No Wonder He Had Never Won A 1v4 Before

"I'm going back to buy more items. We earned big this time," said Zhuo Xiaobai with a laugh. With the two kills that granted him three hundred gold each, as well as the first blood that was worth four hundred gold, he had a total of seven hundred gold. Zhuo Xiaobai was so happy that he felt like he could grow wings. 

Chen Mu recalled with him as well. Looking at how much gold Zhuo Xiaobai had, Chen Mu could not help but say, "Why do I have so little gold? I only have four hundred gold?" 

"In the host's version of the game, powerful gold income items have yet become available for support champions. Therefore, supports in this era are all poor. It challenges a player's skills and awareness even further. The Host is allowed to KS," explained the System.  

"What are gold income items?" asked Chen Mu. 

"A type of item designed to provide support champions with income assistance. They can be used flexibly and will be implemented in future game patches. There are currently gold income items but they aren't as powerful as those that will be implemented in the future. The Host does not need to learn about them for now," replied the System. 

'Alright. Nevertheless, even though I'm poor right now, my enemies should be even poorer. I just have to make sure that I have more gold than my opponents, that's all,' Chen Mu thought to in his mind.   

After purchasing a Ruby Crystal, Chen Mu left the base and returned to the frontlines once again. The Sheriff and the Zither Lady played safe and kept themselves far, far away from the Golem. Other than building up their CS, they persisted in keeping away from him.  

Chen Mu was in no rush. He read from the screen that both he and Zhuo Xiaobai were level-4, while their enemies on the opposite side were merely level-2. Inferring from his past gaming experiences, there was not a single game he had played where a higher level player was weaker than a lower level player. With the same inference, if Chen Mu and Zhuo Xiaobai decided to take them down, they should not fail.  

Chen Mu had also realized that his maximum health increased by more than a hundred points each time he leveled up. On the other hand, the Sheriff and Zither Lady opposite him only had their maximum health increase by seventy or eighty points each time they leveled up.  

The System explained, "This is due to the difference in attributes between the champions. Since you'll be required to memorize these stats in the future anyway, the Host is encouraged to remember these values for now. Learning them earlier is better than learning them later."  

"What? For real? I mean, I noticed that there were nearly a hundred champion thumbnails there. Must I memorize all of them?" asked Chen Mu. 

"It will happen sooner or later. You shouldn't worry about it, sir."  

The next instant, bad news came from top lane. Their ally Barbarian King had been killed by the enemy Barbarian King. 

"What's going on at top lane? How did the enemy Barbarian King kill ours when they're both the same champion?" asked Zhuo Xiaobai. 

"I had no choice. That noobie has really good luck. He dealt a lot of burst damage, and I couldn't surpass him," explained the top laner next to them.  

"It's fine, I'll carry." Having secured a few kills, Zhuo Xiaobai felt confident.

Zhuo Xiaobai and Chen Mu managed to send a wave of minions over to the enemy tower. Two champions without any wave clear abilities had somehow become the duo that pushed the fastest. It would have been utter nonsense to any professional player. 

However, the normal game seemed surprisingly ordinary. If it was not because everyone had participated in ranked games before, they would each be running about frantically in front of their minion waves. 

The Sheriff was standing behind her minions and sneakily acquiring CS. Chen Mu began to observe the Sheriff. She stood on the left of her minions with her body partially overlapping them minions; a small part of her body was exposed.   

Chen Mu was aware that if he targeted the Sheriff herself, she would end up being shielded by the minions. However, he did not forget that his hook was wide.  

Chen Mu shifted slightly to the left, around a distance equivalent to half of his champion's size. He imagined his hook to be a long strip that grabbed hold of any enemies it touched. Therefore, he used the right corner of his hook to capture the Sheriff that was behind the minions.   

The Sheriff was extremely confident because she had minions covering her frontside. Hence, as she acquired her CS, she remained motionless in a single position. Nevertheless, Chen Mu's hook grabbed hold of the corner of her skirt and then dragged her into the Golem's embrace once again.  

"You did it again!" Zhuo Xiaobai said as he advanced. He was ready to impale the Sheriff with VN's ability. The Sheriff spammed her E frantically in an attempt to escape, but she was unable to cast any abilities since she was stunned. Shortly after, she received an uppercut that sent her up into the air. 

Concurrently, Zhuo Xiaobai took his time and positioned his champion before casting E and impaling the Sheriff into the wall.   

As VN started to rain down on the Sheriff with her damage, Zither Lady watched from afar and prayed to the gods to snatch the Sheriff away from the devil's clutches. 

Nevertheless, things did not happen as she wanted them to. The Sheriff was unable to escape VN's range even after casting E, and she was once again killed. 

"Oh la la, I'm so damn amazing. It's a massacre, haha!" Throughout all the time Zhuo Xiaobai had spent on the game, this was the first time he was able to experience killing people one after another in the first five minutes of the match. He felt so strong that it was terrifying.

As the bot lane exploded in losses, realizing that his allies could not even win their laning phase, the purple team's Prince heaved a long sigh. He was annoyed by the fact that he had to carry even in a normal game.   

The Prince had a thousand and four hundred ELO points. It was higher than Zhuo Xiaobai and Lu Ren's ELO points combined. The Prince knew how noob his opponents were after taking a glance at their CS.

VN, who had scored three kills and was able to farm without obstruction only had a CS of fifteen even though five minutes had passed. 'What a miracle it is she was able to destroy my bot lane! I'm guessing the Sheriff is a retard who keeps walking into the Golem.'  

The Prince jungled faster than the Blind Monk and was nearly a full level higher because the Blind Monk was always looking for enemy champions. Whenever the Blind Monk bumped into an enemy champion, he would throw a miserably aimed Q. 'Who in the world casts their abilities and misses by forty degrees? Are you even trying? Or are you expecting others to Flash to receive your Q?' 

The level-5 Prince went straight into the Jungle in search of the blind man. As expected, the Blind Monk was fighting Wolves. Ridiculously enough, he used all three of his abilities in a single shot. Did he know how his passive worked? Did he even know how to jungle?  

Without another word, the Prince cast E and Q before chasing after the Blind Monk to deliver him a beating. As for the Blind Monk who had already cast his W, everything happened in a blur. He ran toward his base and only cast his Flash when his health dropped to its final point. The Prince Flashed after the Blink Monk and solo killed him with his Q.  

Being the man with the highest ELO points in the whole match, the Prince felt like a tall-rich-and-handsome man. Was it not akin to slaughtering chickens? 

Nobody on the enemy team bought any wards, and they always called it a day once they scored some kills.  

In the top lane, Jungle, and mid lane, the Prince killed each enemy champion that he bumped into. Whenever he snuck behind them, nobody on the enemy team noticed him.  

"I'm done for, the Prince got me." 

"Oh no, I was killed by the Prince again." 

"How did the Prince come from behind me?" 

Other than the bot lane on Chen Mu's side, each lane was taken over twice. The top lane, Jungle, and mid lane were all done for. 

Meanwhile, Chen Mu was immersed in the discovery of new hooking methods. The Sheriff had used her E to dodge Chen Mu's last Q. The Sheriff's E was a dash ability that was capable of denying Chen Mu's Q. 

Currently, Chen Mu had managed to land four out of the seven Qs he had cast. His Q had reached an accuracy of fifty-seven-point-one-four percent, and it was lower than sixty percent. As a result, Chen Mu was propelled to start coming up with more ways to capture the Sheriff who was able to cast a dash.

Chen Mu realized that the Sheriff only cast her E each time after seeing the Golem raise his arm to cast his Q. It proved that she did not know where Chen Mu was going to send his hook. Based on the distance the Sheriff traveled after casting her E, what if Chen Mu cast his Q at the position behind her first?  

Chen Mu began to experiment again. Chen Mu had always been particularly sensitive about distance and thus, memorized the distance that the Sheriff would travel after she cast her E.  

Chen Mu intentionally walked to a position that allowed him to easily cast his hook. Then, he gave the Sheriff enough time to get ready before casting his Q. 

The Sheriff thought, 'I'll cast my E whenever you cast your Q. We'll see how you land your hook on me. Here's an instant retreat with my E." 

True enough, the Sheriff landed straight into the Golem's Rocket Grab and returned to the Fountain after letting out a screech.  

Everyone on the team began to cheer Big Bro Xiaobai on like a king now that he had managed to score five kills. It was a miracle in the making.  

Xiaobai's mouth widened in shock. Throughout his entire time of playing the game, he had encountered about ten Golems. Yet, this was the first time he was met with one that could hook champions next to minions and preemptively hook a dashing champion. Were they not things that could only be seen in popular compilation videos? 

"Is it true that you've never played League of Legends? How did you get so good at hooking?" asked Zhuo Xiaobai.  

"No, I've played Gold Miner before. The two games are like different tunes played with the same instrument. Isn't it similar to hooking gold pieces and diamonds from between rocks?" said Chen Mu.

"Oh, I see. I'll try it out when I go back. The sensation of hooking people is too addictive," said Zhuo Xiaobai. 

The bot lane had been completely taken over by the two. Both Golem and VN were level 7 while their enemies were only level 5. It was basically a massacre.  

The Prince finally had enough. He brought Doom from the mid lane to capture the bot lane. He even typed in his team chat beforehand to make sure that Doom would use his ultimate.   

The both of them approached the bot lane without utilizing any wards. Therefore, the moment Chen Mu saw the both of them, he yelled at Zhuo Xiaobai to retreat instantly because, with four against two, anyone knew that they would not be able to defeat the enemy even if they thought with their legs. 

The Golem activated his Overdrive and ran, but VN had a slower response time. Being approached by the Prince, she had her movement speed reduced. VN's auto attacks flew all over the place. After VN had finally used up her Flash, the Prince cast an EQ knock up combo and ended it with his ultimate. 

Doom casually unleashed his ultimate as well, but it only hit VN at the edge of the ability's range. The Prince was rendered speechless. What a damn noob.  

Intentionally KSing, the Prince's score came up to five-zero-zero. Such moments never failed to remind him of how lonely it felt to be unchallenged. He could only lament about it.  

"Don't sell me!" Zhuo Xiaobai complained after getting killed.   

"What does 'sell' mean?" asked Chen Mu confusedly.  

"Uh… It means- It means not saving me," Zhuo Xiaobai could only think of explaining it that way.  

"You were dead for sure. I couldn't have saved you," said Chen Mu.  

"There was a chance you could have. I have five kills after all," replied Zhuo Xiaobai. 

"Look here, you only have 940 health points and there were four enemies. Let's say each player dealt you fifty points of damage, you'd only last nineteen attacks. That's equal to five hits per player.

"Additionally, every champion has four abilities. If each ability dealt you a hundred health points, the total would come up to a thousand and six hundred health points. No matter how you see it, you'd have ended up as a dead person. Moreover, you know for a fact that the total damage they can inflict is much more than estimation; it's impossible for it to be less." Upon hearing Chen Mu's explanation, Zhuo Xiaobai's jaws fell open in awe. Chen Mu managed to articulate it so goddamn well!

No wonder he had never won a 1v4 Before! 

  1. stands for 'kill steal', which refers to the practice of obtaining credit for killing an enemy when another player has put more effort into the kill.
  2. A nickname for Tryndamere, the Barbarian King.
  3. Refers to Blitzcrank's E, Power Fist, that knocks his target up into the air.
  4. Refers to Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia.
  5. refers to Fiddlesticks, the Harbinger of Doom, before he became the Ancient Fear in Patch 10.7.