Chapter 195

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Feichi said: "everything is normal in the schoolbag. Today, the emperor of Wenchang taught him the magic of teaching him to rise to heaven. Princess Qingkui also understood. She studied hard. Just... "

"Just?" The emperor of xuanshang didn't like to swallow. Feichi hurriedly said: "just Qingji Young Master heard that the princess has outstanding talent, and forced to practice this move with the princess."

"Qingji?" The emperor of xuanshang twisted his eyebrows and said, "teaching God is a skill driven by cultivation. How can I compare with her? Is she all right? "

Next to the calligraphy said: "the princess fell."

Xuanshangjun's face was even gloomy. Feichi stared at the calligraphy - he could not speak politely. He said: "fortunately, although the princess lost, she was not very angry. In the afternoon, I got a first-class assessment. The emperor of Wenchang was very happy. He even gave her a reward for his calligraphy, and made up the lessons for the princess himself. "

However, his supplement obviously failed to resolve the dark clouds between his eyebrows. "You know the news, why don't you stop it?" said xuanshangjun


Feichi and Hanmo knelt down, and Hanmo said, "it's all my negligence. Please go up and commit a crime. But please don't worry about it. After all, if you quarrel with him, you will lose your face. In addition, there will be rumors of escort, just for fear of being criticized. "

When xuanshangjun thought of Yetan's fall, he felt as if he had pressed a stone on his heart and said in a deep voice, "she is still young, shallow in cultivation, and of human origin. If you ignore me, will she not be bullied in the future? "

Er That's not true. It's thank God that your princess doesn't make trouble. Calligraphy and Feichi take a look at each other - since ancient times, Shaodian family has always claimed to be just and never protect their weaknesses.

Not only do they not protect themselves, but they are even more strict with their internal control. All of them are cautious when they study in the schoolbag. Even if they are wronged, Shaodian's family has always been changed and encouraged. No one has ever been blamed for the wrongs of her heavenly concubine. For fear of losing the reputation of partiality.

Therefore, even Qingji doesn't think it's great to offend Yetan.

Feichi whispered, "you have to contend with Qingji. Of course, you have lost your identity. But It's said that Yuan marsh, the ancestor of shuize people, went out today... "

Xuanshangjun looked down at him and said lightly, "very well!"


Zeshenweishe and childe Qingji stand with large and small Zejing, waiting for their ancestors to leave.

In front of the swamp, there was a clear rising light. The snake and Qingji led the crowd to kneel down: "welcome the old ancestor to leave."

Yuan marsh looks at all his descendants with a smile. Just about to speak, he suddenly looks up into the air, and his face changes: "Jun, Jun Shang?!"

He fell to his knees. Zeshen asked the snake and the young man to look back. The moon was like snow all over the sky. In the moonlight, a snow figure condenses the brightness of the bright moon, and sleeves dye the world. A group of Zejing hurriedly visited.

Xuanshangjun's face was expressionless. Beside him, Feichi raised his voice and said, "Yuan marsh is immortal. You have a new skill today. If you miss the night, please teach yuan marsh immortal."

Yuan marsh is flattered: "this How could a fairy be so honored? "

Feichi glanced at him, and Yu Guang lingered on Qingji and said, "you don't need to be polite to go to the immortal yuan marsh, please."

Yuan marsh immortal, although he is the ancestor of shuize family, but how can he compare with Xuan Shang Jun in terms of talent cultivation?

As expected, xuanshangjun's right hand pinched the Jue, and zhuzejing had no feeling. Yuanmarsh was the only place where the immortal stumbled on his left foot and fell into a swamp. He was covered in mud and stood up confused, but the emperor of xuanshang left without saying a word.

Yuan marsh immortal led man's son and grandson to break his head. He didn't understand why he missed the night and came here to throw himself. He said: "the spell used by the Emperor just now is one of the more basic skills in the wood system, which is called" teach Yu to ascend to heaven ". This technique is really based on cultivation. There is no mystery... "

Beside, Qingji's face is white.

You can't understand your intention. All the elites are uneasy. Who dares to leave?