Spit Nonsense With A Straight Face

Zhuo Xiaobai patted Chen Mu on the back, and the latter was sent jumping in shock. Chen Mu turned around to look at Zhuo Xiaobai, "What are you doing?" 

"Chen Mu, oh, Chen Mu. I wasn't expecting you to be of such standard! It must have been so hard on you to hide your true skills from me," complained Zhuo Xiaobai to Chen Mu with an aggrieved look on his face.  

"I never hid it from you. Am I that noob when I play with you normally?" Chen Mu responded. 

"Uh…" After thinking about it, Zhuo Xiaobai realized that Chen Mu was rather amazing in normal matches. He never seemed to die much. However, those were just blind pick matches. Who would have expected him to perform so well in a tournament? 

"I don't care. You must boost me in our games next time. It seems like there's hope for me to exceed a thousand ELO points after all, wahaha." Zhuo Xiaobai indulged in his reverie.  

At this time, the Chuzhou University students had already won their match, shook hands with their opponents, and were waiting for their next match. They were seated on a sofa not far away and were chit-chatting amongst themselves.  

"A tournament of this standard is quite boring," said a young man with a very long fringe. 

"Liu Fei, you're an elite from an Esports Club after all. Isn't it normal for you to win in such amateur tournaments?" asked a bespectacled young man next to him.  

"It's all thanks to the serious training you guys went through. Otherwise, we wouldn't have won so easily if everything was up to me," the man named Liu Fei said humbly. 

"You're the only player among us who has two thousand and one hundred ELO points. I assume that there isn't anyone here who has a higher amount of ELO points than you. The rest of us who only have a thousand and eight hundred ELO points can still win while lying down," the man in spectacles said respectfully. After all, it was only apt for him to appease the tailcoat he had invited. A thousand bucks would be enough for the five of them to afford several meals. 

The young man named Liu Fei felt quite pleased with the compliment. He was indeed quite proud of his ELO points. Ever since he enrolled at university, he started playing League of Legends; he had started playing the game the moment it came out. Other than attending classes and sleeping, he basically sat in front of his computer each day in an attempt to climb up the ranks. In merely two years, he played over three thousand ranked matches and was considered a pro player in Chuzhou University that was quite popular. 

He had formed a team to participate in the tournament because he did not want to waste the skills he had honed over the past two years. Additionally, other than earning some greens, he could show off.   

Chen Mu appeared on stage once again for his next match. What Shi Geng said turned out to be true. Other than the group of university students, everyone else was mediocre, and their teams for the tournament had probably been formed without much thought. 

Chen Mu easily solo killed his opposing laner at least five times. Nothing memorable came out of the match where Chen Mu's enemies surrendered after the twenty minutes mark.  

"Eh, that mid laner from Petrification seems to be quite a good player. I noticed that his CS was timely in both matches. He had a CS of at least a hundred and ninety at twenty minutes. Could he be a pro player?" said the bespectacled man. 

"Yep, he had immaculate CS scores and dealt damage rather consistently in both matches. Even though he's up against noob opponents, he could very well be a player of at least two thousand ELO points based on his well-trained basic skills," said Liu Fei as he stared at the big screen.  

"So, what should we do? Are you confident that we will win?" asked Specs.  

"Of course, but I guess I'll have to use some of the skills I practiced beforehand. Later on, let me counter pick him. Let me deal with that mid laner," said Liu Fei confidently. There were not many students from Chuzhou University who had the experience of playing more than three thousand matches. Additionally, Liu Fei joined plenty of streamed matches as well. There was no way he would be scared of such a brat. 

The 'Counter pick' Liu Fei had mentioned could also be called targeted selection. There were many champions in League of Legends with traits that could counter another. For example, when using Pantheon against Duellist, Pantheon could still suppress Duellist successfully even if he was five hundred points behind her. Advantages and disadvantages existed across each champion's attributes and spells. 

Many competing teams continued to be disqualified as Petrification and Godkiller, the team that ha been formed by the university students, swept over them. Many of them surrendered at the twenty minutes mark.

"Now, we've reached the long-awaited finals. We have two very strong squads on both sides. They basically steamrolled each match. Which squad will come out on top as the tournament's champion?! We'll find out soon enough!" The person-in-charge of the cybercafe was passionate about his job. He had learned from a world championship host and prepared a speech before the finals.  

The two squads entered the ban phase. Liu Fei made sure that he was the last one to select a champion as he wanted to make sure that Chen Mu chose his champion before he did. This was to make sure that he could lock in a champion to counter Chen Mu's champion of choice. 

"Chen Mu, what are you going to play? The mid laner of the opposite team hasn't picked yet," Shi Geng asked.  

"Hmm, anything goes. I'll go with Tiger Balm," said Chen Mu. When it came to champions, Chen Mu did not have any particular preference since he felt like all of them were pretty much similar. The only thing that mattered to him was that he won. 

"Cardsharp, then?" asked Shi Geng.  

"Uh-huh, let's go with that." Chen Mu had been trained by the System to use many champions. Cardsharp was no exception. The champion earned gold especially quickly and grew extremely fast.  

"Lady luck is smilin'," Cardsharp's voice was electrifying as he uttered one of his classic voice lines.  

"Cardsharp? Help me choose Little Merman and watch me crush him," Liu Fei said to his teammates. 

"That's good. Little Merman is a hard counter to Cardsharp. I guess he's going to get solo killed by Big Bro Fei four or five times later," said Liu Fei's teammate as the former pressed the 'lock-in' button. 

Each champion had heavy counters to it. The extent of which Merman could counter Cardsharp was shockingly high. That was because Merman's E could dodge Cardsharp's Gold Card, therefore it could be said that there was nothing Cardsharp could do about Merman. On the other hand, if Cardsharp was hit by Merman's ultimate, nothing would be left of Cardsharp except his dead body.  

Liu Fei took out a box of Xylitol hard candies, popped one of them into his mouth, and casually started to chew on it. He seemed very confident.   

"I think it'll be hard to deal with Little Merman as Cardsharp? Do you want to exchange lanes with top?" Shi Xin asked. It would be easier for their top laner to deal with Little Merman anyway.

"No need. Cardsharp is very good against Merman," Chen Mu responded.  

"..." Shi Geng and Shi Xin exchanged glances with each other. 'Why is our understanding so different from Chen Mu's? Cardsharp is good against Merman?' 

Chen Mu was just pulling their leg, of course. It was vital for him to maintain his fighting morale before the match. He could not afford to mess up. Chen Mu reasoned that as long as one talked about something confidently, many people would believe them even though what they were saying might be fake. 

When Chen Mu was in Primary Year 4, he learned about pi in class. As a prodigious mathematician, Chen Mu memorized up to fifty decimal points of pi on that day itself. Then, when the teacher asked him about it, he confidently claimed that he could recite pi up to fifty decimal points. Coincidentally, it was the same day where the school's headmaster and a group of teachers were observing the lesson from the side. Therefore, Chen Mu's teacher asked Chen Mu to demonstrate it to the headmaster on the spot. 

Brimming full of confidence, Chen Mu started recalling the numbers and reciting them, "3.141592653…" However, shortly after, he began to forget the numbers out of nervousness because there were so many teachers present. Nevertheless, he was very sure that he knew the numbers like the back of his hand. Hence, for the sake of his ego, he recited the phone number to his house, followed by his father's phone number, his mother's phone number, his Penguin account ID, and Chen Yifei's Penguin account ID. At last, he managed to come up with fifty numbers.  

By the time he had finished reciting the numbers, cold sweat had drenched his entire back. Eventually, the headmaster and the teachers gave him a round of unending applause that nearly convinced him that he managed to get all the decimal points right. 

From that day onward, Chen Mu realized that even if one were to spit nonsense with nothing but a straight face—as long as they were truly strong and confident enough—others would always believe them. 

Without hesitation, Chen Mu left the base with shoes and four Health Potions. Cardsharp could use his Blue Card to restore mana, and shoes were a pretty good choice. Chen Mu had even prepared a set of movement speed runes since a champion like Cardsharp loved movement speed more than Ryze. The faster Cardsharp was, the more likely he could keep shooting out Gold Cards to stun others. 

Meanwhile, Merman who was on the opposite team bought Doran's Ring. Merman had two dashes and an ultimate that could slow enemies. Thus, even with shoes, Cardsharp had no hopes of escaping the Merman's pursuit. 

  1. Refers to Fiora Laurent, the Grand Duellist.
  2. This is not an endorsement! It's a slang that refers to a League champion that can fit into any form of team composition.
  3. Refers to Twisted Fate, the Card Master.
  4. Refers to Fizz, the Tidal Trickster.