Early Morning Surprise

Charles felt his head pounding before he even had his eyes opened. Then he remembered. Yesterday was the anniversary of his mother abandoning him and their family. He was only five years old when she left and never came back. He'd been falling down drunk every year on that date for a long time.

He slowly opened his eye but didn't recognize the room. And the woman in his arms. He moved her hair from her face.

No. No, it couldn't be! Why was he in bed with Gemma?! He groaned. Then flashes of memory started coming back.

He'd been drunk and longing for comfort. He was without a mother's comfort. When he'd been in Gemma's home the other night he found it comforting. She hadn't been angry at his arrival in the middle of the night. Somehow his drunken mind, seeking emotional relief, told him to go to Gemma. Apparently she'd not rejected him despite his drunken state. But had they...had he...?

Gemma was stirring. She slowly blinked at his grave face, then she smiled.

"I could get used to waking up like this!" Gemma said as a yawn escaped her.

"Don't even think about it!" He snapped.

"You had to ruin my daydream by opening that abrasive mouth." She pouted.

"Did anything inappropriate happen between us?" He asked, ignoring her words.

She grinned wickedly.

"I don't think it would be inappropriate. I'd say more like long overdue." She said, leaning closer to him.

Oh heck, was she not wearing a bra underneath her nightgown?! He could feel her well endowed chest pushing into him as she leaned closer. His breathing became ragged as he stared at her breasts.

"They're yours if you dare." She whispered into his ear. He jerked away from her.

"No thank you. As forward as you are, there have a long line of men before me and I don't want a used woman." He knew his words we're exceptionally harsh but she was pushing his buttons and tearing down all his ability to resist at the same time.

"I've never been with a man. You ruined me from wanting any other a long time ago." She smarted off at him.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, genuinely confused.

"When I was eighteen years old you rescued me from ruin in a bar. You fought of the man and helped with my injuries and safely brought me home. I fell hopelessly for you. I've pursued you ever since then. I wouldn't talk like this to any other man. You're the only man I flirt with. And you're the only man I'd allow in my home so late at night. You're certainly the first man to share a bed with me. But that wasn't my choice last night. You pulled me down and held me in bed. You wouldn't let me go." She told him.

His mind was exploding. He remembered her now. He remembered the night she was being harassed and how he intervened on her behalf. So that was why she stuck to him like gum on a shoe?

"I'd have been better off not doing anything that night in the bar. Maybe now I wouldn't be stuck with someone like you. And you're saying I held you down? Don't tell me I....that we....we didn't! Did we?" He was thoroughly confused.

"No, we didn't. You were convinced that I was your mom. Doesn't exactly make one think romantic thoughts, you know?" Gemma told him.

Well that was horrifying and embarrassing.

"Um, what else did I say?" He asked.

"Believe it or not, because I wouldn't believe it if it didn't happen, you said I was gorgeous and you kissed me. After that you thought I was your mom, which by the way is offensive. Surely our kiss didn't make you think of your mother! Anyway, I helped you to bed and you pulled me down, begging me not to leave you, calling me mom." Gemma told him.

"I'll write you a check for any amount if you promise to never tell that to anyone else." He groaned.

"You don't have to pay me to keep your secrets, Charles. I'll settle for you just treating me with decency and respect instead of being so harsh all the time." Gemma said seriously.

"That's who I am. Cold and harsh is what I am." He told her.

"Not true. The man who helped me years ago was gentle and compassionate. The man who shared my bed last night was in pain and longing for comfort. You are not a one dimensional man." Gemma insisted.

"Both instanced that you refer to, I had alcohol to mask my personality." Charles insisted.

"Perhaps the alcohol just lowered that ridiculous fortress you keep around your heart!" She argued.