Cardsharp Is Fishing; Voluntary Biters Only

Chen Mu stood in mid lane. He did not join the Level 1 team fight. There were not many Level 1 team fights among high level games where strangers matched up with each other. It was better for one to hold their position and prevent enemies from breaking through. 

There was just too much uncertainty in Level 1 ganks. Pro players would rather not let a gank at Level 1 affect the outcome of the game so early on. 

Merman was clad in a Fisherman skin. Liu Fei was pissed when he saw that Chen Mu was using Cardsharp's default skin. 'This person hasn't been using any skins in the past three matches. Has he never played in a tournament before? Doesn't he know that all the skins are free when using the server provided by the tournament? Does he have no idea how good Tango Twisted Fate looks like?' 

One minute until the first minion wave spawned, Merman thought it was rather boring and started taunting Chen Mu in mid lane with his sharp voice. 

"Ding! The Unkillable Demon King's dignity is once again at stake. Anyone who insults the Unkillable Demon King will receive proper judgment. Similar to before, your reward will be based on your opponent's level of fear, ranging from a hundred points to a thousand points," the System prompted. "

Chen Mu beamed in delight as though he had found a pathway that could bring him wealth and prosperity. As long as someone chose to insult him in League of Legends—no matter in-game or out of the game—missions to defend the Unkillable Demon King's dignity would trigger. That was to say, whenever Chen Mu was capable of enticing someone to insult himself, he had the opportunity to farm points! 

The moment minions started to spawn, Chen Mu turned serious. He had to use all of his skills to inflict extreme fear in Little Merman. He wanted to see if he would be presented with the chance to draw some lots if he managed to accumulate at least a thousand points. 

Chen Mu stood directly behind his minions and remained stationary there. Little Merman saw that Cardsharp was not entering his attack range. Therefore, Little Merman stepped forward and auto attacked the enemy minions in front of him. Laning was an ingrained skill in every pro player. Level 2 combat strength would always be stronger than leaving base with a Doran item. Hence, Little Merman could not resist the chance to push the lane. 

The moment he reached Level 2 and if Cardsharp happened to walk in the wrong direction, Littler Merman could straight away send a combo of spells flying at Cardsharp's face to poke him. At Level 3, Little Merman could forcefully kill Cardsharp. That was why Merman was such an insane champion—he had the ability to solo kill at Level 3, especially against squishy mages. 

Meanwhile, Chen Mu only sighed as he muttered to himself, "This round, I will let Merman understand the meaning of fear." 

Was Cardsharp great against Merman? No, but if Chen Mu's skill level was much higher than the player who was playing Merman, then there would be no such thing as a counter pick anymore. Counter picks could not change the understanding of the game. 

The reason why Cardsharp players were terrified of Merman was that Merman had dashes and could dodge Gold Cards. However, what if Cardsharp was standing in his turret range? It would allow Cardsharp to farm CS and simultaneously harass Merman. Merman would never be brave enough to dive Cardsharp who was under a tower.

The moment Little Merman performed a basic attack, it was decided that he should give up on trying to get the upper hand in the showdown. 

Under Chen Mu's control, Cardsharp only last hit the enemy minions. Other times, Cardsharp was ordered to kite and use Blue Cards along with basic attacks to harass Merman. 

When the second wave of minions arrived, the minion wave started pushing toward Chen Mu but then neatly stopped in front of his tower. Chen Mu continued to last hit the minions. 

"What is this feeling? Something feels wrong." Liu Fei chewed on his Xylitol hard candy and realized that he was being forced to play somewhat passively. With the minion waves clashing so close to his enemy's turret range, it was impossible for his team's jungler to gank the lane. On the other hand, Blind Monk from the opposite team could jump out from a brush at any time. 

Liu Fei felt uneasy at the position of the minion wave, but he convinced himself that it should be alright. All he had to do was wait for another wave of minions or two and the lane would push back to him. His past experiences convinced him that the situation would not last long. 

However, when the next wave of minions arrived, Liu Fei's eyes almost fell out of their sockets as the expression on his face froze. 

The lane was supposed to start pushing in the opposite direction after the minions entered Chen Mu's turret range and got killed. However, Chen Mu used Cardsharp's body to tank the minions' attacks, preventing them from entering his turret's range. 

Chen Mu had bought boots along with four Health Potions-he had plenty of Health Potions and did not mind tanking a few seconds of damage from the minions at all. 

'WTF! How am I supposed to play then?!' Liu Fei exploded at Chen Mu's method of blocking minions. He was terrified of farming CS and was being forced to deal with harass my Cardsharp that kept on throwing Blue Cards at him. Now that Cardsharp was playing it this way, did it not mean that the lane would always be frozen there? 

It was Liu Fei's first time encountering such a situation. A case whereby someone froze the lane with their own champion in such a way never happened even in matches of two thousand and one hundred ELO points. Normally, both players would focus on farming CS and damaging turrets cautiously while expending one Health Potion. Situations like this only occurred in high-level matches that were more multilayered. Additionally, they were only done by the support in bot lane.

Little Merman was dismayed. He called his jungler frantically and asked him to become a ward. Otherwise, he did not dare farm his CS. The enemy team's Blind Monk had not appeared at top lane or bot lane. Liu Fei was terrified to death. 

Meanwhile, Cardsharp who was on the opposite team was not afraid at all. Before Merman reached Level 6, Merman would not have enough damage to dive him. 

As long as the turret at the shore stood strong, Cardsharp could shit while standing on top of Merman's head. He threw Blue Cards whenever he saw Merman approach. If Merman wanted to last hit the minions, he should be prepared to eat Chen Mu's cards. Otherwise, Merman would have to give up his E to dodge Chen Mu's attacks. Nevertheless, Merman's E at this rank cost too much mana and had a very long CD. How long could he afford to keep on using his spells? 

Six minutes into the game, Cardsharp was twenty-one CS ahead of Merman. Liu Fei's forehead was drenched in sweat. Perhaps a player of low ELO points would not understand the effects of having a CS lead, but how could a two-thousand-one-hundred ELO points player like him be unaware of it? 

Twenty CS was equivalent to three hundred and five gold. Since Cardsharp's passive allowed him to earn extra gold whenever he killed a minion, there was a difference of at least four hundred gold between both of them. In other words, even though they were both alive, it was as though Merman had died once. How could Liu Fei not feel nervous? 

He had to kill Cardsharp once! Otherwise, the game was destined to be doomed! 

Liu Fei understood what was at stake. A champion like Cardsharp would become useless once one killed him a few times. However, if he was allowed to get fed, nobody on Cardsharp's opposing team would dare venture out alone. Every champion who had their lanes pushed would feel uncontested fear. 

The one thing Liu Fei got out of this was that the Cardsharp player he was fighting could very well be a player that had more than two thousand and one hundred ELO points! 

His opponent was going against a counter pick and was using Cardsharp to suppress his Merman. Such a Cardsharp player was undeniably much stronger than him!

Through his team's voice chat, Chen Mu said, "Blind Monk, come camp mid. I'm going to bait him to kill me." 

"How are you going to bait him?" Blind Monk had just one-kick K.O.ed Rockman and hit Level 5. He started heading toward mid lane. 

"Just watch." Chen Mu did not want to waste any time explaining and intentionally selected a Blue Card. Then, he acted as if he was going to harass Merman with the Blue Card. 

Merman hurriedly retreated two steps back and left Cardsharp's attack range. Looking as though he had lost his target and could not do anything else, Cardsharp threw the Blue Card at one of the minions and cast his Q to clear the wave. 

"Aha, a chance!" Liu Fei had waited for a very long time for this moment when Cardsharp let his guard down. Now that Cardsharp was in a limbo where both his spells had been used up, as long as Cardsharp ate the fish that Merman threw at him, how many ELO points he had did not matter! The damage dealt by Merman would be enough to solo kill Cardsharp! 

Merman threw his fish from the furthest distance straight at Cardsharp. Liu Fei prayed in his heart for the fish to hit Chen Mu. If the fish missed, Liu Fei would be nothing but trash. 

Liu Fei saw Cardsharp stutter step to the left and right, seemingly trying to avoid the fish. However, Cardsharp did not walk in the right direction and still got hit by the edge of the fish in the end. 

It was a hit! 

Chen Mu's acting was too authentic. As though he was in a state of panic, he controlled Cardsharp to keep retreating. However, he could not move at all as his movement speed had been greatly reduced by the fish. 

Merman approached quickly and cast both his W and Q in an instant, waiting for Cardsharp to use up his Flash. The moment Cardsharp gave up his Flash, Merman would instantly cast E to catch up to him. 

Eventually, it seemed like Cardsharp had given up struggling when he did not use his Flash. Liu Fei did not dare be too reckless. He was afraid that Cardsharp would dodge the damage from Merman's E at the eleventh hour. Liu Fei placed his fingers on his E and Flash as he watched Cardsharp intently. If the moment presented itself, Liu Fei would use his E and Flash right after to catch up. He was very confident that he was capable of pulling off such high reaction speed plays. 

However, Blind Monk suddenly appeared in Merman's field of vision and gave him the impulse to smash his keyboard. 'What the heck are you panicking about with Blind Monk here?! Don't tell me it was all an act?' 

There was no time for Liu Fei to confirm this terrifying thought. Merman immediately used his E in the opposite direction and utilized his Flash in an attempt to escape. His opportunity to kill off Cardsharp had disappeared. The appearance of Blind Monk had proven the fact that Cardsharp could no longer be killed. 

It was at this moment that Cardsharp's skills were back up. Moving forward, Cardsharp picked a card. Then, after selecting a Gold Card and using Flash, Cardsharp caught up with the fleeing Merman. Additionally, Blind Monk cast his Flash and W. Merman's head was secured in two phases. 

"Your acting skills are on par with the king of the silver screen!" Shi Geng praised Chen Mu. Chen Mu had pretended to fail to harass his enemy, retreated after clearing the wave, and then pretended to move like there was no one behind him. Finally, he intentionally took the hit from the fish and waited for Merman to get baited. 'You deserve the golden man from the Oscars!'