Chapter 194

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Because in front of the purple Wu, step celadon full of enthusiasm and sincerity: "just now I also talked about the princess with you, and they also admire the princess' talent very much. Will the princess teach us? "

Beside her, bidome snorted coldly, with a look of lingering anger. Qingji, wearing a yellow shirt, is the son of zeshenweishe, and also the outstanding figure in the same age. He pulled up his sleeve and said, "since the princess is known as a miracle, it's better to show us her hands, or let us see."

In the school, others gathered around when they saw the excitement.

How can night Tan not know the mind of step celadon? But does she have the capacity to be selective? She immediately raised her chin and said, "why, my princess's talent, can't you see it from her appearance?"

"You!" The smile on Bu celadon's face can no longer be put on. Yetan turned back to practice with Ziwu, but Qingji stopped her and said, "I heard about the princess's piano skills, and even the emperor was full of praise. We all admire her. Why does the princess refuse to be a thousand miles away?"

When he mentioned piano skills, the young people around him could not help laughing. Yetan was about to speak when she felt dizzy.

She stumbled on her left foot, snapped her right, and fell hard.

There was a burst of laughter around him. This is the magic that the emperor of Wenchang taught today - to teach him to rise to heaven. It's an attack spell in the wood system, which can confuse the enemy's mind and make them obey their orders.

Ziwu's face was red with anger: "Qingji! Today's spells need to be driven by cultivation. How old is sister Qingkui? How old are you? You mean to bully her?! "

Qingji argued: "incompetence is incompetence. Why do you find these excuses?"

Yetan got up from the ground and said, "your accomplishments are much better than mine. How old are you? "

She didn't feel ashamed? Qingji was shocked and said, "six hundred years old."

Nightpan nodded and said, "I'm a little poor in accomplishments, and I need to practice again."

Next to Ziwu was angry: "sister Qingkui, he made you look ugly. What else do you talk to him for?!"

Yetan waved his hand and swept away the dust with the cleaning formula, saying, "it's not that he made me look ugly, it's that I haven't cultivated enough. It's better than I thought She turned to Ziwu and said excitedly, "I just felt a blank in my mind, and then I tripped over my own feet! Try again later. I'll see if there's any way to resist this spell... "

She said happily, but Qingji and others asked for no fun - she didn't look like she was being humiliated!

On one side, Aojiang, the prince of the Dragon nationality, whispered, "what are you bullying her for? She is the future Princess after all."

Don't take it seriously, said: "what are you afraid of? Your majesty and empress won't be partial to her. Everyone in the schoolbag is a classmate. There is no princess Tianfei

At night, the rainbow hall.

Emperor xuanshang returns. He admitted to kill Ding Yun in public, and Shaodian night clothes could not push him out. Fortunately, the gods and demons have always been at loggerheads, often fighting each other, which is not a big deal. When he returned to Chuihong hall, the first thing he did was to call Qing Hengjun and send him to pangsang to supervise the war.

Qinghengjun is stunned, and points to himself: "I?!"

"What's wrong?" said the emperor

In the heart of Qing Hengjun, he always murmured that it was his elder brother's own effort to supervise the war. But he didn't dare to ask, so he said, "yes."

Until he left, xuanshangjun asked, "how is the situation today?"

Feichi and Hanmo stand on both sides. At this time, the hearts of the two people are filled with fireflies, and their bellies are bright. How can they not understand his meaning?

Where does he want to know about the schoolbag? There is a Wenchang emperor in charge of the bookcase. Which sunrise is wrong?