Declaration of War

"The walls are there for a reason. Keep out!" He spat coldly.

"No, I refuse! I'll never stop chipping away at those walls until you let me in. Even if I am old and gray headed!" She shouted.

"You're a fool." He mocked her.

"I'll be a fool for your sake, if that's what it takes!" She cried.

All of a sudden, she rolled on top of him. He was too shocked to respond. She lowered her head and kissed him. She kissed him with five years of pent up love and passion. He wasn't responding but she managed to push her tongue between his teeth, exploring his mouth. She refused to stop until he responded. Finally, he did.

He rolled her underneath himself and stared into her eyes that shone with love for him. And for a moment, he let himself feel. He kissed her with an urgency that was entirely opposite of all his big words about keeping his walls in place. This kiss pleaded for more from her, and she met his passion equally.

Of their own volition, his hands moved over her soft, curvy body. She moaned in his mouth. She dug her fingers into his back.

He drug his lips away from her and stared into her eyes.

"I can have sex with you. I can even make you my mistress. But I will never love you or marry you. I will never give that to anyone." His words almost sounded regretful.

"But you will. One day you will love me with all your heart and you will make me yours, because I'm declaring war on your heart and I won't back down until I win it." She told him firmly.

"You're delusional!" He snapped.

"You're in denial." She countered.

He pulled himself off of her and stood to his feet.

"I need a shower." He stated. A long, cold shower, he thought to himself.

She pointed to the bathroom. She stayed in bed thinking awhile longer. And wiping the tears she refused to let him see. True, she was extremely thick skinned, but even she had her limits.

Finally she climbed out of bed and stripped her clothes, knowing he was in the shower. She grabbed clean undergarments and put them on and then walked to her closet trying to decide what to wear. Finally she pulled out a lilac colored dress. She turned to see Charles leaning against the bathroom doorway watching her intently. She screamed and tried to cover herself.

"As much as you throw yourself at me and you act like this when I see your body? You don't make any sense." He said in a bland voice. What he was really thinking was a cold shower did absolutely no good when he walked out to see her naked body putting on underwear. He couldn't tear his eyes away if he tried.

Her body was every bit as perfect as he thought it was. The feel of her pressed underneath him and the sight of her body unclothed nearly drained every ounce of self control he had. And his self control was more than the average man. His father had tortured it into him.

Between his father's cruel methods of making him an emotionless machine and the betrayal of his mother abandoning him, he had never been tempted by a woman before. He didn't like women very much to be honest. But Gemma. He secretly hoped she'd agree to be his mistress.

Then he realized that his thoughts were entirely different than yesterday when he still had the resolve to never become entangled with a woman.

Had she already changed him so quickly. That was unnerving. He shook himself and looked at her. Now she was dressed in a lilac colored chiffon dress that fell to her knees. It also had a deep v-neck accentuating her cleavage.

He sighed.

"I really wish you'd find some work appropriate clothing." He grumbled.

She walked across the room and pressed against him.

"You like it." She whispered.

He snorted and stomped into the living area.