Chen Mu’s Supper

The twins knew very well what to do in bot lane. They immediately had their jungler start Blue Buff. They wanted to help boost Rockman's level. 

The experience gained from a group of a jungle camp was more than that of 2 lane minions. It was especially true for a champion with AOE skills like Gun Dude. 

Meanwhile, Chen Mu sat comfortably in mid lane, waiting for the game to start. There was a PAX Twisted Fate on the other team. It was a Blue Gem exclusive skin. The skin was one of Tencent's special skins, and it looked alright. 

Cardsharp began to shuffle his deck. His blue card made farming incredibly easy and at the same time was enough to intimidate Clockwork. Hence, the skill had to be used. 

Chen Mu circled around the edges of Cardsharp's attack range, waiting for the latter's Blue Card to be thrown. 

Just as the first melee minion was about to die, Chen Mu stepped up and immediately threw his ball at Cardsharp. 

The positioning was meant to be a contradictory one. The minion was going to die, if Cardsharp decided to farm he would definitely be hit by the ball. If he moved to get out of the way, he would lose out on one minion.

Cardsharp hesitated for a moment before deciding to farm. He had four Health Potions with him, so it should be okay for him to eat one skill. 

Chen Mu saw Cardsharp's Blue Card fly toward the minion. Hence, he moved to close the distance and continued to attack wildly. Cardsharp's W cooldown was 6 seconds. Hence, he had no other abilities to retaliate within that period. 

Clockwork's passive was that his auto attacks dealt additional magic damage. Furthermore, each attack he made hurt more than the last. Even an ADC would not be able to out damage him in terms of auto attacks in the early game. 

Cardsharp could not take it, 'I have so many minions and yet you dare attack me.' He immediately retaliated, however, he then realized something terrifying. His minions were not attacking Clockwork! 

How could this be, he was unable to react when he was auto attacked a second time by Clockwork. He hurriedly turned and ran while Clockwork chased him mercilessly, continuing to auto attack him. Previously when Cardsharp stopped to retaliate, Chen Mu managed to reduce the distance between them by more than 200 units. 

3 times, 4 times, Cardsharp had 50 points of attack damage, 3 points higher than that pf Clockwork. However, in cooperation with his movement, he had to take a ranged minion's attack before he could get his own attack in. He did not know why his own minions were as good as dead. 

Cardsharp had lost half his health to Chen Mu's attacks. With a second ball, Cardsharp was immediately brought to low health. 

Chen Mu turned around and began to farm leisurely. The aggro range of minions was 300 units. As long as he walked outside of their aggro range, he could avoid drawing their aggro. Chen Mu stayed on the edge, driving Cardsharp up the wall. 

Cardsharp immediately consumed 2 Health Potions, if not, he did not dare get close to the minions anymore. At level 1 he was already close to losing the game 

In bot lane, it was a rapid race to level 2. Both teams were constantly attacking the minions. Suddenly, there was a golden flash of light. 

Ao Wen said, "E him." 

Leona immediately learned his E and threw it at Goldilocks (Ezreal) who had not yet learned his E. She then auto attacked and Q'd to stun him. 

Graves cast his E and auto attacked before he followed up with a Q to deal more damage. He chased Ezreal all the way until he got first blood. 

"We have teamwork," Ao Xuan said. 

"That's true. Matchmaking at this level, and trying to race us to level 2, why would you even think it's possible?" Ao Wen said. 

Both of them in bot lane managed to make their opponent crash in 2 minutes. Their Jungler was a one-trick Blind Monk. When he saw that bot lane already had a large advantage, he decided to cooperate with the top laner to force a Flash out of their enemy before deciding what to do next. 

A minute later, an announcement that said Clockwork had solo killed Cardsharp was heard. The two brothers were overjoyed. If Clockwork could kill someone that early in the game, it meant that the person's skill level was truly quite high. 

Chen Mu froze the lane while continuing to farm, and it drove Cardsharp mad. The latter wanted to try and risk the chance to take a minion but was immediately chased down by Clockwork's QW slow before he finally died to a Flash, Ignite, and auto attack. 

To a very experienced player, being unable to farm was worse than dying. Such a thing was especially true when it came to mid lane. It implied that one was being disrespected, and the mental anxiety it brought caused Cardsharp to fall even further behind. He was killed because he let his emotions get to him, and he had truly lost the game. 

The two brothers Ao Wen and Ao Xuan happily went at it bot lane. Ten minutes in and they had begun sieging the enemy Tier 2 tower. Looking at their mid lane's score, both of them immediately agreed just how important solo mid was. 

96 Creep Score at 10.5 minutes. It was definitely perfect CSing. On the other hand, Cardsharp only had a pitiful 26 CS. As a Cardsharp with a 70% win rate, if it had not been for such a terrifyingly strong opponent, his score was literally that of an 800 ELO points player. 

Both of them gave each other another look, indicating that their team was good. They had a good chance of placing in the top 3 of the tournament. 

They nodded at each other and agreed that way. 

Blind Monk did not need to help mid nor bot lane. Hence, he helped top siege the tower before bringing him along to catch their enemy jungler. In a matchmade game, they reached the high ground in 15 minutes. The enemy didn't even have a chance to surrender before their Nexus was destroyed. After the game, they all began flaming each other. The top laner blamed his jungler for not coming to help when the Blind Monk was ganking him. The jungler blamed bot lane for being dumb enough to die 5 times in 5 minutes. 

The bot lane was busy calling their mid lane retarded for having been killed by a Clockwork that was not even level 6. When they were done flaming, they all left, unsatisfied. They even challenged each other to 1v1 matches if any of them were unhappy. 

Things always played out like that. People always shifted the blame to their teammates. 

On the other hand, Chen Mu's side had managed to work together seamlessly. After the match in which they dominated their opponents, they came to have a clearer understanding of each other's abilities, and the mood had turned very upbeat. 

After the game, they chatted a bit to exchange insights. Chen Mu suggested that he would buy everyone supper. In any case, he had formed the team himself, he had to do some team building. 

The team followed Chen Mu to look for something to eat. There were a lot of districts near the school, and there was no lack of good food. They spotted an East Guangdong claypot porridge place, and one of them suggested they try the place. 

Chen Mu took a look at the menu. A pot of cabbage porridge was 38 for a small portion and 58 for a large one. Shrimp porridge was 58 for a small portion and 88 for a large one. Coincidentally a table was calling for the bill. 

"Boss, bill please," a young man called. 

"Hi, the total is 385." 

Chen Mu took a look. All he saw was a pot of porridge and a few dishes, and they totaled 380 bucks. He had worked hard in the tournament and only won 500 bucks, if they were to eat there he would die standing. 

Chen Mu said, "I don't eat seafood, why don't you follow me. I'll bring you all for something good." 

When the group heard this, they thought they were going to have something better than claypot porridge. Hence, all nodded in agreement. 

They stood in the cold wind as Chen Mu handed them glutinous rice cakes. Only then did they understand how stingy Chen Mu was. 

"Eat up, don't be shy. I'm buying," Chen Mu said generously. 

The sticky rice cakes went for a price of 1 buck for 5. Nevertheless, they were tiny in size and were just wrapped in a layer of starch powder and sesame seeds. The gang ate them with toothpicks. 

Chen Mu bought 10 bucks' worth of rice cakes so that there was enough for everyone. He even sweetly asked the grandma at the stall to give them a few more. 

These days, many people tried to pretend they were wealthier than they actually were. They were willing to borrow money instead of embarrass themselves in front of their friends. The group thought that people like Chen Mu were a rare species.

After each one of them had their fill, they waved goodbye to each other and returned home. The matter of registering for the tournament was Brother Shi's responsibility as he was the one who usually settled such matters. Everybody else only had to prepare for the tournament. 

Finally, they agreed to meet before the tournament. 

  1. Blue Gem refers to Tencent's proprietary currency which can be used in multiple games.