Chapter Nine

Alright, so maybe purchasing every woman on the auction block had been a little extreme but after what he had just witnessed, he could not just leave them there. The image of so many men touching what he now declared his, had a stealthy rage building in his chest once again, involuntarily Thane tightened his hold on the woman over his shoulder. The moment her middle fingers went up in the air, Thane knew that she was going to be his, Omega or not. The amount of spirit that had shown through her, made his whole-body thrum with amusement, and for him that was enough to possess him to purchase her. Celeste, the name was enchanting, and matched its owner to the T. Those blue green eyes were righteous in their defiance and hatred of everyone around her, but when those men dared to put their hands on her, Thane could feel her terror like it was his own. They would have no doubt tried to take her right there on the block, had he not intervened, and in response Thane would have slaughtered every person standing there. The only reason they got as far as they did, was because he had been so far away, though no doubt a few people who go home this eve with a few broken bones from his pursuit to the front of the line.

"Where are you taking me?" came the hardened voice of his companion and Thane smiled a little.

"To my palace, of course." Thane hoisted himself up on his Cripton, positioning Celeste between his thighs in front of him, taking the reigns he looked over at Jubal who maneuvered to his side. "Did you pay the man?"

Jubal nodded with a weary sense of amusement in his eyes, "All of them, really?"

"I got a little carried away."

"I'd say, you know your mother is going to love this, right?" Jubal laughed at the thought.

Thane grimaced at the mention of his mother, the old bat was going to have a time with this but be overjoyed that he had went and bought so many women for her to doll up.

"Just let me go, you have so many other women that would be more than happy to let you fuck them." Celeste turned to look at him over her shoulder.

Thane starred down at her and those haunting eyes, "Yes, but I did not want any of them, I wanted you." He let her process that, before laughing a little, "You will love being part of the harem, besides when I call upon you, what you do with your time will be your own."

Celeste's shoulders stiffened a bit, "So I am to be at your beck and call?"

"Yes." He stated simply.

The rest of the ride to the palace was quiet, Celeste was probably pondering how she was going to escape, and Thane was wondering just what he was going to do with her. Rape was against everything he believed in, so he would not take her against her will, but he had never wanted someone so much in his life. Her scent wafted around them, and it took everything in Thane not to groan out loud, she smelled like sunshine and earth, rain and flowers. Nature, she smelled as if she had been plucked out of a garden, and he wanted to burry his nose in her hair and just sniff her all day. There was something indeed different about her, besides the fact that she was an Omega, she was a virgin. Never had Thane bedded a virgin before, he usually stayed away from them if he were being honest, taking a woman's virginity had never been a task he had wanted to tackle before. Virgins would need special attention, they would not know how they liked to be touched, or how to please a man…it had all seemed like too much work to him. Thane had always floated towards the more experienced women, the ones that knew exactly what he wanted without him saying a word, the ones he did not have to work to please. As horrible as that sounded, he had grown lazy over the course of his life, never having to really put any effort into being with whatever woman he wanted. Being the Emperors son had opened the door to every woman's bed, none had ever denied him, maybe that was why he gravitated towards Celeste, the challenge? No, that did not seem quite right, there was something deeper there.

The way his inner beast had roared at the sight of another mans hands on her, the instant jealously that had taken over his mind, it was almost terrifying the way his body had moved towards her without him consciously being aware of it. There was a connection there that he really did not want to investigate too deeply now, he needed to hit the library and do more research on Omega's. Every Alpha was trained from an early age on the knowledge of the rare Omega but since there had not been any sightings of them in years, it had become more of a past time learning, than an actual course like it should have been. Omega's were meant to be cherished, there bodies taken, but pleasure given in return. Celeste was indeed special and needed to be treated as such and for the first time in a long time, Thane found himself wanting to put in the effort it would take to have her melting in his hands.