
The T-rex facing gigantic air slash simply charged ahead like a bull, and met the fearful attack of Mihawk head on.



It resisted the attack with its massive head without any apparent injury which made Mihawk gawk at the dinosaur like creature. Mihawk then sent many waves of sword slashes targeting at different spots, trying to decapitate it. But the T-rex was fearless; it rotated its huge body, and used its spiked tail as a whip to disperse the incoming attacks, then it jumped up high and dived down opening huge jaws ready to chomp the opponent. Mihawk stepped back and then vanished, appearing some distance away.

"Damn!!! It's really savage!! Dinosaurs shouldn't be this strong and fast." Mihawk said.

"Dude, it's T-rex, of course it would be strong." Vash said cluelessly.

"I tell you, I had even fought a real dragon once, but that wasn't as strong as this T-rex that I'm battling." Mihawk said with a sigh.

"A dragon weaker than T-rex... But I think it's normal for the king of dinosaur to be stronger than the so called winged lizard." Vash said.

"...Really, I don't know why do you think a T-rex could be stronger... There are many islands on grandline where prehistoric creatures still thrive to this date, and I can tell you they are as weak as fodder pirates." Mihawk said.

"Are you for real?? T-rex is on apex of the food chain, well...if you exclude the humans, so how can it be weak." Vash said perplexed.

"Seriously... I don't know about your preferences, but are you expecting that they should weightlift and do push-ups." Mihawk said in exasperating tone.

"Iyahahaha...I don't know... but, but.. look at its tiny fore legs, how can it do push-ups..." Vash said laughing.

"That's what I'm saying. It can't grow stronger to this degree in wilderness. And you... stop laughing, and help me out." Mihawk said creasing his brows in anger.

"Ok, Ok... geez, stop shouting, you can't even take care of an unintelligible creature, but I have better idea, I want this T-rex as my pet." Vash said, and he took out Sleek Slicer and Heavy Razor; these were the same swords that he had forged in Nanohana port town.

"Are you out of your mind?? It will gobble us in minutes, and turn us into dinosaur dung if we're not careful. It's better to put it down for good." Mihawk said and his exasperation at this time was on peak.

"Come on... riding a T-rex is an ultimate fantasy for me. So I'm going to tame it one way or another." Said Vash. He then stepped forward crossing his arms and slashed with all strength at the wide head of the aggressive reptile.

The clash of swords and metal like head of T-rex produced powerful shockwaves along with loud sonic boom. The T-rex in response used its heavy head like a hammer and attacked Vash displaying unreal speed and frightening battle efficiency. Both, Vash and the creature went at it like they were mortal enemies, out for each others blood.

"Hey, Mihawk, stop gawking and attack." Vash said taking a breather after intense offence and defence.

"What happened to your previous gusto?? And are you still thinking of making it a pet?" Mihawk said joining the fight.

"Hell yeah... but first, think of a way to immobilize it." Vash said.

"I think you getting crazier by the day... Ok I'll be the bait and you get behind it then pummel it real good." Mihawk suggested.

Mihawk stood in front of the T-rex, and in a burst of speed went below its head; near the torso, and slashed at the useless looking tiny fore legs, but the hulking creature reacted to the attack and tried stomping Mihawk with its thick hind legs. Vash at the same time got behind it and took hold of its tail by the spike and pulled exerting immense strength.


Vash then hurled it around, and pounded it on the ground many times.

"Mihawk... it's still uninjured, work something out fast or we'll really become its food because I don't know how but this guy is donning Seastone plating." Vash said.

"What the hell!!! No wonder it's so resilient. You keep it occupied in the meanwhile..." Mihawk said and vanished from the battle zone.

"What do you think I'm doing now... che... ran away, you better bring something useful." Vash said as he loosened the grip after he bashed the T-rex one last time. Vash then used Color of Supreme Kings Haki to make both swords float above the ground, and in an extreme speed they were launched off. Vash's aim was its eyes as it was weak point of every creature. The T-rex wasn't able to react at this time but it reflexively closed its eyes seeing incoming attack.

"Damn!!! Even its eyelids are also coated with seastone. My attacks only made some white scratch marks." Vash talked to himself as he was frustrated that his moves weren't working. When Vash previously held the tail spike, a fraction of his strength was drained, and that's how he guessed that it must be Seastone covering its skin.

Vash fought the dinosaur for sometime and then he felt Mihawk coming through his color of observation. Mihawk was holding a long dark colored chain, and he swung the it like a cowboy while sprinting, with one end of chain wrapped around the crossguard and hilt of 'Yoru'.

"Are you serious!!?? A chain..."

"Vash, make it stop moving for a second, and get the hell away from it fast." Mihawk interrupted Vash and released color of Supreme Kings Haki. Vash seeing the clue went all out and released his newly trained 'Potential State' to make his Supreme Kings Haki more potent. The T-rex jerked and stopped moving for a while, while simultaneously, 'Yoru' hooked with chain was like a sewing needle, it circled around its hind leg and to its whole body, constricted it firmly. Then Mihawk in fast motion hooked both ends of chain. The T-rex looked pitiful at this point like it was in receiving end of some bondage play.

"Nice, is this chain also made up of Seastone??" Vash asked seeing struggling T-rex.

"No... It's a wooden chain... of course it's Seastone, you idiot." Mihawk said grunting.

"Oh... Did you also start training your sense of humour?? 'cause I can tell that you are a beginner practitioner." Vash said with awkward smile.

"Enough chit chat. First we have to secure a way to get back." Mihawk said.

Both of them ignored the lying and chained T-rex and went back to the spot from where they had appeared previously.

"Oh... this is the same cave like entrance on stone wall. And this stone wall seems sculpted carefully. But seriously we're so high from sea level, the air pressure here is low and we're probably standing on plateau like structure. Did we come here through some kind of space warp??" Vash said looking at the 20 meter high rectangular shaped stone wall and his mind wondered about all the weird things he had encountered till now after he came to this world.

Mihawk was silent and took out the damaged dial which they had previously stumbled upon in the tunnel. Vash also glanced at the dial and his mind churned furiously trying to gauge all the possibility.

"Could it be!!???" Vash made a wild guess but Mihawk beat him into it.

"It probably is used to store 'space energy' or something similar. And it seems like we did pass through a wormhole. But why was it still working?? That channel should have been damaged same as this dial. Unless..." Mihawk was also perplexed.

"Unless it wasn't totally damaged but malfunctioned; dumping us here instead of its intended target." Vash continued.

"So we have our way back. Now let's go explore this place, I found a secret base under this plateau." Mihawk said turning back.

"No way in hell I'm going back through this tunnel. God knows where it will dump us next. I'll better take my chances descending this mountain." Vash said.

"Hmm... You are right." Mihawk's face went white remembering the nauseated feeling.

"So, did you get the Seastone chain from the so called 'Secret base'? It was really lucky otherwise I could had only blown the T-rex away from this place as it was very resilient and I wouldn't have a chance to make it a pet." Vash said and stared at supposed pet that was still writhing on the ground helplessly.

"This T-rex is definitely an automata. And an automata is basically a robot manufactured by the people of ancient civilization. They used to employ these robots I came to knew about these robots when I visited the laboratory of Old Man Tsukimi on Karakuri island. The old man had acquired the automata blueprint from some shady sources, and he had also built few of it on his own. And I think this secret base was also built to manufacture something similar." Mihawk said and tossed an old looking seashell toward Vash who caught it immediately.

"It's a really old dial, to capture moving images and tone, I don't know how it was made and what it is called as there isn't such a dial in blue sea and even in the sky island. I had played it once, just after I found it inside the base so I don't know if it would work now." Mihawk said.


Vash pressed the the button like outdent on the center of the dial but nothing happened so he tossed it back to Mihawk.

"I guess it's not working. What did it record??" Vash asked.

"I took it away with me arbitrarily thinking it is something important but the recording was just some person making weird faces. I don't know why??" Mihawk's reply made Vash remember selfie maniacs from the previous world.

"Anyway, let's call it video dial. Hurry up!! We'll go and see what's underneath us and it would be good if I can get some robot pets." Vash said in enthusiasm.