Chapter 120

-----------------NOTE: "MTL Translation .... Edited 100% Coming soon , you can join reading like that or wait when it is ok! ^^ "---------------

Yan Fang said in a deep voice, "come here."

The green anemone broke away from the demon servant, stepped forward quickly and fell to his knees. Yan Fang looks at her directly, standing high and pressing like a mountain. He asked: "you take care of the third highness, and you have done something to the demon family. But it matters a lot. You have to take responsibility for every word you say. "

Green anemone touched the ground with his forehead: "if I say so, you can check with other medical practitioners."

Yan Fang nodded slightly: "I believe you for the moment, come forward."

Green anemone just got up and came to the taunt wind couch again. She carefully examined the disease lines on taunt wind, and finally took out a small jade bottle from her waist. She touched the water in the jade bottle with a silk handkerchief and slowly wiped her mocking arm.

For a long time, some people screamed, and all the demons were stunned. They only saw the lines on the body of mocking wind, which became more and more shallow under her wiping.

"What's going on?!" Although white bone lady pretends not to look, but Yu Guang still pays attention to the movement here. At this point she couldn't help asking.

Qingkui handed the jade bottle to the devil and said: "in response to the devil and lady Baigu, it's very difficult for the God and the devil to have children. But once they have children, the disease lines on their bodies will make them suffer for life and will never be removed. However, the pattern on his third Highness's body was obviously not brought in the fetus. It's more like... "

She hesitated a little, and Yan Fang said in a deep voice, "say it!"

Qingkui said: "it's more like someone intentionally added to Qingqi in his diet. I can't see it at ordinary times, but after he mended the ruins, his body was weak. In recent days, even if there is no medical care, it is the pain on the body. I'm afraid it will only be caused by the serious injury. So the poisoned person slightly increased the dose, and these traces appeared along the tendons and collaterals... "

Before she had finished speaking, she was furious after the devil: "humble maidservant, is this the place where you talk nonsense?"

"Shut up!" But this angry drink comes from the mouth of lady Baigu. She dunked her crutches and asked, "how painful it is for the pure Qi to enter the devil's body. Now he is seriously injured. Didn't he know it before? "

Qingkui said: "the very small amount, hundreds of years of time, accumulated over time, will not be easily found. However, these patterns are not innate. Now, the third Highness has a very deep cultivation. As long as he cleans them with refined and turbid air, his patterns will be completely removed in a few days. That's why they can be wiped out. "

Yan Fang took the jade bottle in her hand and looked down and sniffed: "it's really pure magic Qi."

Snow fell in love and wept, saying, "please forgive me, sir. I'm going to be feng'er's Prince. I'm allowed to live in the cave forever with feng'er. He can bleed and die for the demons, but I really can't let him die from being hurt by the dark arrow! "

The heart of the devil's back hand was full of cold sweat. Lady Baigu looked at her and suddenly said, "Li guangyetan."

Green sunflower salute: "in."

"From today on, you will take care of the three Highness's daily life again." She glanced at all the demons and said: "from now on, the order of forbidden medicine of the demons Release. "

All the demons knelt down. Lady Baigu walked out slowly and came to the door. Then she said, "the rest is up to you."

Yan Fang comes forward and lifts up the snow. Snow fell in love and said nothing, but cried like a bead. The empress quickly knelt down: "my Lord, it seems that someone must have framed feng'er and intended to blame others. Please look into it! "

Yan Fang wipes the tears on snow's face and says: "blame? Who, will come up with this kind of poison plan, with hundreds of years, slowly to the wind's diet into such a pure air, just for the sake of troubling others? "

The devil opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak. Whatever she said, it didn't help. She looked dispirited, and said, "I only believe the words of the mother and the son. But can't you see that it's just their mother and son's trick to frame me and Ding Yun! Your highness, Ding Yun is your legitimate son. He... "

Yan Fang didn't look at her, and said, "you still have the face to raise your own son? When the demon family needs him to turn the tide, where is his son?! His brother is seriously injured. Wu Dai still knows how to protect him. What is he doing?! Watch the fire from the bank and fall into the well! As a devil, you have no way to teach your son. You are jealous of the virtuous and jealous. What are you afraid to mention here?! From today on, you are forbidden to live in the palace. It's good for you to cultivate and cultivate! And your useless son! " He took a look at the uneasy top cloud beside him, and became even more furious. "Give up your military power, leave your post and go back to your house, and read more books, so as not to be full of cowardice, treachery, and immortality!"

In the heart of Dingyun, there is a cold - the father has cut his military power. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed slowly: "my son obeys."

Turbid Heart Island, a large number of herbs were moved in. The stoves were also rearranged.

The medical books collected by the demons from other four realms have also been transported here. Together, three highness jeers at the wind. Qingkui received another order to take care of him. Only this time, she was given a plaque of "one Sutra and one sage".

The plaque inscribed by the Lord's relatives was hung, and the magic soldiers were ordered to build a separate danfang and medicine room for her. There are also patent medicine gardens outside the yard.

Countless demons have sent gifts. These gifts, without exception, have been prepared in duplicate. One for green anemone, the other for her to turn to taunt wind nourishing body.

Usually never close to snow's beloved family, she began to be invited frequently. Even the green anemone can see that the wind direction of the demon clan has changed.

When the mocking wind wakes up, the familiar medicine fragrance lingers in his nose, but there is only Valley and sea tide in front of his couch. "It seems that my bitter meat plan works well," he said

Gu Haichao's face was expressionless: "the human princess has cried several times."

Although Gu Haichao's face was cold, he still cushioned his back with a pillow. Mocking wind said: "what is my dear second brother doing?"

Gu Haichao is finally surprised: "shouldn't you ask what Princess Qingkui is doing?"

"Mocking wind said:" it must be in the decoction for me, this also needs to ask more

Gu Haichao snorted coldly and said, "empress devil is forbidden to enter the palace. The second Highness's military power is also reduced. Only the guards can be mobilized. He hasn't come out very much recently. It's said that he is reading in meditation. "

"Reading?" Sneer breeze shallow smile, say, "now, the whereabouts that little Dian has Qin divulges to him."

Gu Haichao asked, "now that he is making great efforts, your highness is going to give him a life-saving straw?"

"He lost his military power, and there were not many people who could be dispatched," he said. If you are eager to make contributions, you will inevitably be impatient. This straw is of course a straw. As for whether it's a life-saving straw or the last straw to crush a camel, it depends on my second brother's creation. "

Just as his voice fell, the bead curtain was lifted outside, and green sunflower came in with medicine.

Gu Haichao bows out, and Qingkui sees him at a glance and says, "how can I sit up? Third, your highness is seriously injured. It's better not to move around

As she spoke, she put the medicine bowl in her hands and lay down with mocking wind. Ridicule wind to lie down obediently, but the eyes chase her, a moment does not leave. Green anemone tucked in the quilt for him, and he whispered, "thank you."

"Ah?" Green sunflower brings medicine to come over, one face is puzzled - take care of mocking wind for many days, when did you see his sincere thanks?

Mocking wind said: "I never thought that when my life hung in the line, the person who gave up his life to protect me would be Wu Dai." Green anemone scooped out the soup with a spoon and fed it to his mouth. "From small to large, I have always been estranged from him, and I have never regarded him as an elder brother. Even if he asked himself to mend the ruins, I knew that with his temper, there would be no return. But the only idea is to let him pave the way for me. "

Qingkui was soft in his heart and said, "Your Highness is a man of nature. The third highness treats him with sincerity, and he naturally cares for the third highness."

But... I didn't treat you with sincerity. Why do you think of me?

Sneering at her eyes, Qingkui fed the medicine to his mouth and said, "if your highness really thanks me, please treat me politely in the future. Don't be abrupt again. The princess has appointed a new maid for Zhuoxin island. In the future, I will let them take care of his highness three. "

What... What?! Maid?

Ridicule is very popular. What's the mother's wife doing here!!

Qingkui doesn't care about him. He gets up and goes out. Soon, a maid comes in to wait on him. "What are you doing?" mocked the wind

The beautiful maid saluted him and said with a smile, "go back to your third highness, and the princess said that your wound was caused by lust. If it's always in the care of the princess, you'll never think about it. It's better to wait on us. "

Taunt wind a head to fall on the bed, a face life can not love.