll meet at the warehouse.

Terra: I bet you can agree that this war's my fault. I have to put a stop to it somehow.

Kai: We're all trying to put a stop to it. Until the war does stop, there are still more lives we can save.

Terra: Yeah, I'll call them, where's your base?

Kai: We can go there now.


The pair walked into the warehouse.

Terra: And then she blew a huge hole the Brooklyn Bridge! How did you not notice?

Kai: I was fighting off W.A.T.K.H. at the time. I was busy with other stuff.

Terra: Well after Delta destroyed the place I found out she wasn't that bad. A radical feminist. But when you look past that she's alright.

Max: Was that the last call? Pretty anticlimactic.

Terra's friend walked in. She wore full body armor and short hair. She wears a short blue sweatshirt over her armor.

Terra: This is Delta

Kai: It's alright, I guess. Terra, did you fill them in yet, or do I have to give Delta a briefing?

Delta: We're acquainted with General Grey. So what's the plan to take him down? I doubt a skinny guy like you could take him down.

Kai: We're mutants. The hell does muscle mass matter? By your logic you can't take him down because you're a woman.

Delta: I have the power of the gods. You're a mutant. We all have different power sets. What can you do?

Kai: Regeneration, teleportation, the ability to control energy-

Max: We all know you have a little dick. What's the plan?

Kai: Tomorrow B.L.A.D.E. soldiers and League of Assassin members will be on the front lines attacking General Grey's base. They will have more trucks and military weapons then the B.L.A.D.E. soldiers. Leo, Owen, Remi, and Delta will help fight against the mutant soldiers. Terra, and I will climb the stairs of the building. We'll attack General Grey and hopefully take him out.

Kai: Delta has to stay back. We'll get in each other's way. It'll do more harm than good and we can't let anything get in the way of taking down the fight.

Terra: We're going straight for Grey?

Kai: Waste no time. I don't know how powerful he is. We can't let him get the drop on us.

Delta: Why don't we get the drop on him? Put a bullet between his eyes.

Terra: Why don't you teleport to him and shoot him?

Delta took one of her guns out of it's holster and handed him the weapon.

Kai: I have a bad feeling about this, but it's the plan.


General Grey is sitting down at his desk. Fox is sitting in the chair in front of him. They sit in silence.

Fox: I thought you would have been gone already. You should just let me take this place over.

General Grey: You have no ambition. You only try to do something when you know you'll win. You never think outside of the box.

Fox: You're going to end up dead because you still haven't come back to the box. Fine, I'll settle with taking it over with you. It will be both of us together. Just like the good ol' days.

General Grey scoffs at Fox's comment.

General Grey: Good ol' times. You're a greedy bastard that doesn't want to put in work. I'm not settling for taking half the credit. If I have to Fox I'll kill you. You've been nothing but a bane to the mutants.

Fox: But I'm still alive. Can't say the same for a lot of the other mutants. When are we taking this place over.

General Grey: Get out of my office.

Fox: Of course. You have our work to get done. I'm going to go take a nap. Tell me when we have to do something.

Fox opens the door to leave. A bullet goes past his head.

Fox: You missed.

General Grey: A warning shot.