Chapter 119

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

The third highness of the hall demon family, unexpectedly, has the disease pattern of the son of the God and the devil!

The devil Zun Yan Fang clenches his fists. He carefully distinguishes the disease lines on his body, but finds that those lines do grow in his texture. Muddy confusion, such as stepping on the mud in the snow, gray dirty.

Lady Baigu turned back and knocked on xueqingxin's back, but xueqingxin didn't dodge.

She leaned forward slightly and fell on her knees. The queen said, "you are possessed, but you have a child with a sick mark. There is only one possibility, that is, the wind is not your blood! Snow fall in love, how dare you! Who is responsible for this evil? Haven't you brought it from the facts? "

She received this staff, but Yan Fang did not maintain it. Snow fell in love and looked up. There was a crystal in her eyes. "Do you think so, my lord?" she asked softly

Yan Fang's fingertip pinched into his palm. He asked in a deep voice, "whose child is he?"

Snow fell into tears like rain, but with a smile on her face, she said: "you still doubt me. My love for two thousand and eight hundred years has been severed at this time. "

Yan Fang clenched his teeth and spilled blood from his mouth. His words were stained with blood: "it's him, isn't it?"

That so-called him, of course, refers to the emperor Shaodian night clothes. But today, he dare not even mention his name. What a shame!

The empress of the devil forced herself not to be overjoyed and said, "emperor Shaodian Xiaoyi has a deep mind. He will send this bitch into our demon family, and there will be a conspiracy! Don't hurt God for such a bitch, please! Drag her down and torture her! "

Xuanyuan magic Ji just wanted to talk, but king scale forced her to quit the camp. Outside the tent, Xuanyuan mage breaks away from the king and says, "father! Will it be too immoral for us to leave at this time? Don't you say that we should attach ourselves to the third prince and fight against the devil? "

The back of scale motioned for her to be quiet, and pulled her away quickly: "shut up! Now it seems that this third highness is indeed not from your highness. Do you want to implicate the whole Shen Bei yuan scale clan when you come up to distinguish for him? "

Xuanyuan magic Ji is a female general, and she is not afraid of things. She said: "father, don't you forget that in your early years, you asked me to make a marriage agreement with ridicule. Now even if we leave, won't the clansmen be implicated? "

Fearing that anyone around him would hear him, King scale quickly said, "shut up! Don't mention this again. After going back, the father will send someone to remarry! "

He took his daughter out of the camp as if he was afraid of any plague. In the account, two magic soldiers came forward, but hesitated not to move. Snow fell in love with herself and stood up. She turned to follow the demon soldiers. When she was near the door, she suddenly said, "I said earlier, the demon family has no place for me. There is no wind. The love of the Lord can't protect me. No matter how much I forbear or yield, I can only die from the struggle of composition. "

Yan Fang is stunned. This is what Xue Qingxin said to him two thousand and eight hundred years ago when she was just pregnant. And she said this because at that time, he believed and swore frankly that he would marry her.

Yan Fang turns his face and is stunned.

——His face was full of tears.

Seeing snow falling in love with her, she was about to be taken down. Suddenly, someone shouted, "wait!"

When the demons turned around, they found that it wasn't someone else. It was Wudai! Wu Dai strode to the taunt wind couch and said: "father, after all, the third brother was just injured here for the devil family. For many years, he has never done anything harmful to the demons! With a few black lines, my father doubted him, which inevitably made people cold and teeth cold! "

He has always been impulsive and has no scruples in speaking at this time.

The queen frowned - what's the matter with him?

She said: "here is your honor. How can you talk here? Not yet! "

As soon as she spoke, a magic soldier came up. Wu Dai shook the sky axe in his hand and asked angrily, "who dares?"

Seeing this, the magic soldiers dare not change at once. Although Wu Dai is impulsive and straightforward, he can also be the first warrior of the demon family! The queen said angrily, "your father and our palace are here, still in front of your aunt. Do you want to rebel?"

Wu Daihu was in front of the taunt wind couch and said, "my son dare not. But the last time they repaired the ruins, they were supposed to go there. But for the mockery, I am afraid that my son and his officials would have died in the ruins. I, Udie, have a clear sense of resentment. I will do my best to distract him for this brotherhood. Father, aunt, now he can't speak, his mother Xuefei doesn't confess! You should at least find a doctor! If it is true that he did not come out of the father's house, the father would kill him and scrape him, and the children would not care. But if someone does harm in secret, I, odes, will not allow him to die in secret. "

He's all murderous. How dare the devil soldiers let him approach?

——He's a real killer!

The archer surrounded him, but he did not dare to shoot. The empress of the devil gnashed his teeth at Cheng Yaojin, who had been killed half way, and said, "this is a disgrace of the demon family. Do you want to spread it out to make the four jokes fail? What's more, the demon family just banned medical treatment, but now it has asked for medical repair. What is the prestige of the demon family? If you don't quit, don't blame our palace for questioning you together! "

Where can Uday argue with her? "He is my younger brother, I am my elder brother. If I am cowardly at this time, is that what my elder husband did?" he roared

"Unbridled!" Yan Fang is furious. "I'm in the hall. You break in alone with a sharp axe. Do you want to kill me or your aunt?"

"Ah?" Wu Dai is holding a pair of sky shaking axes, like crabs holding two claws. He is at a loss, "my son No children! "

This son is so stupid and impulsive. I don't know who he looks like. Yan Fang waved: "roll!"

Wu Dai stood in front of the couch in a daze, but if he knew one thing, nine cows would not pull back. He said with a stiff neck, "don't go away!"

On the couch, the lashes of taunting wind moved, but they did not open their eyes.

——This man, actually defends him. At the moment when his life is in danger and his life experience is lost, when his glory and love are crumbling, his fiancee Xuanyuan magic Ji and even the whole shenbeiyuan scale family are even reluctant to give up.

But he came.

In the middle of the standoff, suddenly, someone broke in!

Yan Fang and lady Baigu look back at the same time, but see a white shadow come in. The guard of the demon family originally bows and arrows on the string. At this time, he will immediately release the arrows. However, after the white shadow, the high priest Xiang Liu followed. He waved his sleeve to block, the arrow was hit and flew, and the demons were swept by the strong wind and retreated.

Until the white shadow came to the couch, the demons could see that it was not others but the mortal princess who left Guangshi!

The empress of the devil was furious: "leave the light and stay in the night! At this time, you don't think about the wall of the haunted soul cave. How dare you come here? "

Qingkui knew the time was pressing. She quickly looked at the disease lines on Qifeng's body and said, "your honor! I used to heal the third highness. I have never seen any disease lines before. It must be strange! "

How can queen of the devil let her say more: "shut up! You are all blind. Please drag her down! "

The magic soldier came forward and dragged her out. But Xiang Liu suddenly said, "why don't you let her finish?"

Next to him, the demon Zun Yan Fang finally said, "Li guangyetan, from this moment on, I want you to write detailed words. If there is a half lie, you will be different today!"

Every word of him revealed his intention to kill. The green sunflower stabilized his mind and said, "reverence! Lady bone! The sick lines on his highness are not necessarily the sons of gods and demons! "

"When did you dare to talk nonsense and drag it down?" the devil said angrily

At this time, the inflamed lady, who had been standing still, gave a deep salute to Mrs. white bone and said, "Auntie, please forgive my nephew for being unfilial."

White bone lady's face is expressionless. When Yan Fang was young, her parents died. She supports her. For many years, she had no different opinions in the demon family, and Yan Fang had not disobeyed at all. Every wrinkle on her face is telling her master's hard work and strength.

At this time, however, she turned her head to one side, neither accepting nor opposing it.