
The townspeople were secretly evacuated by Vash, and it was before the fight started. All of them were unconcious now.

Vash could have followed Blackbeard but he had exhausted his haki. He had evacuated townspeople by using it. And the fight was also dangerous, although, he wasn't injured from start to finish. The darkness human had affected very large areas around him. So Vash had been using Observation Haki's future sight all the time.

The residents and others who were lying unconcious were lucky that they weren't dead. Vash went to the far away desert where he had put them. He saw Doro Nimah who was still alive after such ordeal, and Rosie, the seamstress was also lying there fainted. Vash also saw many people under pale moonlight, but he didn't recognize others.

A domineering aura bursts out from Vash, the aura turned into thread like in their mid path, and each thread of Supreme Kings Haki accurately hit people; warmness spread into their body as adrenaline kicked in, everyone woke up gasping.

"Aaaahhh... I'm still alive...woohooo..." a middle aged man among crowd shouted.

"Hahaha... living is good. I never felt so much alive before that experience." Another middle aged man started laughing. Like that many people made ruckus after finding themselves alive.

The people in the crowd observed their surrounding and noticed others like themselves, standing in the sand. They all started talking loudly at the same time annoying Vash. It was like fish market, very rowdy.

Once again, Vash unleashed a faint amount of Supreme Kings Haki. The people immediately shut up after feeling chills. Then they noticed the source of aura and saw a middle aged man standing at some distance from crowd.

Two people came forward after they recognized Vash.

"It's you!!""Mr Vash!!" Both of them said.

"You guys... Take this money and rebuild your town, it has been destroyed by a pirate. And whoever wants to leave and start anew could also take some share." Vash said as he dropped a suitcase filled with Berries and gold coins. Vash gave them 500,000,000 worth of berries to reorganize themselves in life. Although, rebuilding town would require more money than he had given, but at least it was something rather than nothing.

"Who's the mayor?" Vash asked the crowd.

"Mr. Vash, our town doesn't have a mayor but we have imperial officer who manages overall affair of the town." Rosie replied.

"Where is officer Kennel?!" Doro Nimah shouted. A person stepped forward, he had tanned skin and wore neat cloths. He came in front of Vash.

"I'm Kennel, I directly report to the king. And forgive me people, I couldn't protect the town." The person said to Vash then he began apologizing people.

"Kennel right... I need you to distribute this money among residents equally. Any outsider can leave now, your stay is over. And do as I say, I'll be watching so that you don't make mistake." Vash said. He was aware of greedy nature of human. If not supervised, money will be gone into the pockets of already rich. He decided to help them because he could, and he actually wasn't a money hoarding person, to Vash money is just a way achieve what is desired.

In the meantime, Vash took out den-den mushi and dialed Mihawk.

Alburana Palace

"Dracule Mihawk... My kingdom is about to fall apart. There's very real possibility that civil war may happen. Please, I want you help me." A middle aged man said, he wore green robe with yellow edging, and it had purple coat over it. The man was standing beside a table and talking.

"It's your kingdom ...right!? So why don't you do something about it yourself?" Mihawk said, he was reading a book in Royal library and the man questioned him was King of Alabasta: Nefertari Cobra.

"I'm requesting you so because I did everything I could, and now the situation is out of hand. I finally knew that it was plan of Crocodile all along who is posing as a hero, but it's already too late now." King Cobra said in sad voice. He had read the letter sent by Vivi and he was shocked knowing the culprit of all the unrest in his kingdom, and worst of all, he couldn't do anything against the perpetrator.

"All right don't cry now, you are grown man and a king. You should have the dignity of both. I'll just help you out once since you have allowed me into the Royal library." Mihawk said flipping pages of the book he was reading.

"Surely you jest.... You could have entered easily, nobody would have been able to stop you." King Cobra said

*Perererere..... perererere.... perererere*

The resting den den mushi started shouting loudly. Mihawk picked it up and a voice sounded.

"Hey Mihawk, I had found an awesome devil fruit but a pirate stole it. Do you know who had eaten a Darkness logia?" Vash said over den den mushi.

"Hmm... Blackbeard." Mihawk muttered but Vash still heard it.

"Blackbeard!!?....And you actually know him??? Damn bastard ate the fruit. I should have gulped it myself, though I was thinking it would suit you more." Vash said.

""What did you say!!!???"" Mihawk, as well as King Cobra who was listening to the conversation exclaimed and shouted loudly.

"What!!??... why are you shouting and who is beside you, I can hear him screaming " Vash said covering his ears.

"Are you an idiot?? If you eat second devil fruit you will die exploding." Mihawk told him.

"What!!!! Then how was that bastard still alive, and he could use both of his devil fruits seamlessly." Vash exclaimed, he felt as though death had just brushed past him.

"Whaaaat!!!?? Are you joking?? No person can eat two devil fruits. You must have been seeing things." King Cobra talked to den den mushi.

"Hmm... and who are you to question me?" Vash asked the new voice.

"I'm King Cobra, ruler of this kingdom." King Cobra said.

"Ohh... So you are the ruler... I'm Vash, now listen and immediately send some help in Port town Nanohana. The town's destroyed in the fight with Blackbeard fatty. The residents here are homeless so you better hurry." Vash said to King Cobra.

"What!!!?? The town has been destroyed!!! Then what about the people??" King Cobra asked worriedly.

"They are safe for the time being, I had saved them. Now you better hurry. You surely wouldn't want your subjects sleeping in chilly desert.

"Right away..." King Cobra dashed out of the library and directly went to Royal Palace to mobilize people for help.

"So Mihawk how many days are you going to spend there, I'm bored from this island now." Vash said. He wanted more adventures in other islands.

"I don't know!!! It could possibly take a week finishing my studies here. Why don't you train in the meantime. You weren't able to bring down Blackbeard, were you??" Mihawk asked.

"Hmm... How did you know??" Vash asked.

"I know his strength very well, and as you've said, if he had eaten second devil he would have become a lot more stronger." Mihawk explained.

"Oh.. well... if you aren't moving now I could only just go and train." Vash said disconnecting the call.

Unknown Location.

Straw hats group were going in circles in desert, first they went to an oasis city Yuba in search of rebellion armies, but instead, they found the town buried under sand and looked lifeless. In the next morning, they started their journey for Rainbase city, they wanted to directly put down Crocodile. And when they reached the city, they found that someone had already beaten Crocodile, and destroyed Rain Dinners. They felt as if they were roaming the desert in vain. They fixed their next destination: Alburana.