
In the front yard, the twins are standing in front of Kai.

Kai: Your powers are finally coming in. That means that you're going to have to wear these bracelets. You won't be able to use your powers while you wear them. Don't tell anyone about your powers, okay.

The twins speak at the same time.

Twins: Okay.

Kai: Alright now go off to school.

The twins run up next to Genki, waiting for the bus. The bus comes and picks them up. Kai walks back over to Remi.

Remi: Should we really believe they aren't going to tell anyone?

Kai: No, they'll at least tell a few people. Who's going to believe them though? They're kids.

Remi: B.L.A.D.E. might.

Kai: If anything happens I'll get Bordon on the line.

Remi grabs the necklace she is wearing.

Remi: You gave me this so the B.L.A.D.E. scanners don't pick up that I'm mutant. If the kids bracelets work the same then they'll be fine.

Kai: Of course they will. The bracelets lock onto their wrists. The only one who could figure out how to take it off is the teacher.

Remi: And I emailed the school that their bracelets need to stay on.

Kai: So they will be fine.

Remi: I'm worried. I wish neither of them had superpowers, but I'm glad that Genki doesn't at least.

Kai: We'll teach them to live without their superpowers. Not to be ashamed of having them, but how to live a good life without it.

Remi: I never want them to grow up and become superheroes.

Kai: It's a good career. Look at where it got me.

Remi rolls her eyes at him.

Remi: You're lucky you heal fast. So many people have died while you were running around. Your human friends and other heroes. I can't imagine having to bury my own kids.

Kai: That's why we're here. Tou protect our kids.

Remi: When they're adults there's only so much we can do. I don't want to be overbearing.

Kai: Then teach them why they shouldn't while they are young. Once they get older they'll make whatever decisions they see fit. Whether we think it was the right decision or not.

The bus picks up the kids and drives away.

Kai: Remi, you'll still be there to guide them even when they're adults. You can only do so much. So stop worrying about it.

Remi kisses Kai on the cheek.

Remi: I know. I just wish the circumstances were better. I gotta go. I'll see you later.

Remi walks back inside the house and Kai walks over to the garage. Kai gets in his car and drives to work. When Kai gets in the elevator Max comes running. Kai holds the door and Max gets in.

Max: I thought you were going to wave again like the piece of shit you are.

Kai: That's no way to talk to your boss.

Max: You're still an asshole.

Kai: One time thing.

Max: A one time murder still makes you a killer.

Kai: You got me there.

Max: So?

Kai: So what?

Max: You know.

Kai: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Max: With all these mutant bank robberies. Are you going to dawn the mask again?

Kai: Hell no. B.L.A.D.E. can handle that with all the government funds. Plus Remi's gained a hatred for superheroes along with the rest of the world.

Max: Remi doesn't want you to get hurt? You can heal fast! What kind of dumb shit is that?!

Kai: Probably because we have kids now. Even if I don't die, the kids don't need to see me come home bloody and beaten.

The elevator stops and opens. Kai and Max walk out of the elevator.

Max: Your kids don't matter!

Kai: Let's agree to disagree on that one.

They walk inside Kai's office as the secretary looks dumb founded.

Secretary: Is he gay?

Inside Kai's office, the hologram turns on.

Max: You're really not going to fight at all?

Kai: Nope, I'm just going to give any information I learn about to Owen.

Max: That doesn't sound like you at all. Very beta male.

Kai: I didn't ask to be judged.

Max: You're scared of a little fght!

Kai: I'm not scared.

Max: You're scared of being bloody and beaten. You said it yourself.

Kai: You are really twisting my words.

Max: Admit that you're scared!

The secretary hears the yelling from outside the office.

Secretary: Maybe I should find another job?

Back in the other room Kai is shaking his head.

Kai: Why are you so into this case? It's just bank robberies! Why do you care?

Max: I'm bored! I have nothing to do anymore. What am I supposed to do on my computer? You have me the special computer and I can't even use it for anything special anymore. I go to work, I come home and hang out with my boyfriend. Then I sleep and go back to work. I have absolutely nothing to do.

Kai: You want to make me fight people for your entertainment.

There is a moment of silence.

Max: Exactly.

Kai: Get back to work Max!

Kai sends Max out of his office. The secretary walks up to Max.

Secretary: Is the boss gay?

Max: What? He has two kids.

Secretary: You and I both know that doesn't mean anything.

Max: No, he's not gay. We're just talking about a meeting about a new product, but he can't go because of his kids.

Secretary: Oh, okay.

Max: Yeah.

Max walks away.

Max: She wants to sleep with him.


Owen is sitting at his desk. He is shuffling through papers.

Owen: Blueberry donut or Chocolate glazed. The tough decisions of a cop. I'll just get both.

Owen finds a paper with a picture of Soul Master on it. Owen starts reading the text on the paper.

Owen: Julian Baker, less formally known as Soul Master. B.L.A.D.E tried to capture him once, to no avail. He controlled all of them and made them kill each other. He claims it was for his amusement.

Owen mumbles as he scans the text on the page. He starts speaking more clearly as he gets to important information.

Owen: He was in a mental institute since he was fifteen. He broke out at the age of twenty one. He controlled everyone in the mental hospital and made them perform puppet shows.

Owen looks disgusted at what he is reading.

Owen: This man is insane. He needs to be taken down immediately. He has no regard for life. It's surprising he hasn't killed anyone during the bank robberies. That's proof he isn't working alone.

Owen sees everyone outside of the office is completely still. Owen sees a woman walk through the front door. Owen grabs his gun and runs out of his office. He holds up his gun and the woman takes out her blade. Owen shoots off a few arounds. As the two bullets come her way she slices them both in half. Owen tries to shoot again, but he is frozen. Owen drops his gun and puts both arms at his side.

Owen: I can't control my body.

Shi: You're lucky you still have control over your mouth.

Owen: Then why do I?

Shi: Because I like you. You went against the whole police department because they were corrupt. You're amazing.

The woman starts walking over to the hallway.

Owen: What are you trying to get?

Shi: I know who you're friends with. You already know what I want. Don't play dumb.

The woman walks out of sight for a minute. When she comes back into sight her blade is at her side and she is holding Cal's sword with both hands. She walks back over to Owen and puts the sword down. She kisses Owen on the cheek.

Shi: Maybe we can play again sometime.

She picks the sword back up and carries it over to four B.L.A.D.E. soldiers. They're all lined up.

Shi: I don't hurt good people, but we all know what B.L.A.D.E. soldiers are. They're just the worst. So you're going to have to die.

They all yell through closed lips, unable to move.

Shi: Yeah, see you in Hell.

She lifts up the sword and swings. The sword cuts through all of them. The two halves of each body fall on the ground. Cal's sword is covered in blood.

Shi: Bloody, just as I like it.

Shi leaves the building. A few minutes after she leaves everyone can move again.

Owen: The only woman that likes me and she is a murderous psychopath.


Kai drives home from the school with all the children in the back seat.

Genki: Why are we getting picked up today?

Kai: We're all going somewhere today, but we have to go home and pick up your mother.

Caleb: Where are we going?

Kai: It's a secret.

Rachel: For how long?

Kai: Until we get there.

Genki: You two are so annoying.

Caleb: Am not!

Genki: Are to!

Kai: Nope, none of that. If you're going to argue like that you might as well just be quiet.

Kai pulls the car into the garage.

Kai: If you gotta go to the bathroom go.

Nobody moves.

Kai: Good.

Kai walks inside the house. Hung on the wall is Cal's sword covered in blood. Kai walks up to the sword. Kai's phone starts ringing. He picks up the call.

Owen: The woman is helping take down the banks. You were right! The man controlling everyone goes by puppet master. He controlled everyone in the NYPD. Then the woman walked in and stole the sword.

Kai: I think I might have to put the mask back on.

Owen: Yeah, the police can't handle Soul Master!

Kai: No, Cal's sword is in my house. The woman wants to kill me.