Never Tease the President

The next morning, Gemma woke first. She remained still, thinking Charles needed the rest after the previous night. She sighed. He had put her through too much last night!

Suddenly she thought of something. She reached for her phone and opened the camera function. Charles deserves a bit of payback for all the trouble he'd caused.

She leaned her cheek against his sleeping face and smiled. The camera flashed and their picture appeared on her phone. Charles groaned as he opened his eye. He wondered why the sun was so bright that it hurt his eyes, hey did his head hurt so badly? Oh, right. Because he had drank himself into a stupor the night before.

He turned to look at Gemma, who was playing on her phone.

"What are you doing? His hoarse voice, thick with sleep asked.

"Just updating the company discussion forum with pictures from the trip." She said innocently.

"Hmmm." He mumbled and rolled over to go back to sleep.

A few minutes later his phone began beeping with multiple incoming text messages. He fumbled for his phone, wondering what was so urgent.

He looked in shock at all the messages. As he read them he felt his anger surge.

"Gemma!" He growled.

"Yes?" She asked innocently.

"What did you do?!" He roared. Didn't this woman fear death at all?

She giggled. "What's wrong, dear?" She asked.

"You've caused me to lose face, Gemma!" He was truly angry. She had embarrassed him.

"It was just a joke. I'll take it down." She pouted.

"It's already been removed by the IT department. Honestly Gemma! I haven't been strict enough with you. That's going to change." He announced.

"Excuse me? I'm your girlfriend. What do you mean by being strict with me?" She asked, her voice suddenly icy.

"I mean as your employer I've allowed you to break too many rules. I'm going to change that immediately." He confirmed.

"And as my boyfriend, what do you intend to do?" Her voice rose slightly

"I'm going to remind you of who I am and what is required of the woman following me. That involves your discretion. You must not do things that bring me reproach." He said firmly.

"I'll continue to be true to myself, thank you very much!" She shot back.

"Then we can not be together." He informed her.

"Did you hear what you just said?!" She shouted.

"I'm serious, Gemma." His voice was hard.

"I struggled to get you to the room last night, bathed you, and scrubbed your vomit off of the floor. I think I'm entitled to a bit of fun at your expense. You're too uptight for your own good." She said.

"That's enough, Gemma!" He scolded.

"You're right. I have had enough!" She said as she jumped from the bed.

"What are you doing?" He asked in confusion.

"I'm leaving. That's right, I'm leaving. And I quit!" She information fumed. She stormed around the room packing her bags. Finally she had her belongings together and then she walked out of the room without looking back. He was shocked.