Remi walks in the door and sees the bloody sword mounted on the wall.

Remi: What did you do?!

Kai: I wasn't me! The kids are out in the car. Bring them to the zoo and I'll clean this up.

Remi: You better explain this later!

Kai: You'll get an explanation.

Remi walks off to the garage. She sits in the driver seat and the kids look at her.

Remi: Your father won't be coming with us.

Genki: Why not?

Remi: Um, he is making a special dinner. It's going to take a little while so he has to stay home.

Caleb: We're are we going?

Remi: We're all going to the zoo. You'll be able to pet animals and see lions.

Caleb: Awesome.

The kids start murmuring about the zoo and Remi takes a breath of relief.


Kai wipes the blade off. He cleans the wall with a rag and a bottle of spray wash. He cleans off the wall and gets a mop. Soon the room is back to the way it originally was.

Kai: No matter how hard I try to stay away from fighting. I even get League members to do it for me. No matter what it comes back...

Kai walks to the furnace. He takes a brick out of the fireplace. It slowly moves out of the way. Kai walks down the stairs and the fireplace closes behind him. He steps onto the basement floor. Seeing a dusty old room.

Kai: Someone has to clean this place, but I'm not doing it. I'm not cleaning for one last mission.

Kai sees his suit put up on a manikin.

Kai: God, even the suit needs to be cleaned.


Shi walks onto a gun range. The pops and cracks of gunshots going off. As she walks through the crowd of people guys stare at her. A man sits at one booth. He holds the gun up and fires a whole clip into the target. Not a single bullet missed the bullseye. Shi starts watching him shoot. He picks up a bigger gun. He picks up an automatic and switches it to single fire. He after a few shots hit the bullseye. He switches the mode to automatic. He holds down the trigger. The shots become a little more inaccurate, but still hit around the center of the target. A man comes up.

Man: You use single fire. Have you never been to a gun range before?!

The man at the booth doesn't turn around. He starts looking at the guns.

Shooter: I know my way around a gun.

Man: That's not what I said.

Shooter: What did you say then?

The man at the booth holds up a nine millimeter gun.

Man: Just leave.

The man at the booth nods his head.

Shooter: Alright.

Shi follows the man as he leaves the building.

Shi: I believe you're the man I'm looking for.

Shooter: Nobody looks for me. You must be talking about someone else.

Shi: I don't think I am.

Shi looks at a gun on the man's side. The gun hangs from his belt.

Shi: It has a certain glow to it.

Shooter: It's the italian SPAS 12. What would a little lady like you see in a shotgun?

Shi: More than you know.

Shi takes out her blade.

Shooter: It glows. What do you want?

Shi: I need your help taking someone down.

Shooter: I don't do that anymore. I can't help you.

The man starts to walk away.

Shi: It's a mutant posing as a human. He escaped being captured by B.L.A.D.E.

Shooter: I'm in, but I need proof he's a mutant.


Kai drives Remi's car up to the police department. Kai grabs Cal's sword out of the back. He carries it inside the building. Cops stare at him. Kai puts his hand up.

Kai: I know it looks suspicious. Move on.

Kai carries the sword to storage. He puts the sword back where it belongs and walks inside Owen's office. Kai sits down as Owen is going through papers.

Kai: Owen.

Owen doesn't realize Kai is there.

Kai: Owen!

Owen moves back in surprise of the noise.

Owen: Oh, Kai. When did you get there?

Kai: What are you, old, deaf, and blind?

Owen: Apparently, but I'm glad you're here. I have been going through papers and I think I have found her next partner.

Kai: How?

Owen: Since this woman, Shi, I found her case file. Has a soul blade and was able to find another soul blade. She would most likely be making partners with other soul blade wielders. So I looked for any strange weapon or abilities, like you've told me Cal had before, when you go on about how your friends died.

Kai: I'm not that whiny.

Owen: Whatever you say, I found this guy when I looked through our database.

Owen slides a file over to Kai. Kai opens it up to see a man with jet black hair and a beard. The man looks like he's in his 40s.

Owen: He's an ex-B.L.A.D.E soldier named Carlos Jones. When people started hating mutants he joined along with the mob mentality. He was a great soldier. He had pinpoint accuracy, but when he got the soul blade they thought he was a mutant because of his powers. He was disgracefully discharged to say the least.

Kai: Then we need to find him before Shi does. Where is he?

Owen: Where would any ex-soldier go?

Kai: To his house?

Owen: The shooting range. People go where they know best.


Kai and Owen travel to several shooting ranges. Eventually they talk to one manager who seems to have answers.

Owen: Have you seen a man named Carlos Jones? Jet black hair and a beard.

Man: Yeah… Yeah, I have. He used an automatic and held down the trigger spraying bullets. That guy was a dickhead. He was talking about going to a puppet show or something at an old theatre. He walked with some stunning silver haired girl. Man, she was so beautiful.

Owen: Yeah, that's all the information we need. Thank you.

Kai and Owen start walking out of the building.

Kai: I know all the abandoned buildings around here. I'll be able to find it, but I need to go alone.

Owen: You're right. It's definitely a trap. If I go in, that puppet master can control my mind. You're the only one who has a chance of being able to control himself.

Kai: Hopefully being able to control spiritual energy will work it's magic.

Owen: Hopefully you deal with them so the police don't have to. We can't do anything against them.


Once it turns night, Kai travels to the old theatre. He walks inside the first room. All the lights are off. He opens the door to the theatre part of the building. He sees all the lights on. People fill up the seats. Kai sits down in one of the only seats that are open. Kai watches the stage. There are two puppets set up in a booth.

Puppet1: Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?

Puppet2: I don't know.

Puppet1: It was two tired!

Everyone in the crowd laughs.

Puppet1: How does Moses make his coffee?

Puppet2: I don't know.

Puppet1: Hebrews it!

Everyone in the crowd laughs. Soul Master stands up from behind the booth.

Soul Master: Someone's not laughing! I can sense it! Who isn't laughing?!

Kai stands up. Everyone turns and looks at him. Their eyes are all blue. Kai mumbles under his breath.

Kai: He controls everyone in the room.

Soul Master: Kill him for his treachery!

All of the people run at Kai. Kai dodges their punches and tries not to hurt them.

Kai: There all people. I can't hurt them for being controlled.

Eventually Kai starts getting punched. The fists don't hurt, but they start to get annoying. Kai puts out his hands, and energy blasts everyone back.

Kai runs to the stage, but Soul Master has disappeared. On Top of a building, Shi and Carlos stand looking through the theatre window.

Shi: Is that proof?

Carlos: I'll cover him in lead.