His First Time Watching A Match

The beginning of the World Championship Series caused an unprecedented spike in popularity toward the game. The moment recess started, boys would be seen discussing the game and the championship in duos and trios. 

Being in Year 3 Senior would not stop their passion for gaming. While still memorizing the prices of items and attributes, Chen Mu observed their glowing looks of excitement and felt a pang of curiosity as well. He wondered what sort of charm the championship had to the point that it was able to attract so many people's liking. 

Before class started, Chen Mu asked Zhuo Xiaobai, "How much was yesterday's internet fee? I'll pay you."

Zhuo Xiaobai did not want Chen Mu to pay. However, Zhuo Xiaobai thought that the poorer Chen Mu was, the greater his chances were. He would have the chance to get closer to Chen Mu's younger sister when the latter borrowed money from him, would he not? 

'I'm such a genius,' thought Zhuo Xiaobai. 

"Four bucks," Zhuo Xiaobai answered. The fee was actually six bucks as each hour cost 5 bucks. However, Chen Mu's poverty was well-known—he never participated in any gatherings nor any group activities during winter or summer breaks. 

It was part of the reason why everyone thought this study god was quite unapproachable—they felt that he was a rather incongenial person. 

Chen Mu fished out some money as he thought about how expensive cybercafes were. When he had made it in the future, he would definitely start a cybercafe and earn tens of thousands each month for ages. 

"Oh, right. You should use Lu Ren's account next time and we can play some ranked games together. I think you're much stronger than him," Zhuo Xiaobai said. The memory of Chen Mu's hook was still fresh in his mind. 

Chen Mu was about to agree when the System's voice rang. 

"To be a Challenger, the Host must bear the highest level of professionalism. Boosting is absolutely forbidden. Each time the Host uses someone else's account, a thousand points will be deducted." 

"What the hell, that severe? I only have seven hundred points and if I boost someone once, I'll become a vegetable instantly. The System is so strict, sigh." Chen Mu scoffed. 

"In the previous Host's world, it was because most geniuses chose boosting as their profession that it caused the standard of their skills to plummet. It cost them the chance to become professional elite players. Once you use someone else's account, you surrender the resolve to be the strongest. You'll lose yourself in the constant process of bullying newbies. Please don't waste your talent, sir." The System's reasonable explanation rendered Chen Mu speechless. He did not really understand what boosting encased and guessed that it was merely using someone else's account to play. 

He had no choice but to turn Zhuo Xiaobai down. Chen Mu said, "I don't want to use someone else's account. Wait for me to reach the maximum level and then I'll rank with you."

The ranked matches they were talking about were matches played by max level players who had been through constant training. Those players had familiarized themselves with different champions and playstyles. 

One could only play ranked matches after obtaining sixteen champions. In other words, only players who played ranked matches could be considered to have truly started the game.

After nightfall, Zhuo Xiaobai invited Chen Mu out so that they could watch the championship together. Chen Mu expressed his pain from spending too much money and told him that he did not want to spend any more money. Therefore, Chen Mu watched the championship beside Zhuo Xiaobai without starting up his own device. 

By the time they reached the cybercafe, the championship had started not too long ago. It was a game between Europe and North America. 

"Did you see that super good-looking midlaner? That's Ice King, one of the Top Four in Western Europe. His main is Ice Bird. If he manages to lock in Anivia, North America will probably lose. 

"The other brown-haired one there is North America's top ADC. He once used Frost to score a penta kill by attack moving Prince." Although Zhuo Xiaobai was an average player, he had a vast knowledge about the game. He had all sorts of information about the game at the back of his hands as if they were a part of his inheritance. 

Chen Mu nodded. It seemed like most of the participants were young people in their twenties or younger. They were all on a gigantic stage, enjoying the game under the anticipation of tens of thousands of people.

Based on the audience's cheers, it seemed like the audience of the championship was extremely large. The audience kept shouting a bunch of IDs to cheer their idols on; Chen Mu could not recognize them. 

Then, the competition started. However, Chen Mu did not have headphones on, so he only looked at the screen. He watched as both teams started to ban certain champions. Chen Mu understood that it was called 'draft pick'. In official matches, if certain players were exceptionally good at playing certain champions, or if certain champions were too overpowered, players could alter the match by banning those champions.

"What in the world? They let the Ice King get his Ice Bird? They must be crazy," Zhuo Xiaobai who had his headphones on commented in surprise.

Chen Mu did not say anything and continued watching the match in silence. It seemed like his standards were still too far off compared to the professional players. He was keener to complete the System's missions. 

The moment the match began, Europe's Ice King went mid lane with his Ice Bird and demonstrated to the world what it was like to be a super CS machine. 

By the twenty minutes mark, he had scored two hundred and forty CS. However, Chen Mu was unable to watch how he had done it due to the screen constantly switching between scenes. 

Chen Mu only knew that at the twenty-five minutes mark, in a teamfight, Ice Bird—who had no kills but had three hundred CS—insta killed North America's AD, Frost, who was at full health. Ice Bird had accomplished the feat by unleashing a combo with his three abilities. 

It gave Chen Mu quite the surprise as he realized how powerful the technique was. He had not expected the damage to be high enough to be able to one-shot a champion at full health. 

Then, Ice Bird's team went for Baron. Afterward, Ice Bird used his Q at an angle on the high ground and stunned the opposing team's midlaner, Clockwork, before his whole team ganged up on her. In that way, they swept across the enemy team. 

"Whoa, they shouldn't have let Ice King have Ice Bird. North America got overconfident. They should have learned their lesson by the end of this match!" Zhuo Xiaobai sighed. 

'He seems really good. How did he get such high CS? Based on my eighty-five-CS-in-ten-minutes calculation, you can only last hit two hundred and fifty-five minions in thirty minutes. Yet, he managed to score three hundred CS in twenty-five minutes," Chen Mu thought. 

By farming as a team, the Western Europe team defeated North America without a sweat within twenty minutes. At this point, Chen Mu thought it was about time for him to go home. 

"Isn't tomorrow a weekend? Why don't you stay a bit longer?" asked Zhuo Xiaobai. 

"Hmm, I have something to do tomorrow," said Chen Mu. If he did not start teaching Chen Yifei, he was confident that the little lady would find all sorts of reasons to butt heads with him.

"Please make a conclusion about this match, sir. The System will allocate the appropriate reward according to the Host's judgment," said the System. 

"You can do anything you want if you're rich," Chen Mu concluded. 'Wasn't it true? The Ice King made two thousand gold by farming, and he managed to one-shot the fully-equipped ADC by comboing his abilities only once. That's the power of money.' 

[Ding! Received two hundred points. Current accumulative points: nine hundred points.] 

Chen Mu reached his house and entered it quietly. His parents were both asleep already as they kept to a healthy sleep cycle. 

Chen Mu tried his best to turn on the computer. He really could not risk letting his old pa find out about it. When he was six, Chen Mu saw a cool tattoo and told his old pa that he wanted a tattoo. 

Eventually, Chen Mu gave up on the idea after his old pa "tattoo-ed" a handprint on him. Him playing LoL in his Year 3 Senior was like dancing on the tip of a blade—high risk, low gain, no money, and time-consuming. 

That night, the mission that was assigned to him by the damnable System was to use Ice Bird to secure a CS score above eighty-eight. Sharing the same rules as Chen Mu's previous CS mission, he was not allowed to use any abilities nor bring any items. 

After another torturous training session of three rounds that took thirty minutes, Chen Mu barely managed to hit eighty-nine CS. Chen Mu was quite impressed by how Ice Bird had managed to last hit minions everywhere in the game he watched earlier! 

Chen Mu hurriedly went to bed, expecting Chen Yifei to cling to himself to teach her LoL the next day. Year 3 Senior holidays were as precious as an oasis in a desert. 

After entering dreamland, Chen Mu went through his usual test. Various pictures of items appeared in front of Chen Mu for him to tell their respective prices as well as attributes.

It was fortunate that Chen Mu had not slacked off. He remembered each of them clearly and managed to pass with a full score.

The lesson that followed was even worse. Chen Mu's next task was to memorize the number of experience points needed to hit each level. 

Level 1 to Level 2, two hundred and eighty points; Level 2 to Level 3, three hundred and forty points; Level 17 to Level 18, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen points. 

Chen Mu felt faint; worse things awaited his attention. Not only did he have to memorize the amount of experience it took one to level up each time, but he also had to memorize how much experience each minion gave.

A siege minion granted ninety-two points. 

Then, he had to know exactly how many minions he had to kill to reach level 2, how many to reach level 3, all the way until level 18. Chen Mu was required to calculate all that after waking up, so he proceeded to memorize the numbers. 

"This isn't gaming! This is obviously scientific research! Why is it that everyone else can play however they want to but I have to suffer like this?! I haven't even finished memorizing my vocabulary yet!" Chen Mu said in despair. 

"That's because the Host wants to become the Unkillable Demon King." A single sentence from the System put Chen Mu back in his place. 

  1. refers to Anivia, the Cryophoenix
  2. Refers to Ashe, the Frost Archer.
  3. Refers to Orianna Reveck, The Lady of Clockwork.
  4. abbreviation for League of Legends.