History Part 1

The duo of Vash and Mihawk strolled the empty street and observed the dead city of ancient times. On close up, they found most of the houses had become ruins with intact network of pipelines going into every house. But the lack of any household items made them puzzled, like it was a planned evacuation. They started seriously searching the city and apart from some stone drawings and sculptures, the duo couldn't find anything with worth.

"Che... After so much effort, we got nothing. Where's my treasure??? Arrggh..." Vash yelled in frustration. And Mihawk just looked at him in amusement.

"What... Is there something on my face??" Vash said offended and patted his face.

"You are an idiot... But you sure are bawling like pirates when they don't get their share of booty after a harsh day. And you are showing pirate like tendencies." Mihawk said crudely.

"Hmm... the f##k!!!!... I'm an archeologist not a pirate." Vash retorted.

"I'm going to explore everything here and make a world startling discovery." Vash said as if he was a child, first time seeing wonders of the world. Mihawk just shook his head in exasperation and walked ahead.

Mihawk followed by Vash then stopped at some distance and looked at a particular wall, it was inscribed with various paintings; the colors of the painting had become faint and pale after so long time. It depicted three distinct winged persons holding spears in one hand and a balloon like object in the other, and their figure floated just above the drawn base ground. And above them was drawing of two circles, of which, one of the circle had flame like lines; probably the sun, and other circle was shaded half in white color, likely a moon. Small sized winged people with balloon like objects in hand were standing on the circumference of the half shaded circle and some winged figures were drawn in between moon circle and base ground, apparently describing the mass interplanetary migration.

"So are these winged people were from moon??" Vash said as he also observed the ancient drawings.

"Well... I never knew it. It's really surprising that the skypieans were originally from moon but they themselves don't know about their ancestry." Mihawk said while closely scrutinizing other paintings.

"Look here... these three winged people drawn have different kind of wings and attire styles. What does that mean!!!?? Three tribes of moon civilization??" Vash said pondering, he also posses expertise in archeology from his previous experience of tomb raiding in his original world so he could also infer many things from these simplistic paintings.

"You might be correct... In present time, there are also three tribes living in Sky Islands. Look at this drawing, you see the antenna like thing on its head... Native Skypieans living in Skypiea also has these same appendages." Mihawk explained.

"And what about the other two??" Vash also asked curiously. He was excited to find that space travel was very much possible here, and looked fairly easier than in his previous world where it would take enormous amount of resources just to put 5 people on moon.

"The one with fancy hat and wings pointing downward was probably from Birkan tribe. Nowadays, they have most population among people living in sky. The last one wearing animal hide could be from Shandorian Tribe. You remember the Mock Town??" Mihawk said and asked back in the end.

"Oh... You mean the pirate town where I was mocked by a Flamingo bird??" Vash said.

"Yeah... that one. But that was just half the land." Mihawk said.

"What do mean by 'half the land'?" Vash asked perplexed.

"Originally, Jaya island was Shandia tribes' new kingdom when they populated the blue seas island in the past. But that region has lot of seismic activity due to which a natural phenomenon called Knock Up stream is formed sometimes. As you can guess by its name, a knock up stream is jet of high speed water flying into the sky. One such gigantic knock up stream ripped half the Jaya island into the cloud sea." Mihawk explained patiently as if he was teaching history to an amateur scholar.

"Have you been to the other half of the Jaya island??" Vash asked.

"No..." Mihawk denied.

"Then how do you know all this??" Vash asked.

"Hmm... A certain drunkard bastard told me about the Jaya island." Mihawk said with a smirk like he was reminiscing old times.

"A drunkard???" Vash was perplexed hearing the reply.

"Anyway... Oh... I know, Vash, you told me that you were also part time grave digger. So, study carefully all the drawings and tell me which tribe could have been the leader of this alien civilization??" Mihawk asked.

"Of course it's Birkan... Wait, did you just call me a grave digger?? *#$@#$ At least call me tomb raider, it sounds cool." Vash said pointing a middle finger at Mihawk.

"Correct, Mr coffin thief. But how did you guess??" Mihawk asked ignoring Vash's complaint and apparent offending hand signs.

"I tell you... I never robbed resting place of dead. I only used to get contract to unearth sites by govt agencies and I had to give them all the things found there in place of monetary compensation. I did that kind of work because I was really bored there and it was interesting job for me to pass time." Vash said explaining.

"And as for Birkan being leader its very simple, it's all in the drawing, the fancy royal hat as well as footwear!! Other two don't even wear footwear. One can easily guess their status." Vash said further.

"Well... But your explanation is not conclusive." Mihawk said demanding further inference on the subject.

"Oh come on... Are you thinking I am a fraud?? And I sell counterfeit goods telling it's an antique??" Vash asked.

"I don't care what you sell. Continue to explain." Mihawk said pensively.

"Ok, so look at this picture right here, this Birkan dude is holding a wrench and making... What seems to be a giant mechanical snake. Really... Are these guys sons of godly being..." Vash said as he was distracted and lost in contemplating why would someone make creature as dangerous as snake.

"Anyway... what I'm trying to say is brain is the leader and muscle is henchmen. Did you get it? Or do you want me list out all the other inference angles?" Vash said.

"No need. I just wanted to check if you were as smart as you claim to be." Mihawk said.

"*#$# you, Mihawk. You just wasted my time and energy in the unnecessary explanations." Vash said with anger.

"But seriously, did these guys came to blue seas using balloons!!??" Vash exclaimed looking back at the first drawing.

"Apparently..." Mihawk also said unsurely.

"This is like *#$*#$* physics. And producing natural law breaking offspring science." Vash said facepalming himself.