Easy Promotion

Chen Mu began to put in even more effort in his training to learn more skills in preparation for the tournament the coming weekend. He also put in more effort during champion mechanic training at night. The power of money to Chen Mu was infinite. 

Time passed very quickly. The tournament was to be held during the day. Hence, Zhuo Xiaobai and Lu Ren naturally wanted to tag along. In any case, the Huaxia team had been eliminated from the World Championships. They might as well watch their own classmate's tournament. 

Regarding Chen Mu's current skill level, Zhuo Xiaobai lamented, 'Who was it that said when god closes a door, he opens a window. That b*stard's attractiveness, grades, and game skills are all an open door.' 

Zhuo Xiaobai waited at the school gate for Chen Mu as he wanted to take public transport there. A high school senior should not take a taxi. 

Chen Mu was extremely unhappy to let Zhuo Xiaobai pay for the fee. Debts had to be repaid, and it was better on one's emotions to not owe anything. 

The three of them got on the bus. Since it was a city-wide tournament, the tournament venues were scattered between the Galaxy Cybercafes of various districts. Chen Mu's team had naturally chosen to register at the one nearest to them. Nevertheless, it was still a few stops away. 

Chen Mu sat in his seat as his mind played through various situations he might face in the game, as well as how to deal with them. For example, if the enemy top lane was fed, what would his best course of action be? Should he split push and leave the 4 members of his team to fend for themselves? 

At this time a middle-aged woman in her 50s came over. She looked healthy while she saw that the young boy in front of her looked bookish and frail. There were no seats, and she thought that young people ought to train more. Hence, she said immediately, "Hey kid, give me your seat. I've got a bum leg." 

Chen Mu looked up to see it was a middle-aged woman. He looked around and confirmed that there were no seats around. He immediately stood and held on to the rail before continuing to think. 

Zhuo Xiaobai was unhappy. It would've been well and good if someone let go of their seat willingly, it would be social good and all that. However, it was dubious since she had told Chen Mu to do it. 

He could not help but want to speak up. However, Chen Mu stopped him when he noticed it. Old people really received the ire of young people due to certain bad perceptions. They always thought that the old sold out their own and were too headstrong. Chen Mu's grandmother had always treated him well. However, she passed away a few years ago. Therefore, whenever Chen Mu saw an old person, he would think that perhaps at home, they treated their grandchildren with lots of love. In any case, it was just a few stops. 

As it turned out, the middle-aged woman got off the bus one station before Chen Mu's stop. Zhuo Xiaobai rolled his eyes. She didn't even know how to ask Chen Mu to sit back down on his seat. Zhuo Xiaobai felt the most repulsed by elderly people who took people who gave their seats for them for granted. 

After the middle-aged woman got off the bus, she began to think where she should go line dancing that night. She felt her pockets and found out that her key was missing. She had definitely left it on the bus and thus rushed to catch it. 

The bus was just about to start moving when the middle-aged woman could be heard screaming as she ran, "My keys are in your bus, my keys are in your bus!" 

When the driver heard her, he hurriedly pressed down on the gas. He said as the vehicle accelerated, "That middle-aged woman can die anywhere but not on my bus…" 

Zhuo Xiaobai looked behind the bus. The vigorous pace the woman was running at was definitely not one someone who had a bum leg could reach. It was much faster than his own. 

Zhuo Xiaobai was bewildered, why was she suddenly doing such a thing? 

Meanwhile, Chen Mu was lost in thought. He was thinking about how to deny his opponent from farming, increasing his own win rate. Hence, he did not notice anything. 

Only when Zhuo Xiaobai slapped him on the shoulder when they had reached the bus stop did Chen Mu snap out of it. Chen Mu left his seat and got off the bus. 

Zhuo Xiaobai saw a bunch of keys underneath Chen Mu's bottom and immediately understood what had happened. A high school senior like Chen Mu could not possibly have so many keys. They had to belong to the middle-aged woman. Zhuo Xiaobai did not know if she could catch up to the bus, but he did not say anything and only got off it.

When they reached Galaxy Cybercafe, they looked up to see a massive and exquisite signboard. They could not help but comment that the cybercafe chain that was offering a prize pool of 20,000 Yuan had flair to it. 

Shi Geng, Ao Wen, and the others had arrived earlier. When they saw each other, Shi Geng brought them to the tournament area. There were 10 high-end computers prepared with large monitors and backlit keyboards. The set-up looked extremely comfortable. 

"The tournament is very simple, it's one match each round. If you win, you're promoted, if you lose, you end up in the losers group. If you lose again, you're eliminated. Therefore, every team has 2 chances. Each cybercafe will have one winning team which will enter the grand finals next weekend." Shi Geng had been in charge of registering the team, so he had understood the rules well. 

There were many kinds of people there. There were a lot who looked like students but also a lot who looked like young adults. 

"Let's give our team a name. Chen Mu, do you have any suggestions?" Shi Geng said. Chen Mu's abilities were a mystery because he did not have a rank. However, everyone who had met him had almost all been trounced by him. Shi Geng could not help but put weight on Chen Mu's opinion. 

"Why not we call ourselves the 20,000 Bucks Goal Team," Chen Mu suggested. 


'It feels like you've already imagined yourself becoming the champion, just how much do you love money!' 

"I think that name is too long. How about the 20000Bucks?" Shi Geng suggested. 

The twins had no opinion on the matter. It did not matter what name they used, what mattered was whether or not they ended up winning the prize. High schoolers were the most destitute, they couldn't even bring themselves to add a bit of meat to their rice. Only when they were hungry to the point of starving in the cybercafe did they dare order some instant noodles. Those were rough days. 

After some time, the team chose their name very uncaringly, the 20000Bucks! 

The tournament was very straightforward. When it was your turn, you went up. Nobody knew each other, so ban picks were made based on the latest game patch. 

Chen Mu was calm. If he had the chance to counter pick the enemy mid laner, he would not rush to lock in his champion. Nobody knew whether a master would appear on the opposing team. 

However, what none of them had expected was for all their opponent to be very weak. In order to raise the efficiency of the tournament, the tournament did not use the normal matchmaking servers and instead used the cybercafe's exclusive servers to make sure that each player had access to all the champions available. Everybody only had to register their own username. It saved them the trouble of having to set up their Masteries. Since it was just one district, as long as the internet connection was okay, everybody could play together without any issues. 

Looking at the rankings, most players participating in the tournament were of 1500-1600 ELO points. Chen Mu's 20000Bucks was basically going to slaughter them if they matched with one another. Hence, the matches were like bot games to Chen Mu's team, and they constantly won within 15 minutes. On the road to the finals, they met a team that put up some resistance. That team had an average ELO point rating of 1800. 

Nevertheless, it was the same deal. After the three lanes had been pushed in, it took 25 minutes for them to flatten their enemy's Nexus. 

The minor championship at the cybercafe was too easily won. The team felt like it was unreal. Were their opponents too weak or was their team too strong? 

"We congratulate 20000Bucks for advancing to the finals that will be held at the city center next week. They will fight for the 20000 Yuan championship prize there." The cybercafe even had a caster who spoke passionately. 

There was no prize for advancing. In other words, only the strong teams at the big cybercafe were worth any attention. 

"If the opponents at the finals turn out to be this easy, it would be great," Ao Wen said.

"That's very unlikely since there are 20 cybercafes in the city. There will definitely be a few strong teams. Furthermore, we won so easily because of Chen Mu's good work. Throughout the past few matches, he killed the mid laner on his own at least twice each time," Shi Geng said.

"Didn't we consistently get double kills at bot lane?" Ao Wen felt that he and his brother had contributed a lot as well. 

"Next week's final tournament is the true measure. This doesn't count for much, so don't get cocky." Shi Geng was more mature, and he pointed the matter out to the two youths who were brimming with confidence.