
Kai is sitting in the back of a B.L.A.D.E truck with League members covered in gear. The truck moves up and down over the bumps of the old street. The truck is silent except for the sound of the engine. The League members' faces are as still as ever. Leo sits on the opposite side of Kai.

Leo: Who would have known.

Kai: Known what?

Leo: When I first met you I was still in highschool. Now I'm an adult and we're fighting a mutant warmonger.

Kai: Your welcome. Look at all the stuff I did for you.

Leo: Not much.

Kai: Take what you can get.

The truck stops.

Kai: It's time.

Everyone gets out of the truck. Other B.L.A.D.E. trucks show up with soldiers. Terra, Delta, Owen, and Remi all jump out of trucks. Everyone charges into General Greys base. Mutants run to the wall around the base. Remi throws sparks at the entrance. The door explodes and launches off its hinges. Bullets fly across the air. Mutants and humans both get hit by the plasma bullets. People start falling to the ground. Remi threw sparks and caused a huge amount of metas to blow away. Kai runs through the battlefield with Terra and Delta in tow. Terra and Delta had taken off pieces of armor and surrounded the group with a barrier. They stop in front of the building.

Kai: We're going to the top floor.

Kai puts his hand on both their shoulders. They teleport into the building. General Grey and General Fox stand before them. Kai shoots a bullet. The bullet stops in the air right before it hits General Grey.

General Grey: Shouldn't you be in California?

Kai: I came back. With a little help from the President.

General Fox: I thought you had this placed cleared. Now some low lives are fighting back.

General Grey: We kill them and take this place over. The plan hasn't changed.

Terra: You remember me?

General Grey: Terra the Terrorist. A pleasure to meet you in person.

Terra: You tried to take over all of New York! What would you even gain?

General Grey: It should be damn clear what I gain. New York is one of the biggest cities in the US. People learn that New York has been conquered along with San Francisco they'll lose hope. We kill off the last few soldiers with spirit and we'll take the victory. You think small. You take it to personally. It's war. Everyone has set out to win it.

Terra: It's a war that I started! I can't let you take New York too.

Terra and Delta jumped at Grey. He instantly froze them in the air. Their armor shaking, and slammed them down a couple floors.

General Grey: Fox, take them.

General Fox jumped down to Terra and Delta.

Delta fired a shot at Fox. A huge blast of dust shot straight at the pair. They protected themselves with their armor. Terra flipped up close and hit him with a kick. He threw a punch at her head but she dodged. She slipped off her gauntlet and hit him in the head. He slapped the gauntlet out of the air. Delta shot more at Fox, He shot a blast of dust at her. She jumped out of the way. He fired a blast of dust at Terra's open arm. She got a huge gash on her arm. Fox fired a blast of sand into her mouth. Delta grabbed Terra and pulled her back.

Delta: You alright?

Terra coughed up sand.

Terra: Not really. But who cares.

Fox: Stand and fight! You said you wanted to fight for your home. Right?

Delta: Be careful Terra. You've got no range.

Delta shot a bunch of gunshots at Fox. He made a shield out of dust. He took his gun off it's sling and shot a barrage of bullets. Terra and Delta took off parts of their armor and blocked the bullets. Fox shot a blast of sand. Which got past them. Both of them were hit with huge amounts of high speed sand. They fell down, and quickly put their armor back on. Fox pointed his gun right at the pair.


Kai runs at General Grey. General Grey puts out his hands. Kai's metal mask covers his entire face. General Grey punches Kai in the stomach twice then kick's Kai back. Kai rips off the metal mask.

Kai: You can control metal. Good I don't have too much of that.

Kai hops back to his feet. Kai starts running forwards again. The ground comes up into a wall. The wall slides at Kai. Kai teleports to General Grey. Kai superman punches. A piece of metal appears in front of Kai's hand. Kai's hand hits the metal hard. It dents it, but doesn't break through. Kai lands on the ground. General Grey punches Kai in the forehead. The force pushes Kai back. Kai falls back to the ground. Metal covers Kai.

General Grey: Die.

General Grey closes his fist. The metal slams down. Kai elbows General Grey in the back. General Grey stumbles forward. He turns around.

General Grey: That damn teleportation. You forgot one thing.


Bullets still fly through the air. Leo knocks out a soldier. He shoots a web. It grabs onto one of the soldiers. He spins the soldier around, knocking into the soldiers around him, and then throws him. A punch comes at Leo. He kicks the man back. Leo shoots two webs and pulls a soldier over to him. Leo knocks the soldier out with a punch. A stray bullet hits Leo in the shoulder. A soldier runs up to Leo and hits him with the butt of the gun. Owen shoots two bullets. They go through two soldiers' chests. Owen gets hit with a bullet. His vest absorbs the shot. Owen shoots another bullet. It goes through two of the mutants heads. Three shot at Owen. His Vest protects the first few shots. Then the last one goes through his stomach. Remi throws sparks into the crowd. Mutants are blasted back. The cleared area is soon filled up with more mutant soldiers. Remi is surrounded by soldiers shooting at her. Bullets hit her arms and in her stomach.


Kai's metal staff wraps around him holding him tight. He is floating in air, being held up by the staff.

General Grey: Should have gotten rid of all your metal.


Kai struggles to get out of the metal.

General Grey: No words. Okay.

One part of the staff pulls away from him for a second. A giant blade forms and stabs Kai right through the chest. Kai falls to the ground bleeding.

General Grey: Your luck has run out. You may be able to regenerate, but you can only go so far.

General Grey puts out both of his hands. A metal ball surrounds Kai. General Grey cliches his fist. Spikes stab through the center of the sphere. Blood comes out of the metal sphere. General Grey looks at the sphere for a second, zoning out, he snaps back. General Grey moves his hands. The Metal Sphere flies out of the building with Kai in it.


Delta kicked up and hit Fox in the face. She took out her axe and swung it down at his neck. He moved out of the way and hit her back. Terra thrust forward with her spear. She stabbed straight right through Fox's stomach. But there was no blood. He had turned himself into dust.

Delta: Terra, I've got a plan.

They got close to each other.

Delta: Pin him down.

Fox: How do you kill someone you can't even hit? Show me!

Terra jumped out and kicked him in the face. He shot sand at Terra's foot. Pinning her. She started glowing a vibrant red. And she got out of Fox's grip. He tried to hit her in the head with his gun. But Terra took it and threw it off the building. Delta came out of nowhere and blitzed Fox. She cupped her hands forward. Her gloves protected against the gigantic line of sand coming at her. A mask covered her eyes. And she advanced forward. She grabbed his face. And turned part of his face into stone slowly. He put his hand up to her mouth. Terra sliced his arm off. He grabbed his arm and yelled out in pain. Delta turned his face to stone and backed up. His body fell, and his face shattered like glass.

Terra: I hope Kai's doing alright.

General Grey: Me too.

General Grey jumped from the top floor to Terra and Delta's level. Terra threw her spear straight at him. He froze it in the air and turned it around and fired it at Terra. He stabbed Terra right in the stomach.

Terra: Not again!

Delta flipped over to Grey and slammed her axe down at him. He squatted down and grabbed the axe. He ripped it out of Delta's hand and kicked her in the stomach. He threw the axe off the building. Delta unloaded the rest of her clip at Grey. He froze it in midair and shot back at the two. They chinked off of Delta. She shot more. But this time they were red energy bullets. Grey walked forward. The bullets did nothing. He grabbed both Delta and Terra by the armor. He picked them up and slammed them into each other.

General Grey: You're like puppets. I control your every move.

He slammed them into the wall. And wrapped a metal beam around them.

General Grey hears gunshots. He takes the elevator down to the first floor. He walks out the door to see soldiers fighting. He puts his hands out. Smaller pieces of metal wrap around the human soldiers arms like handcuffs.

General Grey: That was all you had. Your last stand to save a city and you couldn't even put up a fight. Pitiful. Your city deserves better.

General Grey walks inside.

General Grey: Allan still got himself killed. He was dead to me a long time ago.