Happenings II




Time moved slow as we all were still immersed in a fight, but a sudden blast was heard around the compound and I saw 'him' smirking.

It seems like I was right all along, 'he' had really planned this all, the master mind of all plans, Razor. The Real Monster who was said to have assassinated hundreds of alphas and their packs. He was cunning, vicious and ruthless, a leader unparalleled.

People feared him more than they did demons, for he was the real one, one who could even defeat 'hell' if he set out to do it.

And despite the fear of his name, not many knew him personally, and even less had seen him up close.

I had been surprised and equally shocked to see him here, with none other than Jeonja; yet, I didn't find it to be something out of the blue. Razor was said to be that way, to finish off his enemies, he went to all lengths for securely achieving his goals. I think he was the only person who would opt do such missions, and his pack was exceptionally supportive of him.

His brilliance was so, that I couldn't even call upon his name without feeling humble. "Brother," I called him, knowing he heard, "They are here aren't they."

The Kwongs were now getting kicked and clawed at as Razor continued to flow around them, but he was slowing down, breathing slightly faster than before.

"Fetch Jeonja back," he ordered, "they would see to the rest… Won't you Maunir?"

I finished off the jailer who had been annoying me for a while, and looked up to see a group of men standing atop the building. All dressed in black, ready to kill.

If I was right, then serious damage was going to be inflicted upon this area, and I doubt the wolfsbane forest could survive the calamity.

Brother Maunir jumped down the four floors creating a small crater around him as he landed. His hair as green as it had been that day, his dark eyes darker than ever. His pale skin glistening in the sun, as a wave of wind dispersed the shadowy fog surrounding the space, all thanks to Jeonja.

"Where is that brat, in the shadows?" Brother Maunir asked, his mood just as dark as he watched his leader Razor with masked anger. I knew he wasn't angry at brother Razor but the situation he was in.

Brother Razor clawed out a Kwong's liver as he stopped to look back at brother Maunir, his hair falling over his eyes and his skin dotted with dirt, "He is fighting with that leader guy, Hasuke."

"Okay. Then knock him out Toga." Maunir ordered, and took a look at me, "You Jackson, stand back, you can't bring in Jeonja, you are worse than him." He was obviously referencing to Razor's assignment for me, where he had asked me to fetch Jeonja back.

I felt the slight shake of the ground as Toga landed with a strong presence, his blond hair reaching till his nape and his golden eyes piercing the small battlefield with glee. "Which brat are ya talking bout Bro~"

I saw brother Maunir smirk at that, both he and Razor shared a secret smile, "You will know, he is here, a brat with black hair. Just take him out and stall the Kwong, we have questions to ask."

Toga pouted, "But I wanted to fight!"

"You will, just do what I tell you first, you are wasting time."

"For a chibi ya sure are bossy." He huffed and disappeared in to the shadows. His 'chibi' leader Maunir only huffed.

"Jungaba," Brother Maunir commanded, waiting as a red haired guy appeared next to him, a professional air exuding from his silhouette as he looked around thoughtfully, "I want you to take care of that pinky," he assigned, "she would be the messenger."

"Got it Brother Maunir."

And in a blur Jungaba was standing in front of the absurd girl, holding her neck tightly, his claws still not out yet, but his human nails just as effective.

She started to laugh, "You can't hurt me, I am a princess, otou-san will have your heads. Kwong pack is not to be trifled with."

"We are not going to hurt you hime sama," Jungaba said, his voice lowering an octave, and I listened while still fighting. "We just want you to send a message to your otou san."

"Like hell-"

"A hime shouldn't curse," he scolded seriously, "makes one wonder her morality."

I was snapped away from my focus when brother Maunir helped me take out the jailers, my strength immediately leaving me as I fell back on my knees, tired and out of breath. "I am sorry brother Maunir, I failed you again."

He shook his head, "This was just unfortunate, stand up, you have omegas to look after."

I turned to see the bare bodies of the omega batch, each one of them clinging to each other, their faces streaked with tears and limbs trembling. They looked malnourished and in very bad condition. "I will guard them."

Brother Maunir nodded, "Do that." And he left me for taking out the rest of the enemy crowd, breaking the control panels he could get his hands on.

And I saw Jae's collar break away at some point, it's control remote must have been destroyed.

"Take the collar off and throw it away quickly," I ordered him, "We don't know if it will blast off or not, better be careful."

Jae did as was told and came back to guard with me, his arms badly injured as some of the jailers must have reached him with blades sticks and metal rods.

"Does it hurt?"

He shook his head, heaving slightly, but sweating a lot, "I… will… manage brother."

I sighed, taking his answer for what it was.




I loitered around inside the heavy fog, the shadows sweeping against my skin, tingling.

So this was the power of the shadow element, I wondered to whom it belonged. It was ancient and malicious… from the folklore, I had concluded long time back that such dark arts weren't to be messed with.

"Eh kitty kitty kitty, ya there~~" I called, but my voice didn't reach anywhere, as if being absorbed.

I shivered, rubbing my arms against the sudden drift of cold icy wind.

Activating my senses, I looked through the shadows, noticing a fight going on a few meters away, and one of the fighter was a wolf.

Impressed, I quickly moved to take a better look, avoiding the poisonous accumulation increasing around me, my element was effectively barricading me, yet seems like it was not enough.

I saw the hybrid form going down, as the wolf clomped on it, meaning whoever it was had won, I only hoped I hadn't been too late in saving the good guy.

As the heavy fog started to clear, letting in some much need light, a spectacular beast limped towards me, a black wolf with red glowing eyes. A familiar profile flashed by me, having seen a black wolf similar to this one before, but at that time it had been small and cute, not this scary beast.

And a white outline of light glowed around it's body, as if protecting it. Could it be…?

"Jeonja?" I asked, hopeful. But doubting myself since the scent was very different, yet had a similar intensity as the first time I had met him. Was he in heat again?

The wolf started to growl at me as if not remembering me, or was it loosing consciousness. But all the same, it hadn't recognized me.

"Seems like I will have to do ma job…"

In a flash the wolf was down as I pressured one of it's nerves and watched as a human figure started to emerge, shedding the fur. Within a minute or two it was back to being a human, a beautiful man with dark hair and well build muscles.

"Ya grew up well Jeonja~"

I smirked as Jeonja hummed in his sleep and nuzzled his nose with his hands. Still cute, I see.

"Let's get ya out of here, but let me check up on the enemy first, okay?"

I walked up to the leader of the pack we had been following for so long, he was down and dead, his face unrecognizable with all the claw marks and bites. Job well done Jeonja.

The shadow fog had finally dispersed, enough, to let me have a view of the winning team, of course our pack still stood tall. I smirked.

It was time for payback.




I don't know when I lost consciousness or where I was, but for a while, I felt familiar scents surrounding me and a sense of home washed over me. Making me happy.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a large building looming in front of me and a forest stretch surrounding it. I was lying on my back and in some wagon as it moved away the build structure.

The sun was almost down when I fleetingly glanced at the top of the building, but a person standing on the edge of the roof snatched my attention, overlooking me as the wagon moved, since my head was clearly visible through the wagon's opening.

Who was this person, a sense of déjà vu hit me as I tried to clear away my bleary eyes. Sitting up was out of question, I was too tired for that.

The person was still there, his features shadowed over by his large hood so I couldn't see.

The wagon soon left the premises of the building and I lost the man in a sea of woods, but not before catching a tuft of hair slide through his hood at the last moment as the winds picked up.

I wasn't sure, but the hair appeared to be pink. I don't know, could be a cherry blond too.

A smile formed on my lips, as the second time I thought of him.

Of my Michi.