Level-1 Solo Kill

Chen Mu, who had gone on to the mid lane, was still confused. 'Damn, I've never played this game before. What the heck does this Champion do?'

"Thirty seconds until the enemy reaches the battlefield, smash them!" announced a system-generated female voice.

"Son of a gun, how in the world am I supposed to play this game, System?" Chen Mu felt awkwardness beginning to creep in.

"Under such circumstances, taking into consideration that the Host has yet learned the fundamental functions of the game, the System hereby suggests that the Host utilizes the Unkillable Demon King experience trial card. The Host should use this chance to observe how the Unkillable Demon King works in action." The System was rather considerate. 

"Alright." Chen Mu sent Riven walking aimlessly all over the place. He did not know what he should really be doing. 

Chen Yifei covered her face. It was obvious that he had no idea how to play the game at all. She watched as her elder brother moved his mouse cursor and clicked around like a curious child. She thought about how embarrassing it would be later.

Under Shi Xin's control, Ryze approached Chen Mu and flexed his grand skin. He even laughed twice to mock him. 

Shi Xin did so because he thought it would be too boring to bully a person who did not even know that they had to buy items before leaving their base. 

Nevertheless, Chen Mu did not care about any of that. In his mind, he only cared about how it would feel to use the Unkillable Demon King experience trial card. It was the first time he had come in contact with such a supernatural thing like the System. Being a natural sciences student, it was definitely too overwhelming for him. 

The entire thing challenged everything he believed in. It was akin to telling him, an atheist, that gods were real! 

As the opposing teams met, two minions waves began fighting with each other at a similar pace.

"Will the Host use the Unkillable Demon King experience trial card?" the System asked. 

"Do it!" Chen Mu did not hesitate. The System had told him that it would only last for one minute. He had to take the chance to use it. 

In an instant, Chen Mu's gaze turned fierce and sharp. His hands began to move on their own accord as they were completely taken over by the System.

Criticism was the only thing Chen Mu could take care of as his body was no longer his to control.

At that instant, everything he knew belonged to someone else that was from a different dimension. He had suddenly become a man whose in-game ID sent tremors through every single professional player in the world whenever his name was heard—an incredible powerhouse who once claimed the Triple Crown in one go.

It was no longer apt to describe Chen Mu's current state as trying to kill a chicken with a cow's knife. Now, he was like Michael Jordan playing a basketball game against a typical amateur, street player. 

It was as if he was a god from Heaven that had come to torture common people—it was a full item build Riven against a minion creep!

His mouse cursor darted at inhuman speeds as he clicked on his opponent, Ryze. He analyzed his opponent's stats which were shown on the upper left corner of his screen with his eyes. Then, he imprinted in his mind, the information about his opponent's items, health points, and magic resistance. 

Next, he tapped the Tab key to check which Summoner Spells his opponent had equipped; Ghost and Ignite. Instantly, he directed Riven to move forward and approach Ryze. 

'Oh? Guess someone has come for a beating,' Shi Xin thought. 

Immediately, Shi Xin unleashed his Q followed by an immediate auto-attack. If Riven had not learned her E, Ryze would have taken away about a hundred of her health, slowly but surely weakening her.

As expected, Riven retreated. Hehe, looking at their distance, Ryze could still chase after her and sneak in more auto attacks.

Shi Xin had no intention to let Chen Mu off easily. If he exhausted Chen Mu early in the game and lowered his health, it would be easier for him to finish Chen Mu off later. 

Yet, Riven only took one step back. After confirming that his opponent had learned Q first, Chen Mu hit Flash and flitted forward to be face-to-face with Ryze.

"Flash? This…" Shi Xin did not have enough time to compose himself. Instinctively, he retreated immediately. 

Unfortunately for him, things were not going to be as simple as he had thought. The Unkillable Demon King's manifestation had just begun.

Chen Mu used his Ignite and then started auto attacking while using his Q to cancel its animation. Broken Wings sent Riven shredding away at her opponent's health as she danced around elegantly. 

After each Q, Chen Mu also clicked on the ground to cancel Riven's Q animation before he followed up with more auto attacks. He repeated the process three times gracefully and elegantly. It was brilliant and gorgeous.

"F*ck me, my health is dropping too much," thought Shi Xin as he quickly used his Ghost. 

Nevertheless, his efforts were in vain as Riven casted Q and auto attack animation canceled three times consecutively. Then, with Riven's last auto attack, Ryze—who had a full health bar just moments ago—died on the spot. All that was left behind was a dead body that fully encapsulated Shi Xin's disbelief and dissatisfaction.

Shi Xin was frozen in place, and Chen Yifei was just as equally stunned. On the other hand, Chen Mu's face was calm and indifferent. It was as if it was something normal for him. 

Michael Jordan would not have felt thrilled overpowering a passerby on the streets; Riven would not get a big head just because she managed to deny a single creep from her enemy. It was something as ordinary as drinking water and eating rice.

"Whoa… You're good…" Although Chen Yifei had played the game for a very long time and had countless of hours in it, she was normally the one who got solo killed. Other than sometimes landing the killing blow, she never solo-killed anyone, what more slaughter a full health Shi Xin who was incidentally a god in her eyes at level 1.

Shi Xin almost broke down. 

'Level 1! He solo killed me at level 1?! I'm playing Ryze, for god's sake! Why am I so squishy? It can't be that I'm playing a fake Ryze, can it?'

Chen Mu was still industriously last hitting the creeps in front of him without missing a single one. Since the experience trial card had helped him eliminate his opponent within a mere ten seconds, there were still fifty more seconds before he would regain control over his body. 

By the time one minute had passed, Riven had a Creep Score of twelve. He had not missed a single one of his blows. 

Glancing at Chen Mu, Shi Xin internally cursed at him for playing dumb. Based on Chen Mu's Creep Score, there was no way it was his first time playing the game. 

For someone like Shi Xin who had a thousand and seven hundred ELO points, it was only basic that he did not miss any last hits for the first two waves of minions without any disturbances. However, newbies were usually unable to achieve such a feat. Even for Chen Yifei, it was already considered not bad if she managed to last hit four creeps out of a single minion wave. 

It has to be said that Chen Yifei had started playing the game a month ago. 'The person in front of me was playing dumb. As a god with a thousand and seven hundred ELO points, I can't believe that I just became someone else's backdrop.' 

After Chen Mu had regained control over his body, he asked, "Have I won the game?"

'Dang it, how much more pretentious can this person be? How can you not see for yourself whether or not you've won?' Shi Xin's feelings were hurt badly. He only dared to be resentful but not voice out his thoughts. Chen Mu, his opponent was unimaginably strong. Occasionally, he'd bump into someone with more than two thousand ELO points. Even so, such opponents could only zone him and land a solo kill on him at level-6 if the opportunity presented itself. 'Compared to this guy who didn't even last hit a single minion and solo killed me at level-1… Don't tell me he's some supreme overlord with more than two thousand and two hundred ELO points?' 

"I lost!" Shi Xin admitted defeat willingly. 

"Alright. Let's go home, Yifei. I'll teach you after this," said Chen Mu. 

Chen Yifei's head was filled with the image of Chen Mu's face when he solo-killed Shi Xin at level-1; he looked inhumanly handsome at that time. After Chen Mu had called after her, she snapped herself out of it and nodded hastily. Making a promise and fulfilling it was still an integral part of being a cultured human being.

"System, is a single game that fast? What's the point if you can win in a minute?" asked Chen Mu.

"You're mistaken, sir. It's only because the Unkillable Demon King experience trial card enabled you to temporarily possess the previous host's ability when he was at the peak of his career. The previous host is the number one player of the game in another dimension. For someone to face a player with a thousand and seven hundred ELO points, such an ending is to be expected. 

"In one of his Challenger ranked games, the previous Host used Riven to solo kill the opposing mid lane champion at level 1. The opposing mid laner used to be the previous world number one player. He was also a champion candidate in the League's All-Star Tournament. As for the person opposite you, there are ten years of hardcore training in between them," explained the System.

"I see. That's very impressive." Chen Mu thought he had to console his opponent. 

Chen Mu walked over and patted Shi Xin's shoulder. "It's perfectly normal that you lost to me. Practice for another five years and you should be able to achieve the same level." Internally, Chen Mu was rather proud of his words. After all, he told Shi Xin that it would take five years instead of the ten years that the System had mentioned.

Shi Xin felt another blow to his ego. 'You monster. You'd insult your opponent right after beating them to a pulp. If we're because we're in front of my goddess right now, I'd punch you.' 

"Let's go. If we don't go home now, old ma will probably call us," said Chen Mu as he pulled Chen Yifei along. 

During their journey on the way home, Chen Yifei kept looking at Chen Mu up and down. Chen Mu asked, "Have flowers started to grow on my face?" 

"It's impossible that my elder brother is that impressive!" Chen Yifei blurted out. 

"Then, who's this person before your eyes? I looked in the mirror today. Other than having become slightly more handsome, nothing else about me is different," said Chen Mu. Normally, he would pretend to keep up a polite demeanor in school and avoid using vain, flirty phrases. Maintaining his reputation as a high-flyer included not acting like a clown. Moreover, nobody wished for him to be a clown. Otherwise, the thought of a goof constantly crushing other students in his entire year in terms of academics would hurt everyone's feelings even more. 

Hence, he could finally let loose in front of his younger sister and crack any kind of jokes he wanted. In front of his sister, someone he had known ever since he started wearing open-crotch pants, he did not have to put on the facade of an idol. 

"Shameless, I'm still trying to figure out how a person like you is able to keep ranking first in your year," said Chen Yifei. 

"Hmph, of course, it's because of my good genes. Heard of Wang Lihong? He has a handsome face, and his entire family is made up of high-flyers. Not to mention, he can sing, dance, and act. You should start taking things seriously and study properly. You won't have a problem ranking first that way," Chen Mu replied. "I got it, Big Brother! You shouldn't get into fights anymore too. You need to enroll in Royal Capital University and surpass our dad!" Chen Yifei said to Chen Mu. When Chen Mu entered Year 2 Junior, Chen Yifei started her Year 1 Junior. At that time, on the very first day of school, she received quite a number of love letters from senior students. She had a lot of people fighting over her about who would walk her back home after school.

That day, Chen Mu ended up getting involved in five fights. As a result, his existing popularity sky-rocketed in school. Not to mention, he was sent to the hospital along with a few other students. Nevertheless, nobody dared to harass Chen Yifei in school ever since that incident. "Aren't you aware of what's going on at home? Who's going to support the household if I don't work hard? Can't you just be more like me and be more mature?" asked Chen Mu.

"How wouldn't I know? You just don't believe me!" Chen Yifei huffed angrily as she stomped forward. Even her school uniform could not stop her exquisite figure from emitting a youthful aura. 

Looking at Chen Yifei, a thought suddenly occurred to Chen Mu. "Days like these aren't bad. It's just that things won't be so easy from now on."

Chen Mu knew that obtaining the System was not linear to having a bed of roses that would lead him on his way to the peak of his life. Instead, he would have a lot of tasks that he would need to complete. All of it was to make sure that he would become a monster that could solo kill any champion at level-1.

Could he… really do it? 

  1. Originally written by the author. The line differs from the actual voice line said by the announcer in League of Legends.
  2. I translated it as Wang Lihong instead of Wang Leehom because the author replaced the actual Mandarin character for Hong with a homonym.