
Smoke and fire intervened, the ruckus destroyed many nearby buildings and injured a few bystanders. Ace and smokey marine fought all over the street. The Marine officer was actually after the Straw Hat's captain Luffy, he was annoyed at Ace for getting in his way of arresting his target. The marine captain's Smoke-Smoke fruit power was good but not good enough to put down a person having fire logia fruit.

Straw Hats crew escaped to their ship during the commotion. They had bought all the supplies and were ready for their next stop.

Vash arrived at the place where the two fought, he blinked fast and kicked Ace in the back, Ace flew toward the smoke guy and the previous scene of body colliding took place. Both Marine and the pirate stuck together and sent flying some distance away.

"Aargh!!! Now what? Who the hell kicked me? ugh... my back hurts...Today is the worst, I got sneak attacked twice." Said Ace getting up.

"Ugh... get off me you scum." said smokey marine, Ace was standing on him trying to find the attacker.

"Aiya Smoker, What are you doing under my feet?" Ace said innocently.

"Get the fuck off me first then... or I'll just do this." Smoker said as his body turned to smoke and vanished. He materialized some distance away from Ace and looked at the attacker.

"Who the hell are you now? Another pirate?" Smoker asked.

"Nah, I'm not a pirate but I'll fix you two brats real good." Said Vash, he took a step forward but to others it was like he had vanished. Vash kicked Ace in the chin, and Ace flew away leaving a flame trail while cursing, and he vanished into the sky. Vash looked at Smoker and hand chopped him to unconscious.

"What!!! How!!? I'm a logia..." Smoker said while fainting. The Marine grunts were gobsmacked at the swift defeat of their captain. They pointed their guns at Vash, their hands were trembling, and bodies sweating.

Vash floated and flew toward the docks leaving a stunned crowd.

Nanohana Docks

The Straw Hats were preparing to set sail, their next destination was Sandora river through which they would go to Yuba Oasis, it is where the rebel army is supposed to be camping.

"Who was the guy that saved us Luffy?" Asked Chopper, he was the new addition to the crew who had eaten human-human fruit, but he was actually a blue nosed reindeer with horns.

"Hmm... He is my brother Ace." Luffy replied.

"""""What!!!!!?"""" All the crew member exclaimed, they hadn't thought Luffy would have a brother and quite strong one at that.

*Whoosh* *splash*

Just then all of them heard a swooshing and a splashing, they looked in the direction of sound and found a flame burning in the sea which dimmed in seconds, and a topless person floated up.

"Zoro!! hurry up and save him." Luffy said panicking. Zoro was about to dive but they all heard another swishing sound and saw a man in aloha shirt flying. The man held Ace by the belt and took him out of the water.

"Gyaah!!!! Luffy, it's that devil from before. Uwaaah... Zoro do something, we are all gonna die." Said Usopp in panic mode after seeing the face of the person. All the other except Chopper also had pale faces after recognizing Vash.

"What the..., Why are you guys have white faces? Are guys sick? Do you need treatment?" Asked Chopper not reading the atmosphere.

Vash saw the familiar ship with figurehead of the sheep. He looked at the people on the deck and flew down to them holding Ace.

"Now, You little troublemakers are also here. Are you planning to rob this kingdom? Hmm... I don't remember seeing this reindeer." Vash said as he looked at Chopper with scrutinizing gaze.

"Hey you, what did you do to Ace? Put him down now." Luffy shouted in loud voice. He was really worried that the demon in front would also beat Ace up, and his worries came true as Vash rained punched on Ace's head. Ace's head was now longer with multiple bumps, he also woke up due to pain.

"Aarrgh... bastard who hit me? It hurts so much." Said Ace.

"Ace... thank God you are alright." Said Luffy and hugged Ace. Ace was also happy that he finally got to meet his little brother after a long time, he forgot his pain and started talking to Luffy, ignoring the rest.

Ace then looked around and saw Luffy's crew member, a swordsman, a curly brow guy, a long nosed brat, a talking reindeer, a beautiful lady and lastly a pissed looking man in aloha shirt.

"Ho.... in short time you already recruited six people, I'm proud of you as brother." Ace said.

"What are you talking about? We're five people, the ossan over there is not in our crew." said Usopp fearfully glancing at Vash.

"Hmm... then who is he? what's he doing here?" Ace asked.

"He, he's the devil in human skin. He's an unnamed pirate with bounty of 500 million, but we know his name, he's Vash. He seems to be lackey of Hawk eyes Mihawk." Sanji said in overdramatic way.

"The hell are you saying, I'm not a robber and certainly not a servant." Said Vash chopping on the head of Sanji. Sanji just rubbed the red bump on his head in pain.

"Uwahh.... Zoro save me he looks pissed, he is gonna beat us like before." Usopp said in fright.

"Well... we can only take the beating now. But Usopp you gotta man up. A great warrior of the sea shouldn't be cowardly, he should bravely face any adversity even if the enemy is too strong." Zoro said in determined tone, his fight with Hawk eye Mihawk was an eye opener for him. Surviving that fight had increased his will power and he had touched the boundary of basic haki. He could now cut steel like tofu. After him it was Sanji, who had changed a lot, he became proficient in basic observation haki, he also kept two knives with him to fight unlike his previous self.

"You bastard, you are bullying the crew of my little brother. I'll roast you." Ace said, he wasn't aware that Vash was the one who sent him flying. One instance he was fighting Marine Captain Smoker and on another he was taking bath in the sea. He didn't previously got chance to see his attacker.

"Wait, brother of Luffy, don't piss him off more, otherwise we'll also be taking beating along with you." Usopp said with a panicked expression. He didn't want to receive an ass kicking, although, he himself was exempted from it in their previous encounter but the image of Vash beating everyone else was fresh in his mind which shook him in his boots and it became his trauma.

"Long nosed Usopp, you don't have to worry, I'm very strong and how can I let off a person who bullies my little brother." Said Ace as his arms became fiery, ready for the fight.