First Victory

After killing Merman, Chen Mu finally had the opportunity to recall. To ensure that the damned Merman did not get a single opportunity to farm, Chen Mu had painstakingly frozen the lane until Level 6 and did not have the chance to purchase any items. 

Chen Mu purchased a pair of Sorcerer's Shoes and a Negatron Cloak. Other than that, he also purchased a Vision Ward and two Stealth Wards. One attack item and one defense item—the two items shut down all possibilities of Little Merman solo killing him. 

Seeing Cardsharp's item build, Liu Fei nearly spurted a mouthful of blood. 'Goddamnit, you already have a large advantage! What in the world are you still scared of?!' 

The reason behind Chen Mu's purchase was because since he had killed Merman, he could no longer continue freezing the lane. The difference between Cardsharp and Merman was as great as a two-story building. However, even if Cardsharp was one or two levels higher than Merman, Cardsharp would still die if he was hit by Merman's fish. Anyone who thought they could relax in front of Merman just because they had some form of advantage would eventually learn a bloodied lesson. 

The cause of this problem originated from Merman's W that was able to deal damage based on a set percentage of someone's health. Simultaneously, Merman's E allowed him to dodge most abilities. Those two traits let Little Merman become an agile champion that could dodge abilities and retaliate at the same time. Furthermore, Merman possessed a long-ranged ultimate that could inflict insanely high damage on his enemies. 

On the contrary, Cardsharp's ultimate was more supportive in nature. Therefore, the champion lacked several hundred points of damage when it came to skirmishing. Before Chen Mu obtained Zhonya's Hourglass, he could not afford to relax when facing Merman. 

Returning to freeze his lane, Cardsharp continued to suppress Merman with his lead. Meanwhile, Little Merman got himself ready to hit the ping button whenever Cardsharp disappeared from his field of vision. 

Despite that, Cardsharp chose not to extend at all. As long as Chen Mu did not fly across the river, his opponent would not be able to attack him. They could farm jungle monsters, but they would not dare gank any lanes; they could only farm. 

On Liu Fei's team, the top and bot lane champions moved tentatively in fear. Whenever they saw someone from the enemy team approach, they would immediately retreat out of fear of seeing Cardsharp teleport in front of them. Naturally, they started to balk in terms of CS. 

One grand move from Cardsharp had led to his team securing an advantage in all three lanes. Farming for experience had become a luxury to the Chuzhou University students. 

To make Liu Fei feel more fearful, Chen Mu had to come up with more ways to target Merman. After all, he would not get any points for killing other champions. Chen Mu wondered if he would trigger any missions if he insulted other people or gave them a little dance. Chen Mu made a mental note in his mind to try doing so next time. 

After setting up vision on both sides, Chen Mu started to spam cards at Merman's face without holding back. As a result, Merman had to choices left—he could either choose to give up CS or be prepared to eat Cardsharp's array of cards. For the first time ever, Liu Fei regretted so much for having picked a melee champion. Had he known such a thing was going to happen, he would have chosen Clockwork. At least, with Clockwork, he would be able to last hit minions and in the late-game, perhaps cast a good ultimate and turn the tide in his team's favor. On the other hand, he was now forever stuck in a state of half-health. He was too cowardly to engage whenever he saw the enemy jungler come close. Play his *ss. 

While harassing Merman, Chen Mu kept himself busy by thinking like him. If he exchanged positions with Merman who was on the opposite team, what would he do to get out of this cul-de-sac? Despite Cardsharp having frozen the lane in the beginning, how could he solve this problem? 

It was known that even if he failed to auto attack a few times, the lane could still push forward if the enemy was a pro player who knew how to manipulate minion waves. 

If Liu Fei had been aware of it, what would he have done to exchange positions with Chen Mu. His Merman had been beaten up into a pathetic mudfish who could not one shot the enemy ADC even after utilizing his entire attack combo. If his and Cardsharp's positions were reversed, his team would have secured a surefire win by now. 

Nevertheless, Chen Mu disagreed. If a person had an extremely high understanding of the game, they would be able to come up with a way to break their fall even if the odds were not in their favor. 

Even if Merman hugged his turret, did it mean he was safe? Not necessarily. It took only a Gold Card from Cardsharp to bait Merman to use his E while Blind Monk who was camping at the Raptor camp straight away rushed out to his ally's aid, landing a kick on Merman's chest and presenting him on a silver platter to Chen Mu. 

Chen Mu cast a point-blank Q straight at Merman's face to cut short the latter's health bar. Following closely, Blind Monk's Q came sweeping. Blind Monk rushed over immediately for the second time and dropped Merman to a low health percentage. 

Merman utilized his Flash once again and threw his fish behind him; it was a frantic attempt to reduce his enemies' movement speed so he could escape. 

Meanwhile, Chen Mu took two steps forward and instantly selected a card before he Flashed. The instant the card left Cardsharp's hand, the fish emerged coincidentally from the ground and collided flawlessly with it. Chen Mu's timing was impeccable. Chen Mu—who had memorized the duration of all skill effects—sent another Red Card flying to draw out whatever little health Merman had left. 

Liu Fei slammed his table and cursed at the good luck his enemy had. If his enemies had been a second slower, he would have escaped successfully. It was so depressing to die in such a manner. 

Meanwhile, Chen Mu wanted to tell Shi Geng off. Had the latter arrived zero-point-five seconds later than he did, the duration of Chen Mu's W would have ended before he could flash. If Chen Mu had thrown a card in that manner, Merman's Flash would have spelled death. 

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Mu decided to let it go. It was impossible for him to expect everyone to memorize the CD of each and every champions' abilities like himself. It was already not bad that they managed to secure the kill. 

Such monstrous expectations could only originate from the System.

"Sir, you are mistaken. In Korea, every top-notch support is expected to remember all ten enemies' summoner spells and their CDs since they disappeared from the map. Do not underestimate the professional players of this world or you will suffer horrendous defeat," the System said as he interrupted Chen Mu's line of thought. It wanted to tell Chen Mu that there was a sea of pro players and Chen Mu was wrong if he thought he was the only one who could memorize such things. 

"System, are you one of Korea's supporters? We must have players like that in Huaxia, don't we?" asked Chen Mu. 

"Nearly none. In the previous Host's world, the Koreans dominated the World Championships for three continuous years and competed against each other in every final match. Without a certain level of luck from the other teams, the Korean teams might end up competing against each other for the next five years. It is hard to imagine how serious they are about the game. They are even more terrifying in this world as they will become your greatest enemies in the future, sir," explained the System. 

Chen Mu sank into a trance. A tiny country like Korea with a population of one hundred million managed to beat up the whole world. It was just too much for Chen Mu to process. After all, Huaxia was a global powerhouse with a population of two billion people. 

Setting those problems aside, Chen Mu reminded himself to focus on finishing the match. Chen Mu shifted all his attention back to the game. 

After securing the kill, Chen Mu headed bot lane and left Blind Monk behind to destroy the enemy turret. This time around, the enemy jungler was heading mid lane. Any decent jungler would choose to protect a lane and keep watch over the lane's tower after their teammate's death. There were only so many resources on the map. Hence, it would still be a waste no matter how little one chose to give up. The skill of CSing perfectly encapsulated a great half of the skill sets required by pro players. 

With that thought in mind, Chen Mu wanted to work with his bot lane teammates to slaughter his enemies once more. 

The activation of Destiny placed everyone under Cardsharp's surveillance. He saw that the enemy jungler had just arrived behind the mid lane turret. 

Chen Mu teleported and immediately appeared behind his chosen enemy. It was a position closest to the turret's attack range. Chen Mu had chosen to teleport to this position because his enemies would have to pass by him to return to the safety of their turret after Chen Mu had finished casting his ability combo. Chen Mu's Cardsharp could deal damage continuously with his basic attacks and buy enough time for his CDs to end before he cast another card. 

Kiting his enemies and teleporting to block their escape route was more efficient than attacking them point-blank. 

Zyra and Copter were no match for Chen Mu's pursuit as he dished out two Gold Cards. 

"Double kill!" rang the female announcer in the game. At this point, Chen Mu had three kills and one assist. He was unbelievably fed. 

"Let's surrender?" Liu Fei heaved a long sigh. He could not come up with an alternative way to stop Cardsharp. Liu Fei was fifty CS and three kills behind Cardsharp. Even when he went to assist a team member, his fish did not even bite off three hundred points of health from the enemy's health bar. How was he supposed to continue playing the game? 

At exactly twenty minutes, Liu Fei was once again struck by Cardsharp's Gold Card under his tower. After getting instantly killed by Cardsharp who had Lich Bane and magic penetration items, Liu Fei clicked on the 'surrender' button. 

Liu Fei's teammates exchanged glances. There was nothing they could do other than click on 'agree'. The strongest player in their squad had been slaughtered like a pig despite having counter picked his opponent. There was no way they could continue playing the game. 

After everyone had confirmed their choice, the screen shifted to Liu Fei's base. After a moment of swirling and shaking, their base exploded. As a result, Petrification emerged as the winner of the first match! 

  1. Refers to Zyra, Rise of the Thorns.
  2. Refers to Corki, the Daring Bombardier.