Godly Hook Makes A Comeback

"..." Chen Mu was at loss for words. He thought that it was rather fascinating Zhuo Xiaobai went for 1v4s whenever he was free. 

Without the help of towers, it would be very difficult for him to go against more than one champion by himself in the early stages of the game. Not to mention, Zhuo Xiaobai abilities were almost all attack-based. Hence, he would be even more hopeless.

At the moment at hand, the Prince from the enemy team was undefeated. He had carried out proper itemization and was at a really high level. He was like Lü Bu from Romance of the Three Kingdoms—1v3 battles would be akin to taking a stroll. 

Nevertheless, VN was well-equipped. An awkward question sparked because Zhuo Xiaobai was unable to dodge Prince's attack. Chen Mu asked, "Is there a way to stop the Prince from knocking you up?" 

"Hmm, let me think… I heard that Vayne's CC can interrupt his EQ combo while it's being cast," explained Zhuo Xiaobai. 

"So, can't you just use your E then?" asked Chen Mu. 

"Oh, you're right. However, he usually reaches my position before I can hit the key," said Zhuo Xiaobai. 

As the two had their discussion, the Prince reached the high ground with his teammates. The Prince's teammates were trailing behind him in hesitance. On the other hand, no one on Chen Mu's side dared face the Prince. 

Zhuo Xiaobai, who was equipped with a Bloodthirster and a Phantom Dancer, was an exception. Ready to die for justice, he walked up to the Prince and was ready to engage in an attack. 

The Prince waited for VN to close in on him. Once he ended VN, everything would end too. Everyone else was as worthless as foul-smelling fish and rotten shrimp. 

Taking a glance at Zhuo Xiaobai, Chen Mu knew that the former would definitely die. Judging by the current distance between the Prince and Vayne, the Prince was for sure able to EQ him. The former had done so previously, but Zhuo Xiaobai failed to remember it and did not keep his distance. 

'If VN's CC can stop Prince's EQ combo, what about my Rocket Grab? I wonder if I can break his combo too,' thought Chen Mu. 

'If I calculate the speed of Prince's EQ, I should be able to hook him midair.' As Chen Mu thought of trying it out, VN coincidentally walked further into the Prince's range. As a result, the Prince cast his EQ combo once more. 

Chen Mu stared at the Prince as the latter dashed at VN. Chen Mu then hit his Q key. 

"Damn it, I'm going to die." VN was knocked up into the air as Zhuo Xiaobai had failed to dodge the Prince's abilities. Nevertheless, the Prince who had just passed through VN then came face-to-face with a gigantic Rocket Grab that pulled him straight from VN's position into the nexus turrets' range. 

"A godly hook!" the Prince's teammates exclaimed in shock. They had never witnessed such a hook before—a hook that managed to grab the Prince amidst his EQ combo! At the very least, they had yet witnessed a hook like that. 

What happened next was rather embarrassing. Golem executed an uppercut to the tall-rich-and-handsome man's chin and sent him flying into the air again. Then, Golem used his ultimate to silence the Prince, allowing manic attacks from the nexus turret to hit the Prince.

Despite how slow they were to react, Chen Mu's teammates understood that they had to launch their attacks on Prince at that moment. Hence, without another word, a frenzy of abilities rained down on Prince and killed him. It was only then when the four other players on the purple team rush over in an attempt to rescue their Prince. 

Prince hastily typed in his team chat to ask his teammates to retreat. 'What fight? You want to 4v5 with the garbage items you have equipped?' thought Prince. 

Unfortunately, the group of clueless noobies was unable to understand Prince's instructions. A fight was a fight. Fear? It did not exist in their dictionary. Players on both sides started to fight on the high ground, but of course, with inhibitor turrets and a larger number of players, Chen Mu's side had an advantage over their enemies. 

With blood, sweat, and tears, the enemy team managed to activate Golem's passive shield before they ended up being aced on the high ground. 

"Baron! Baron!" Lu Ren shouted. Having played the game countless times, it was basic knowledge for a team to kill Baron after acing their enemies. 

Therefore, the five of them proudly marched over to the Baron pit. The Prince wanted to steal the Baron because if he failed to do so, nothing would be able to save him and his team. It was unacceptable to him. Nevertheless, by the time he EQ-ed his way in, the Baron had been killed. Not to mention, before he was in range to cast his Smite, Chen Mu and his teammates gave him a frenzied beating. 

The Prince hurriedly Flashed over the wall, but he was unable to dodge Chen Mu's Rocket Grab that hooked him back into the Baron pit. 

'Wow, hell. He can hook me like this too?' The Prince was rendered speechless. 

Five of them slaughtered the Prince and headed for the high ground of the enemy base. The rest of Prince's teammates were akin to retards. Prince kept calling for them to withdraw from the high ground as they would not be able to defend it. 

However, the bunch of retards expected their defense turrets to one hit K.O. their enemies and insisted on staying within the range of their inhibitor turrets. They had the idea that they would be invincible with their turrets' protection. It was safe to say that only Prince knew from experience that the damage of late game turret shots was equivalent to the basic attack of a champion. Any tank would be able to take seven to eight tower shots. Was a full-on attack not enough? 

To no avail, the retards on Prince's team engaged in battle with Chen Mu's team one by one under their turret range. They were like the Calabash brothers who had tried saving their grandfather—they all died. 

By the time the Prince respawned, his team had lost all their inhibitor turrets and most of all lost to their enemies' comeback. Prince felt his heart shatter into a million pieces, and he decided to play ranked games from then onward instead. There was no way that he could carry such a bunch of retards. 

"Chen Mu, you're so cunning. Your hook is super accurate. How did you know that the Prince was going to Flash over there?" As the player with the most deaths, Lu Ren hurried over to ask his greatest support so that he would not hook too far off when he locked in Golem in the future. 

"Um, I looked at the direction the Prince was facing. I noticed that every time a champion Flashes, he or she usually Flashes toward the direction they're facing. I made a prediction based on the distance one travels after clashing Flash and cast my hook." Chen Mu was not stingy about his knowledge, and he told Lu Ren his thoughts frankly. 

"Big Brother, how dare you game behind my back. Didn't you say that you were going to teach me?" a sweet and melodious voice traveled into their ears. Chen Mu and the gang turned around to take a glance. 

An innocent, budding young lady was staring at Chen Mu with an angry look on her face. The level of her beauty far exceeded everyone in Year 3 Senior—her skin was so fair that it was unreal. She looked like a movie star who had been dolled up. However, she looked more visibly natural than movie stars and had a healthier tint to her skin.

"Big Brother? Chen Mu, is this your younger sister?" asked Zhuo Xiaobai. 

"Uh-huh, that's right. Why?" replied Chen Mu. 

"From the very moment I saw your younger sister, I decided to make you my sworn brother!" Zhuo Xiaobai had a flirty look on his face, and he greeted Chen Yifei hastily.

"Good day. Good day." Zhuo Xiaobai thought he was being rather chivalrous. 

"What's so good about it?" A single line from Chen Yifei caused Zhuo Xiaobai's words to get caught in his throat. 'What's so good about it? Everything's pretty good.' 

"Uh, good looks. Good body. Basically, everything's good," Zhuo Xiaobai answered. 

"That's something everyone knows. I don't need you to remind me." Chen Yifei did not spare him any embarrassment. Zhuo Xiaobai started to look like he was constipating.

"Uh, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Zhuo Xiaobai. I'm one of Chen Mu's classmates." Zhuo Xiaobai refused to admit defeat and continued digging his grave.

Chen Mu sent Zhuo Xiaobai his condolences. Zhuo Xiaobai had just presented himself on a silver platter! 

"Xiaobai? Isn't that Crayon Shinchan's dog?" As expected, Chen Yifei called it out. Everyone around them struggled to hold their laughter in. It was true that people had ridiculed his name before, but no one dared do it to his face. 

"..." Zhuo Xiaobai went speechless due to shock. 'What friggin' Crayon Shinchan's dog… Is my name that offensive to you?

'Swallow it! I must swallow my pride! Beautiful ladies are often different from others. Appearance is justice and beautiful ladies are the truth!' 

"Let's not talk about this. Are you here to game too? Coincidentally, we're short of one player here. Lu Ren, weren't you talking about returning home to study?" Zhuo Xiaobai raised his eyebrows at Lu Ren rapidly. 

"Ah? …right, I have some exercises I need to go through. Excuse me." Lu Ren was quick to respond. Considering how he always freeloaded, he had to be useful at such crucial moments. He scuttled away after saying that. 

"Forget it, I'm not playing. It's time to go home. Let's go," Chen Yifei said. 

"Yep. Alright. I'm leaving, guys." Chen Mu agreed and left in a hurry. He was afraid that his little sister would continue lashing out at people at maximum force. She had a rather terrifying power.

[The Host's total Q casts: twenty. Targets hit: sixteen. Accuracy: eighty percent. Mission accomplished. Received one hundred points. Total points accumulated: six hundred points.

Chen Mu felt a surge of relief at the System's notification. With six hundred points in his possession, it was alright for him to fail one or two missions without risking turning into a vegetable. Chen Mu was a person who knew how to calculate the risk in everything he did. He would not take chances if the risk was too high. Now, it seemed like he could.

  1. Lü Bu is one of the major antagonists in the 14th-century Chinese classic novel 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' by the late Luo Guanzhong and its multiple adaptations.
  2. This is a reference to the Calabash Brothers, a popular Chinese animation TV series from 1986 to 1987 made in paper-cut animations.