
Vash roamed the streets of Nanohana town, he was searching for a good clothier. He went to a shop named 'Pellam's Cloth Shop' from the previous recommendation. Fortunately, the shop was open. Vash directly met the tailor, and he described the cloths that he want, it would be same as his previous gi. The seamstress named Rosie asked him to choose the type of raw fabric from which Vash wanted his attire sewn. Vash checked up on all kinds of fabric in the shop but didn't find any suitable one.

"Miss Rosie, don't you have cotton fabric?" Vash asked not seeing any of it.

"I'm sorry Mr Vash but cotton plant requires high amount of water to be grown, so it's not very profitable business here. Although we import it from outside countries, but right now our stocks of it are empty." Rosie explained to Vash.

"Is that so? Then do you have any similar textured fabric?" Vash asked hopefully.

"I'm afraid not, but you can get some Bananawani leather, it is more durable than cotton cloths, and surprisingly more lightweight. Seeing as you are a fighter it would suit you more." Rosie said.

"And... What is Bananawani?" Asked Vash as this was first time hearing such name.

"You don't know Bananawani!!! Oh...then you must be new in this country. These creatures are large crocodiles. They are mostly found in Sandora river." Rosie explained.

"So why is it called Bananawani? Do they eat bananas? Why not just name it big croc?" Vash asked perplexed.

"Hahaha... you are funny Mr Vash, right I forgot to tell you that they have large banana like growth on their heads and tails." Rosie replied in amusement.

"Do you have a map or something? I'll just hunt some and come back." Vash asked.

"Traversing desert to hunt them would be time consuming. Besides, you wouldn't even find them in this season, they are migratory and regularly leave Sandora river to hunt Sea Kings." Rosie further explained.

"That fierce!!!" exclaimed Vash.

"Well... they hunt in groups, individually they are not that dangerous. But still you should be careful of them. Anyway, I know a place where you can get them relatively easy." Rosie said.

"Really, where is it?" Vash asked, he thought that venturing into desert would be a pain and there wasn't any guarantee to find these Crocs in their supposed habitat.

"There is a city on North West at the other side of the Sandora river. It's called Rainbase, there you could find some traders who sell Bananawani leather, it is also a city where Sir Crocodile stays." Rosie said.

"Sir Crocodile?? Is it some kind of ferocious Bananawani?" Vash asked perplexed.

"Shhhh... he is idolized as a hero in our country. People here would scorn you if they heard you talk like that." Rosie said in a bit of fear.

"Hmm... Crocodiles can be heroes!!! First time hearing it." Vash said in misunderstanding.

"Mr Vash, Sir Crocodile is one of the Shichibukai, he's been defending this country from pirates for many years so people here have reverence for him." Rosie said with faint respect in her voice.

"So he's a pirate and same as Mihawk in status. My god... pirates becoming heroes, then what's next... Dugong learning Martial Arts!!! Such a messed up world." Exclaimed Vash.

"The Dugongs living in Sandora coast do perform some Kung Fu." Rosie said with poker face

"!!!!!???? The hell!!! I randomly said that about Dugongs, Sigh...But really, who names their kid 'Crocodile'? Did his parents wanted him to be a pirate from the get go so they gave him a piratish name." Vash said really amused this time.

"Shhhh... Mr Vash, I'll not repeat the warning. You would be beaten up by mobs if they heard you." Rosy said in hush. Although Rosie also had some admiration for Crocodile it was not to the point of blind worship. She didn't mind the words of Vash because every normal person considered pirates a threat to their lives and livelihood.

"Hmph... I'd like to see them try. I'll wipe the floor with them." Said Vash in irrefutable confidence. Rosie had slight blush on her cheeks. Vash hadn't had pretty boy face but to Rosie the aura he exuded now felt like a cool breeze in summer days.

"Mr Vash, I'll give you a map of Alabasta Kingdom. This maps only depicts major routes and cities across the desert country. I hope it'll help you on your journey." said Rosie as she gave him a folded parched paper.

"Thanks Rosie, I'll be on my way." Said Vash. He went out the shop and looked at the paper unfolding it. Vash saw many cities marked on map as well as some red crosses, he inferred it be some kind of danger zones. He decided to visit all the red crosses in his way just for the fun of it. Vash thought he would get to see some exotic beasts if he went following his new route.

"Rainbase... Like Rosie said it's on north-west of here. I'll have to cross the Sandora river on the way. Hmm... I'll just fly there after I cross it." muttered Vash to himself. He went to the docks to see if he could find any pirate ship. Vash wanted to request those to let him onboard.

"Who am I kidding I'll just force them, I know pirates are cocky all the time." Vash said. He chose his target, but then he saw a marine ship. He eavesdroped on them, and found out that they also wanted to go to Rainbase crossing sailing on through Sandora river halfway. Vash snuck inside the ship without them knowing and hid in the lowest cabin.

The ship started sailing on the orders of Marine Captain Smoker as it slowly left the dock of Nanohana town.

"Hmm... Crocodile eh. Let's see what you got." Vash muttered to himself while smiling. He was pumped up to fight him knowing Crocodile was Shichibukai like Mihawk.