The Deceiver

"Ding, the path of the demon king is to decimate all enemies. There will be a reward of 1000 points for becoming the champion of the cybercafe tournament. If you fail, 1000 points will be deducted." Chen Mu had guessed that this would happen. Whenever something to do with League of Legends popped out, the System would appear. 

Chen Mu pulled out his phone first and searched for information on the tournament. 

Chuzhou City's "Star Cup" Cybercafe grand tournament. All of the matches will be held at individual Star Cybercafes. The registration fee is 20 Yuan. All matches will be held offline. The grand prize is 20,000 Yuan, the 1st runner up prize is 5000 Yuan, and the 2nd runner up prize is 2000 Yuan. Star Cybercafe owns all rights to make the final decision. 

The cybercafe brand was a large scale chain that had 20 branches throughout Chuzhou. They were all located in various upscale areas and were definitely run by rich kids. Seeing how popular League of Legends was becoming, it was an opportunity for them to advertise themselves. These days, only competitive games that revolved around playing as premade teams saw youth walk out of their homes and abandon their phones and tablets.

The times had changed like the tide. Huaxia did not stop advancing greatly each year. Cybercafes a decade or so ago always profited as long as they opened their doors. It did not matter if the owners were unscrupulous or did not know how to manage the place. Additionally, they could charge as they pleased. Back then, the keyboards were old, the screens faded, and yet one would still be charged 3-5 Yuan for every hour. Cybercafes raked in a lot of profit in the past. 

Nevertheless, it was now different. If one didn't keep up with times and used LED screens, upscale graphics cards, and provided good service along with top up giveaways, the Cybercafe would lose money. For the same price, why wouldn't people choose one that had a better environment? 

The tournament this time was Chen Mu's best chance. Even though the training the system forced him through was fairly tough, he had the chance to make money with his skills. He had to use them well. 

Shi Geng said that there would be masters at the tournament. Chen Mu did not know what kind of contenders his current self could take on. Nevertheless, keeping up a high degree of training would be the right choice. 

Just like in his senior year of middle school, he studied hard for a year. A lot of people said that Chuzhou had a lot of students and the competition was great. Various elite schools had their top students. However, Chen Mu still cut his way through and made it to become third in the city. 

Nevertheless, this time, his goal was to be the best in the city. The 20,000 Yuan prize, not only high school students, even working adults would admit that it was no small amount of money. According to the average monthly salary of 2000 in Chuzhou, 70% of adults would not be able to save 20,000 in a year. 

Therefore, a lot of players would definitely sign up for the competition. Gamble on 20 bucks and a bicycle might become a motorcycle. Other than misers like Chen Mu, even elementary school kids could easily produce 20 yuan. 

When he reached home, Chen Mu immediately began the system's training. With his door locked each day, even Chen Mu felt anxious. It was lucky that he had behaved very well throughout the past few years. Hence, his parents had never thought of coming in and checking in on him. That gave Chen Mu a lot of freedom. 

Chen Mu learned new tricks every night. The system had so much to teach him that the Deceiver's training wasn't even over yet. 

Other than the Q R instant combo, there was also the W R Q E W combo, the R W Q E W R combo, and the W Q E R double chain combo. Chen Mu had to practice all of them until he did not make a single mistake when executing them. Different champions brought different situations; Chen Mu had to use the most optimal combo to deal the most damage in each one of them. 

Furthermore, the combos integrated Ignite, Deathfire Grasp, Zhonya's Hourglass, as well as basic attacks. Additionally, the position of Chen Mu's champion could not be neglected. Evidently, the champion had dozens of variations. 

Chen Mu really enjoyed using such champions. He felt as though he could create countless miracles. Like a magician, by mastering every detail, he could create different outcomes. It was a champion that brought Chen Mu much joy. 

The designer behind the champion was truly a genius. Chen Mu trained excitedly, his high IQ brain loved difficult challenges. The more complex the champion, the more Chen Mu liked it. It made him think more. 

Therefore the champions that Chen Mu liked the most at the moment were the Deceiver, the Bestial Huntress, the Defender of Tomorrow, the Exile, Clockwork, the Cryophoenix and other champions of similar difficulty. 

Training the Deceiver to the pinnacle made Chen Mu feel like the Flying Thunder God, the Yondaime in Naruto, who was as fast as lightning. 

Once again, it was like in Li Bai's poem, 'Killing amidst red dust, the white blade escapes from the body. One kill every ten paces, a thousand miles pass by.' 

After finishing the system's training, Chen Mu did not go straight to bed for once. Instead, he created a lobby, wanting to experience the Deceiver's power. 

Within the first three minutes of the game, he killed the enemy mid laner. With only a Meijai's Soulstealer, the enemy team's five champions were forced to face a nightmare. 

The Ezreal at bot lane was farming. He had just sent out his Q, and it had not yet reached the targeted minion when his screen turned greyscale. 

'??? Who killed me, and how did I die?' Ezreal spammed the question mark ping. His teammates had not seen how he died either. They only knew that it was the Deceiver who had killed him. 

Their jungler, Widow, passed by the brush, her mouse cursor aimed at the F4. All of a sudden, her screen turned back and white as well. 

Widow: [There can only be one possibility. The Deceiver did this!] 

Only Chen Mu's teammates could see what was going on-all his skills seemed to come out at the same time. There may have been an order to it, but they could not see it clearly. 

Wherever the Deceiver went, she killed. By the 20 minutes mark, Chen Mu had 18 kills, and the enemy team surrendered immediately. 

Chen Mu's four teammates who had not bought the Deceiver immediately went to the store after the game. Those who had the enough IP bought her immediately while those who did not immediately topped up Q coins to buy them. Chen Mu's shocking oneshots had filled them with adrenaline. 

They could not add Chen Mu as friends, so they could only buy LeBlanc for the night. 

Chen Mu felt good. It was just that his opponents were too weak, and they surrendered too soon. 

If the enemy was aware of Chen Mu's thoughts, they would immediately report him. Among the five of them, the one with the lowest win rate had played over 200 games and won 65% of them. Even so, they were insulted as being impotent. One of them, the mid laner, Fire Man had over 1900 ELO points. He was wildly flamed by his teammates as being boosted and that he only dared to play in premade teams because when he met someone who actually knew how to play the game, his true colors showed. 

Apart from feeling depressed, what else could he do? He had been accused of being boosted. His opponent was the true booster, a monster who was trying to inflate his win rate. 

Chen Mu felt that the Deceiver was really fun. It was a shame that he was going to switch champions in the following day's training. In future games, Chen Mu was definitely going to choose this champion. 

Chen Mu had decided to play as the team's mid laner in the tournament that upcoming weekend. That was because mid lane was the most crucial position. As long as one's awareness and mechanical skills were good enough, they could create countless possibilities. Meanwhile top and bot lane were faced with limitations and that was being tower dived. 

If top was tower dived, they could only run backward as upwards would lead to the edge of the map. It was the same for bot lane, they would meet a dead end. 

Only mid lane had the option of moving up, down, left and right. If one was caught dead, they did not have any excuse. They just weren't strong enough. Based on his own understanding of his previous teammates, only mid lane was completely self-reliant. All other lanes greatly relied on cooperation from their teammates. If he did not have very hardworking teammates, Chen Mu just had to pick mid lane first! 

  1. Fire Man refers to Brand, the Burning Vengeance