20,000 Yuan Prize

After Chen Mu was done with class, he asked Zhuo Xiaobai to help him top up his prepaid phone line as the latter had a 5% discount for top ups. 

After that, he called Shi Geng. They had not talked for a few days, but Shi Geng was still as enthusiastic as usual. If Chen Mu were to join their boosting service, there was a chance they would be able to do matches around 2200 to 2300 ELO points. 

What had to be noted was that the price of boosting was on the rise. It was said that some rich kids were paying more than 2500 Yuan to be boosted. It was 50 bucks per point. 

However, only professional player candidates could boost people to such a level. It was not attainable by normal people. To begin with, their little service only boosted people below 2000 ELO points. 

"Brother Shi, I want to discuss something with you," Chen Mu called from behind the field. 

"Just tell me what's up, I'll definitely help if I can," Shi Geng said. 

"It's like this. Apart from Sky Galaxy, are there any other cybercafes that host League of Legends tournaments? I want to join a few more tournaments," Chen Mu said. 

"Oh?" Shi Geng thought about it. It's not that there are no tournaments, it's just that not every cybercafe is that weak. There are a lot of cybercafes near high schools and vocational schools that also host tournaments, but they're places with more skilled players. 

Chuzhou No.10 High School was still the main focus, 3 or 4 out of every 10 students were gamers. Other places were much more different. Many school students would go and play a game or two over lunch. Some universities were even scarier; their students were as thick as thieves and would skip classes to play from morning to night. 

Taking Chuzhou University as an example, with a team made up of a few normal students. Their E-Sports Society managed to reach the quarterfinals of the province tournament. Reaching the quarterfinals with 300-odd universities and colleges participating in the same tournament was no mean feat. 

"It's not a problem, but those tournaments won't be easy. There are a lot of good players out there. Furthermore, the question is if you have the time, some tournaments take up a lot of it," Shi Geng said. 

"No problem, we'll play it by ear. As long as it's not during class hours, I can take leave from self-study," Chen Mu said. 

"Yeah, okay. When the time comes I'll let you know if there are any other tournaments. Do you have Wechat? We can communicate online," Shi Geng replied. 

Chen Mu did not have data. However, when he thought about the tournaments that would make him money, it was not that big of a deal for him to get a package. Hence, he signed up for Wechat. 

Then, he went to the customer service of his telecommunications company to opt for the cheapest plan. The telecommunications companies were all black-hearted maggots. Back when internet communication had not been developed, they had various plans that came with a few hundred MB that sold for a few Yuan. 

Currently, since everybody wanted a phone along with data. All those cheap plans were canceled and replaced with plans that were at least 10-20 Yuan. Additionally, the data limit was not as high as before. 

Chen Mu endured the pain and opted for the cheapest plan at 18 Yuan. With 300 MB a month, he would have to make do. Hence, Chen Mu set a daily limit. It was inevitable that some applications on his phone would leech off the data. It has to be said that each one of those would cost him a few cents. He might as well use the data to read a few web novels, at least it would make the b*stard authors write a few more chapters properly. 

As for Zhuo Xiaobai who was a rich kid, he had a plan that cost 50 Yuan a month for every GB he used. Nevertheless, he did not even feel the pinch. He had said he wanted to watch the livestream of each world championship match and would not be able to watch it again if he missed it.

Chen Mu could only lament that the difference between them was too great. When he returned to the classroom, Zhuo Xiaobai was still watching the match. Zhuo Xiaobai slapped his thigh and began to curse. 

"F*ck me, what kind of trash match is this. The semi-finals have 3 Korean teams and 1 European team. What kind of game is this." 

Chen Mu looked at him and asked, "The Korean teams are dominating once again? They have a 75% chance to become the champion, I guess it's certain." 

"Hmph, what is this. I hate Koreans the most. Their girls always go, 'Oppa, oppa'. You don't even know if they've had plastic surgery," Zhuo Xiaobai said. 

"It's fine, next time, you just need to pick up a Korean chick and it'll be even. They take what's yours, you take what's theirs," Chen Mu said. The world was very fair, it was only a matter of one's ability to win. 

"Whatever, who knows if their faces have hyaluronic acid. I still prefer your sister. A true natural beauty who's so beautiful even without makeup," Zhuo Xiaobai said with a stupid smile. 

"Fluff your pillow up higher tonight, and you can dream about anything," Chen Mu said. 

"Tsk, boring. How many people want me to be their brother in law but have no chance. You still don't know how to appreciate me. Help me play cupid, I'll treat her well," Zhuo Xiaobai said. 

"Let it go, what you cannot achieve will always be the best. A celebrity husband with a beautiful wife will still cheat. I'm lazy to think of an example, go dig for related news yourself. You're only looking at her appearance and not her heart. She doesn't shower for weeks, she never changes her socks. You don't know all that," Chen Mu lied through his teeth. At the same time, Chen Yifei sneezed and rubbed her nose, she felt as though someone had insulted her. 

"Shut up. I won't let you speak badly of my goddess. Even if it's true, I'm willing to help her wash her socks," Zhuo Xiaobai said. 

'Whatever, he's smitten.' Chen Mu couldn't be bothered. It was one of Chen Mu's greatest reasons to worry. If one looked too good, they would face countless temptations. Chen Mu worried the most for families like such. 

That night, he chased his win rate as usual. There were not many who could match Chen Mu anymore. If he managed to hit 95%, he would probably meet the System's required 30 minutes of queue time. 

Chen Mu had to choose a late game champion almost every match. If not, his teammates who kept on dying would very easily drag the game longer and longer. 

If one wanted to be able to fight in the later stages of the game, they had to choose a champion with a lot of lifesteal. Lifesteal represented health. With sufficient lifesteal, a champion had the equivalent of multiple lives. When taking on multiple enemies they would rely on this trick.

Nevertheless, if a lot of targeted skills were thrown at them, and If they were hit to a point where their health dropped very, they would become unable to recover. At that point, taking on five people as one was basically a fantasy. 

It was said that League of Legends would begin to diminish individual ability in the future. In contrast, the importance of teamwork would increase. It would remove Will of The Ancients, nerf Bloodthirster's lifesteal ability greatly, and even remove Sword of The Occult in the future.

Therefore in future updates, a lot of masters would drop to lower ranks. How could they win if they couldn't take on an entire team themselves? 

Nevertheless, Chen Mu was unconcerned about those future events. For now, it would be good enough if he could take on all five enemies at once. Fully equipped, he would chase down all five enemies and kill them; it was a daily occurrence for Chen Mu. 

Before he got home Chen Mu received a message from Shi Geng. 

"Chen Mu, the largest cybercafe chain in Chuzhou is holding a large scale tournament. The grand champion's prize is 20,000 Yuan. Would you be interested in joining?" 

"Of course, do you even need to ask?" Chen Mu immediately replied. 'Oh, my days, 20,000 Yuan. It was as high as the prize for being one of the top-ranked students in the middle school exams. Would I still be human if I don't join?' 

"Even though I also want to join the tournament, with it being on such a grand scale, I'm afraid that the players will be really good. With our team's current ability, we may not stand a chance," Shi Geng replied. 

"It's fine, if we can find a few good players, we will do so. If we cannot, we'll just force it and see how well we do," Chen Mu replied. With such a large prize pool, they had to give it a try. Chen Mu had never been afraid of taking on challenges ever since he was young. Additionally, for 20,000 bucks he would go through hell.