
Straw Hat pirates had recently became famous. In their short adventure, they had overcome various adversities; a corrupt marine terrorizing townspeople, fish-men Yakuza collecting protection fees. Heck, they even fought various eccentric pirate groups. One such a pirate group was scheming type. Another, a whole lot hungry, they kept asking for food in the middle of a battle. The last one were full of loony clowns, and looked liked they had shut their business close and decided to become pirates to earn more.

After Straw Hats made debut in the world of pirate, they had decided to adventure grandline in hopes of fulfilling their respective dreams. Just as they had came down from reverse mountain, a large whale swallowed them along with their ship. In there, they had encountered a fierce devil who beat them black and blue. Subsequently, their journey to grandline was off to a bad start.

Inside Laboon Stomach.

"Do you guys have death wish? Attacking me out of the blue. Are you bounty hunters?" Vash looked at them and asked rubbing his fist, looking threatening. Three men lay on the floor sporting large bumps on their head. Another two, a man and a woman huddled together in fright seeing their three companion knocked out cold.

"We, we are tourists, yes we are tourists. We came to sightsee." said the petite woman. She was too afraid to come up with a better lie and expected opposite party to believe that.

"Really... It's my first time seeing tourists this brave, lounging around and inside a monster. Like hell I'd believe that. Do you think I'm a retard?" Vash said and stepped toward the long nosed man who was cowering.

"uwaaah... I'm gonna die, don't come near me, don't... hey Luffy, Zoro, Sanji help meeee... urgh." Vash picked up the shouting man by the collar and dipped him in the sea of acid. "Out with the truth, or you get out of here as poop. The choice is yours." said Vash sadistically.

"Aaaaah, release me you demon, I'm captain Ussop of the Straw Hat pirates and I have fleet of 3000 strongmen. Each of them also have 100 people under them. Aaaaah, stop, I'm melting, I'm melting. You guys stop lying there and help me." shouted Ussop with great pain and panic.

"You pipsqueaks are pirates. You better complete your education first." Vash said in irritation and made them faint by one punch each to their head. 'Ah, I forgot, there is probably no such thing as compulsory education here.' thought Vash. To him this group of misfits looked to be in teenage years. He thought they should be studying or something not playing pirate games.

Vash was tired of the acrid scent inside here. So he took all seven intruders plus a ship toward a large gate on the wall and came out of whale's stomach.

Twin cape Lighthouse.

Vash arrived at the lighthouse. He found Mihawk and Crocus intensely staring at each other. Both of them didn't say anything in the meanwhile. It was like they were practicing legendary killer gaze technique.

"Hey guys, I brought some guests. won't you prepare some tea and snacks for them?" Vash said cheerfully, full of enthusiasm like he was a kid bringing home his first friend.

Crocus tried saying something but Vash beat him to it. "Flowering old man, please don't. Talking to you will just make me mad. So you better stop."

"Who are these guys? Oh, isn't he Monkey D Luffy!" Mihawk said looking toward the thin boy wearing a straw hat. The boy in question has stitches under his left eye and also wore a sleeveless shirt and shorts.

"You know him? Hmm... Ah, isn't he the person in bounty poster that was with mine. So, these people are really thugs. Now I know why everyone says you can't judge a book by its cover." Vash said.

"They were inside the whale doing shenanigans. So, I taught them a lesson." said Vash further explaining and put them down on ground near the shore. He walked some distance inland and the hovering ship hit the sea. The water splashed on people lying there, waking them up in the process.

"Where am I? I thought the demon killed me."

"What happened!? Aah, my head hurts."

"Kyaa, why am I soaked?"

Like that, all of them woke up except one idiot with straw hat. They looked around themselves to assess their situation.

"Good morning everyone. I'm Vash. Have you had a nice nap?" Vash said with a smile. Everyone looked in the direction of coming voice. There they saw a man in tattered Martial clothing smiling at them. Usopp and the girl with orange hair straightaway fainted again, after seeing Vash. Their bodies shut down in hopes of dying painlessly. A blonde man with curly eyebrows hurriedly checked up on the girl.

"Nami chan, What happened?" The blond man's eyes started burning in comical fashion when he saw the girl fainted.

"Why you, you bastard hurt my Nami chan. I'll beat you thoroughly."" Collier shoot" The blond man said and jumped into air kicking in the direction of Vash.

"Sanji, wait for me you can't defeat him by yourself." said the green haired swordsman who was beside him.

Vash held the attacking leg of the blond man and tossed him into the sea. Then he focused his gaze on the swordsman and asked, "If he is Sanji, then you must be Zoro. Am I right?" Zoro nodded unsheathing his swords.

"Hmm... three swords. Hey Mihawk, you wanna fight this Zoro guy. He's also a swordsman like you." Said Vash calling for Mihawk to join fight.

Zoro's heartbeat accelerated when he heard the name of the world's strongest swordsman. He always trained with the goal of defeating Dracule Mihawk; taking his title for himself. Zoro saw the man who was unnoticed till now. He gripped his swords in both hands and a third one clenched in the jaw. He was ready for the duel. This was his chance to defeat the man or so he thought cause reality would leave him questioning his own belief after this.

"Aren't you also a swordsman? why don't you fight him yourself." replied Mihawk who was standing some distance away from the group.

"As you can see my hands are full." replied Vash. He was casually defending Sanji's kicks, who swam out of the sea to fight once again.

"Very well" said Mihawk as slowly stepped forward.