The Opening of the World Championship Series

"Gone are those on yellow crane, the husk of Yellow Crane Tower perched plain." Forget it, forget it. Chen Mu decided to go to bed obediently and forget all about his sorrowful past.

However, the moment he stepped into dreamland, he instantly reentered the in-dream training system. The System began by giving him a small test. 

A bunch of champion icons appeared before Chen Mu's eyes along with a group of champion names. Chen Mu was asked to connect the champion thumbnails to their corresponding names. 

Chen Mu was amused by the test. It was like playing a game to him. It did not take him long before he passed the test with full marks. 

In the next round, a single champion icon appeared in front of Chen Mu for him to guess their name directly. 

Upon seeing the smiling beauty, an answer shot out from Chen Mu's mouth, "Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover. 

"Amumu, the Sad Mummy. 

"Fiora Laurent, the Grand Duellist. 

"Riven, the Exile." 

Chen Mu answered all the questions correctly in a row. Considering how he had looked through their names throughout almost the entire day, it was just a piece of cake to him. 

In the past, Chen Mu had been forced to memorize classical tongue-twisting Mandarin texts each morning during his early reading class. In comparison, the visually enhanced champion names were much easier to memorize. 

"A full score has been obtained. Received a hundred points. Current accumulative points: eight hundred points. Please begin the next learning session, sir." 

The melodious female voice was heard once again. Chen Mu could not help but think about how attending a class like such far exceeded sitting in his mathematics teacher's class. 

"Next, the Host is required to learn the prices of each item and their attributes." 

The in-game shop appeared on the screen, displaying all the items available for purchase. Starting with the cheapest Health Potion, the female voice gave a detailed description of each item, their cost, and their attributes.

"Health potions are currently priced at thirty-give gold each. They grant recovery of a hundred and fifty health points over ten seconds. In future patches, its price will increase to fifty gold each. The Host should prep himself early by learning how to use them sparingly.""Must you inform me about future patches now? Can't I memorize them when the time comes?" asked Chen Mu. 

"The Host can use the information provided to predict changes that will happen in future patches of the game and train more specifically. The pros outweigh the cons," said the female voice gently. 

"Okay, okay. Alright, introduce each item to me then. I'll pay attention to listen and learn," replied Chen Mu as he thought about how comfortable it was to listen to her voice. She was in no way inferior to how those deleted "teachers" sounded like.

Another night went by. By the time Chen Mu woke up from his slumber, he was required to memorize the prices of each item and their attributes within the span of a day.

A surge of overwhelming helplessness began to stir in his heart. 'All the information is readily available in the game. Why do I have to memorize them? Oh, poor me.'

Nevertheless, it was not something Chen Mu could afford to disobey. He woke up early to memorize some vocabulary before he headed to school with a steady heart. The benefit of having the System was that his sleep improved. For the past two days, Chen Mu had woke up in a completely recharged state. He guessed that his mathematics teacher would not see him asleep in class again.

Chen Mu still intended to make his final sprint for the National College Entrance Examination because he had worked so hard for it; he had worked toward it for more than three years. Giving up halfway was not his style.

The moment Chen Mu's butt landed on his chair in school, Zhuo Xiaobai approached him with a light-hearted grin on his face. 

"Brother-in-law, have you eaten breakfast yet? Want some of mine?" Zhuo Xiaobai started fawning over Chen Mu in an attempt to gain his favor. He had an epiphany that other than being poor, Chen Mu was great in every other aspect. This of course included having such a charming-looking younger sister. It would be a waste if Zhuo Xiaobai let go of this string of contact without using it to its maximum. 

"Don't call me that, I advise you to give up. The number of men she has kicked in the crotch exceeds two digits." Chen Mu brushed him off.

Zhuo Xiaobai felt a chill run up his spine but eventually decided that he did not mind. After all, as long as there was a will, there was a way. There was nothing wrong with getting to know her first. 

"It's fine. I just want to get to know her. I just want to be friends so that we can sometimes play games together. Isn't it a wonderful idea?" 

"If you must know, the prettier a lady is, the more unreliable she is," Chen Mu stated. 

"Uh, my mom told me that too but it got me thinking. What about unattractive ones?" Zhuo Xiaobai asked. 

"They're both unattractive and unreliable," Chen Mu concluded. 

"...I seem to have the urge to curse at you, but I'm not sure if I should acknowledge it." Zhuo Xiaobai huffed angrily.

Chen Mu's answer had indeed been extracted from his own understanding. It was almost widely accepted that a beautiful woman was more likely to cheat. However, it did not mean that unattractive ones would never cheat. Of course, it only applied if Chen Mu decided to get married with prominent fear that his wife would cheat on him. 

If one managed to marry a good-looking wife who would not cheat, they had earned big time. They would gain a beautiful woman as their partner and true love. 

However, if one married an attractive woman who then proceeded to cheat, one would suffer greatly. One would first feel sorry for themself and then for the loss of loyalty. Based on the probability theory, Chen Mu would rather marry a beautiful woman. 

Moreover, Chen Mu secretly wished that all men believed in the theory about how unreliable beautiful women were so that his chances of getting together with a beautiful lady would increase. 

Disregarding one's own judgment at the most crucial times was something everyone was prone to. Such a thing seemed to give people a reason to regret their decisions and thus, they would push their responsibilities toward others. 

For example, some of the most crucial decisions one could make include selecting a school, their major, their job, and even getting married and having kids.

Chen Mu would rather make those decisions himself and blame himself in the end. Without a doubt, It would still be better than him blaming others. 

As Chen Mu's morning reading session began, he started the brain-wrecking process of memorizing items. His lips mouthed the names of all the blades, Doran's Blade, Pickaxe, B.F. Sword... 

He memorized all the item's prices, attributes, as well as each item completion cost—he had to memorize how much it cost to upgrade an item into another.

The most outrageous request Chen Mu had was the need for him to remember an item called Oracle's Sight even though the System told him that the item was about to be removed from the game. 

After a whole morning's worth of memorizing, Chen Mu saw Lu Ren walking toward him the moment recess had begun.

"Big Bro Xiaobai, do you know that the S2 World Championship Series is about to start? We should totally watch it tonight," said Lu Ren.

"The World Championship Series is amazing. We have to watch it, no doubt about that. What do you say, Brother Mu? Want to watch it together?" asked Zhuo Xiaobai. 

"World Championship Series? Is there a Huaxia team?" asked Chen Mu. 

"Of course, there is. The competition is organized by Riot Games' parent company. It started last year. In the first year, they invited the world's top sixteen strongest teams. Due to bad luck, the Koreans won the championship. This year, it's all about earning their place again," Zhuo Xiaobai replied.

"It seems like in last year's S1, two teams got into the quarter-finals, and one team made it to the semi-finals. However, they lost mainly due to bad luck and because they were not used to the climate there," explained Zhuo Xiaobai. To be frank, he had not actually followed the championship the year before. He knew about it by reading online news. 

"Where was the championship held?" Chen Mu asked. 

"I heard that it was held in Sweden," Lu Ren answered. 

"A championship that was held in Sweden was won by Koreans. Why weren't they not used to the environment there too, then? It sounds like an excuse they used to cover their asses," said Chen Mu. 

"...uh, perhaps. However, at that time, not a lot of people played the game unlike now. This year, we're definitely going to get first place." Zhuo Xiaobai was overflowing with confidence. Huaxia, a vast country that had a population of two billion, housed twenty times more people than Korea which had a population of a hundred million people. For the Koreans to become the champions the year before, Zhuo Xiaobai was confident that it was due to Huaxia's bad luck. 

"System, what happened to the previous host?" asked Chen Mu. 

"In his world, Europe won the first championship. Neither Huaxia nor Korea participated. The championship rules had not been perfected as well. The championship rules here are stricter. In the first annual championship itself, sixteen teams started the championship in a rather complete setting. Hence, if the Host wishes to become a Challenger in this world, you'll have to go through much greater lengths. Please work hard for it," the System reminded Chen Mu. 

"Ding! Mission triggered: watch the World Championship Series and obtain experience as well as observe techniques used in professional matches. Then, present your personal understanding. Points will be rewarded based on your level of understanding: minimum ten points, maximum five hundred points." 

'Heh.' Under Chen Mu's expectations, a new mission had been triggered. Considering how professional matches were something that he would encounter sooner or later, it was quite necessary for him to watch a professional match before that happened. 

  1. Lines from Yellow Crane Tower, a poem written by Cui Hao in the 8th century.