Chapter Ten

Rescued from one hell, just to be thrown into another, seemed about right. Fate was a fickle bitch and right now she was having one hell of a laugh at Celeste's expense. What sort of life would she have in a harem? Surrounded by a bunch of beautiful, not doubt, bored women. If they were all subjected to the Emperor's beck and call, did everyone just sit around the harem waiting? So many questions buzzed around in her head, could one man have sex with every single woman in his harem, how many did this man have? He had just bought a dozen this very day and that was including all the women he already owned, why did one guy need so many, was he overcompensating? The thought made her laugh a little to herself. "what is so amusing little firefly?" the man of the hour questioned.

Celeste shrugged slightly, "Oh nothing, just wondering why you would feel the need to purchase so many women, when I am sure your harem is big enough as it is." She peeked up at him over her shoulder, "Do you have difficulty getting it up, so you go through a batch of different women, trying to find one that can keep your cock hard?"

There was a long thread of silence and Celeste felt him stiffen behind her, just when she thought that she had probably earned a lashing, he bellowed out a heartily laugh, so loud it shook her, "I can assure you that my cock has no trouble rising to the occasion, I can demonstrate if you wish." Before she had time to object, he pushed her back against his chest fully, her ass pressed into the swell of his mentioned cock, it was hard and straining against her. "Is that hard enough for you?"

A blush crept up her neck, flushing her cheeks, thankfully she was saved from answering when they came upon a draw bridge. Doom settled in as she took in the massive stone wall that went miles in each direction, cutting off the palace from the outside world. How in the world was she going to escape now? Guards peeked down to see them, the Emperor gave them a signal, and the chains screeched as the door was lowered over the mote. They definitely were not going to make this easy for her, guards, draw bridge, mote… "Even if you did manage to escape, I would find you, you are mine now."

Shit, "Can you hear my thoughts?" Celeste asked in annoyance.

"I do not need to pick your brain, you were sold, it is only natural that you would be thinking of a way to escape. I think that once you get settled in, you might change your mind, this place is probably better than wherever you came from."

Celeste crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly, "Do not assume to know anything about me or where I come from."

"Fair enough,"

As they rode up to the palace, Celeste was embarrassingly aware that she was still stark naked, and there were so many guards outside the entrance. As much as she had been seen bare that day, you would think it would not faze her anymore, but unfortunately it did. Biting her lip, Celeste contemplated asking for something to put around her, but refused to ask the man for anything. The Emperor threw his leg over the beast they rode on and hopped off, his feet landing on the pavement below them, he reached up grabbing her by the small of the waist and hoisted her off. In a flash of movement he had his own shirt off and plopped over her head, Celeste was stunned for a moment but quickly pulled it the rest of the way down, moving the hair from her face he had mused in the process. The shirt hung past her thighs, giving her a semblance of modesty once again, and even though she did not want to she had to admit to herself that his scent was intoxicating, rich and spicy. Celeste stopped herself from lifting the cloth to her nose to inhale the erotic mix and instead looked up into those laughing green eyes, like he had indeed seen inside her mind, and knew exactly what she was thinking…feeling. Her eyes narrowed in annoyance, "Stop that."

The man's white teeth flashed, "I didn't say anything."

"You did not have to." She fumed. What was it with this man? If he was indeed and Emperor, he sure as hell did not act like one. Were they not supposed to be all commanding and harsh? This man had a carefree aura about him, like he had not been stressed a day in his life, the ease of his smile was off-putting.

"Thane Conrad Rysling, what on earth have you done?" Came the voice of a woman as she stepped down the palace steps. When she reached the bottom and see Celeste her eyes went wide and she looked at, Thane? Was that this man's name, it did indeed fit his character.

Thane put his hand on the small of Celeste's back and she squelched the urge to swat him away. "Mother this is Celeste, she is an Omega."

Omega this Omega that, what in the holy realm was an Omega? That was hundredth time she had heard herself be referred to by that title, as far as she knew she was a Beta like her mother and father before her. The annoying title Omega had brought nothing but trouble with it, it was bad enough that she was a virgin but now she was also an Omega. What was the allure of owning an Omega and what did that mean for her? Would she suddenly sprout wings and be able to fly? Celeste had to admit that would be rather cool, she could fly far away from this place and find a new planet to call her own.

"Are you sure? Omega's are so rare; we have no seen one in many years." The woman asked skeptically looking Celeste over like she was more insect than person.

Thane nodded, "She has been tested, along with her virginity, I hope that you will see to it that she is treated with the dignity and respect she deserves." His tone was suggestive, and it had Celeste's brows furrowing in confusion. Did consorts deserve dignity and respect, was she not just another whore?

"Yes of course, come my dear, let's get you washed up and in something a little well…more." The woman smiled kindly at her, "My name is Natira, Mother Empress." She introduced herself motioning for Celeste to follow her.

Biting her lip, she found herself looking towards Thane, who just smiled his irritating smile, and waved his hand dismissing her. Celeste bit the inside of her cheek and sent a mental image of herself flipping him off, if he could read her thoughts hopefully that one broadcasting loud and clear. Letting out a nervous breath, she followed the woman into the huge palace wondering what fate had instore for her today.