Wait-to Matte


Title Translator's Note: A euphemism combining 'wait' and 'chotto matte' is used here to reflect the originality of the author's title that is unfortunately non-transferable between languages.

Chen Mu and his family lived in quite a nice house as it was bought when his parents earned high salaries. It was a house with three bedrooms and one living room. 

When Chen Mu's father fell ill, Chen Mu was in Year 3 Junior. His mother had suggested selling the house and renting a place elsewhere a few times. However, Chen Mu rejected her suggestion every time. 

Chen Mu took out the world's residential property prices chart and broke everything down to her. He convinced her that property prices would surely soar since they were in a fast, developing country, and they would suffer a great loss if they sold the house.

Due to Chen Mu's persistence, they eventually decided not to sell the house. Evidently, Chen Mu's industriousness, as well as his rapid academic improvement, played a big part in the decision that was made. On a side note, it validated the influence of his words at home.

By the time both of them reached home, two bowls of noodles had been set on the dining table. Chopped onions and eggs floated on top of each bowl. Without a doubt, the fragrance of the noodles wafted through the air and made their mouths water. 

"Smells so good. Is ma asleep?" Chen Yifei asked softly. 

"Probably. Hurry up and finish your food before it gets cold," said Chen Mu. 

Chen Yifei was quite hungry. She sat down without a second thought and started to gulp down her food.

Chen Mu began to feel hints of guilt well up in his heart. His old ma must have thought that he was out revising in school when in truth, they were both gaming at a cybercafe. 

"Big Brother, you should study after you eat. I'll do the dishes!" said Chen Yifei.

Chen Mu nodded. The National College Entrance Examination was around the corner, so he had a few special privileges. Previously, they took turns doing the dishes. 

It seemed like Chen Yifei understood that it had been wrong of her to go to the cybercafe and game. Thus, she was repenting by taking some responsibility. Hopefully, she would put more effort into her studies next. 

As she was washing the dishes, Chen Yifei sighed. She knew that Chen Mu must have misunderstood her. Nevertheless, there was nothing she could do about it. It was a complicated matter that she could not clarify.

As long as their situation in the future improved, a small misunderstanding was not a big deal. 

Whenever she thought of Chen Mu enrolling in a prestigious university in the future and taking photos with a mortarboard sitting on his head, a smile as wide as a crescent moon blossomed on her face.

Chen Yifei hummed as she washed the dishes. She had been born with the voice of an angel, and everything from her throat sounded wonderful. In addition to that, she always managed to perform each song in her own style.

As Chen Mu happily indulged in Chen Yifei's beautiful singing, he could not help but wonder why Chen Yifei—who used to do well in her studies; loved chess, music, writing, and painting— went to a cybercafe for no reason. 

'Perhaps she needed a breather from all the pressure she's facing because of her studies?' Chen Mu thought. 

After doing the dishes, Chen Yifei went back to her room to take a shower. There were two bathrooms in the house; one of them was shared while the other was an en suite bathroom that belonged to Chen Yifei.

His little sister showered in everyone's multifarious love. 

Chen Mu returned to his room and habitually took out his workbooks. He was ready to do some revision and give himself a preview of the next day's lessons. 

Chen Mu had already earned his rank as the number one student in his year. However, after he had his first taste of being awarded a high school scholarship, his eyes were set on getting into the two most famous universities. He could help his family with a scholarship from the National College Entrance Examination.

"You haven't completed today's mission, sir. If you choose to give up, it will be automatically considered a failure," the System reminded Chen Mu. 

"Got it." Chen Mu had no choice but to turn on the computer. The computer his family had was the last of the "main machines" in their house. It was a three-year-old machine that was of amiable configuration in the past. Nevertheless, it still functioned smoothly. 

The computer had been originally placed in the living room. However, after Chen Mu was crowned number one in his year when he was in Year 1 Senior, he said he wanted to use it to look up information. Everyone at home agreed that as long as he maintained his grades, the computer would be placed in his room. 

Thus, the computer accompanied Chen Mu for more than two years. Nonetheless, its main function was to actually serve as his learning tool. 

On the Internet were myriads of information and many forms of knowledge. Other than that, Chen Mu utilized the computer as a form of self-reward. Whenever he managed to rank first in his year, he would allow himself to indulge in reading novels or watching animations for an hour daily. After all, as the saying went, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 

Chen Mu turned on the computer. It was fortunate that Chen Yifei had finished downloading the game a long time ago. Otherwise, considering how late it was, Chen Mu would have definitely ended up failing his mission.

After turning it on, Chen Mu logged in to his Penguin account and then logged in to the League of Legends server. Then, he realized that he had to come up with a summoner name. 

After contemplating for a while, Chen Mu named himself, ILookOrdinary. After all, humility was a necessary core value for any human being. He must never let it slip, especially when it came to his good looks. 

"You are too thick-skinned, sir. I can help you prune it," said the System's voice.

"Get lost! You're the reason I lost my girl and now you're ridiculing me? You fake System!" Chen Mu exclaimed in exasperation. He found it hard to believe that a system that would not help its host flirt actually existed. What an outlier. Chen Mu's only dream to end his virgin life had been wilfully crushed by the System.

"Please hasten to complete your mission, sir. Or else, you'll have to suffer the consequences!" the System said as it suddenly regained its urgency. 

"Just play one game, isn't it? I'm required to complete the tutorial," said Chen Mu. 

"Correct, it's mandatory. The tutorial included in the game is simple and comprehensive. Serious learners are able to grasp a lot of important information from it. As for how much you'll be able to get from it, it depends on the nature of your understanding, sir," the System replied. 

Chen Mu followed the tutorial's step-by-step instructions on how to move and use his skills. He started to familiarize himself with the game as he controlled Garen. 

At this moment, Chen Yifei sneaked up from behind him without a sound. She opened her mouth and said, "Oh, you're playing games! I was wondering how you managed to get so good at this game. So, this is how you use the computer every day."

Chen Mu was taken aback. He turned around to see Chen Yifei dressed in pink pajamas; a cartoon-rabbit was printed on her shirt. Chen Yifei pouted her small lips as she waved her tiny fists in anger.

The young girl still had hints of fragrance from her bath. Although she smelled good, Chen Mu was long immune to it. He was thinking that perhaps he should let his little sister in on the secret. He could tell her about the System's presence and that as long as he managed to become the world champion, he would be able to help their father recover. 

"You aren't allowed to tell anyone about the System's existence, sir. You can only keep it to yourself," said the System. 

"Oh, ho ho. I don't believe you, I'm going to try it." This time, Chen Mu was not going to back down. He would understand if the System did not let him tell someone about it, but how was it possible that he could not tell anyone about it? 

"Uh, Yifei. I have something to tell you," said Chen Mu as he straightened up. 

"Uh-huh, go ahead. I'm listening." Chen Yifei was standing behind him, her big eyes beaming with curiosity.

What Chen Mu wanted to say was, "I encountered a miracle, and I now possess a System that forces me to game." However, once his words escaped his mouth, they sounded like this instead, "Do you think I'm handsome?"

"!?" Chen Yifei's eyes widened in disbelief. She could not believe what she had just heard from Chen Mu's mouth.

'Dang it. It was the System that altered my words, I didn't mean to say that,' thought Chen Mu with a heavy heart. What had come out of his mouth was totally not what he wanted to say. 

Chen Yifei furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm going to get angry if you keep on making stupid jokes like that." 

"That's right. That's right. I was just joking. That's not what I wanted to say. It's all the System's fault." That was what Chen Mu wanted to say. However, the words that came out of his mouth turned into something else once again.

"Yep, I'm not joking. I think I've become more good looking recently. Now, I receive around ten love letters every day!" Deep in his heart, Chen Mu thought about how devastating it was to go against the System.

"Shameless!" Chen Yifei went out of the door immediately after saying that. On her way out, she picked up the pillow on Chen Mu's bed and threw it at him with all of her strength. 

Then, with a loud bang, the door slammed shut and the pillow hit Chen Mu's on his head. 

"Chotto matte, I can explain!" Chen Mu reached out his hand, hoping to redeem himself. However, his target had already disappeared behind the door. 

"I'm going to kill you, garbage System!" Chen Mu yelled. 

"The System is bound to the Host's life. Killing me is equivalent to suicide. Calm down, sir," the System explained. 

"Then, I'll commit suicide! I'll throw myself off this floor. If I'm going to die, you're coming with me!" said Chen Mu. 

"Go ahead and jump. This is the first floor. Remember to protect your arms. If you break your legs and end up in a wheelchair, you can still play League of Legends," said the System. 

Chen Mu almost spat out blood from that blow! 

  1. also known as QQ account. It is an instant messaging software service and web portal developed by the Chinese tech giant, Tencent. Many call it Penguin because of its logo that has the form of a penguin.
  2. It is a phrase that means 'wait' in Japanese.