Chapter Eighteen


The days had come and gone, many suns had risen across the sky, and many moons followed. Celeste had lost track of time, it could not have been more than a few weeks since she had been brought to the palace, to live out her days as a Concubine. Escape had fluttered to the back of her mind once she had been granted special privileges in the garden. Settling into a routine she found herself enjoying her work, the other women had all but frozen her out, all but Morena, the woman had become a good friend in the short while they had been there together. Morena occasionally helped her in the garden, though her idea of helping, usually resorted in making up ludicrous stories to pass the time. Emperor Thane made an appearance usually once a day, he would escort her to the dinning hall, where they would share dinner. Surprisingly, he had never touched her, he would pull out her chair, and then watch her as she spoke. It was a quiet intensity that at first had startled her, what was she to make out of it? After the first week, Celeste started loosing up, she found herself growing comfortable around the man.

Arrogant as he was, Thane was strong and attractive, her pulse always jumped a little when ever she first seen his face. Celeste worried that she was starting to get a little too reliant on spending her evenings with the Emperor. The man was interesting to say the least, he always let her speak, and never interrupted. The way he his green eyes would darken when she pressed a piece of bread to her mouth, she had started to deliberately eat slower, with more purpose. Just to watch his reactions. Playing with fire came to mind but for some reason she just felt the need to do it, to stroke the flames, maybe see how high they could get. Never had she wanted the attention of a male, let alone an Alpha twice her size, not to mention an Emperor over an entire region. Still, the way her blood warmed at the sight of him, and his patience with her, had Celeste feeling a little restless now. She was not a fragile little doll, there was no need to handle her with such care. What had happened to the man that had rescued her from all the hands of those lower Alpha males, threatening them with his ferocity?

The wild way that he had scooped her up and slung her over his Kripton and threatened to fuck her in the streets of the marketplace, that was the man that she wanted to see again. There was no good reason why, she knew better, she should have just been grateful for what she had. The fact that she the Emperor had not touched her, had not forced her to share his bed, she should have been relieved. Celeste shook her head silently, looking up at the sun setting, it was almost time for dinner. A little flutter stirred in her stomach, Thane would be coming for her soon, to fetch her for their meal. Was this stock home syndrome, was she just empathizing with her capture? Did she develop a hero complex? Irritation coursed through her now, no, she was not some ninny that just got swept away in idiotic notions. Celeste may have been from a little run-down planet with far less people but that did not make her a simpleton. This place was just not what she was expecting it to be, while the other Concubines had not been kind to her, they had also not made a move against her, yet.

What did she have to complain about? A roof over her head, a sleeping courtier, food in her belly, her own garden to do with as she liked. It was more than she ever had living with her Aunt and Uncle. There was just something missing, something that she was not even aware that she had wanted until Thane had come into her life. Would she be considered greedy if she did in fact want more? Thane could have any woman he wanted, he had a whole Harem to choose from, though he had not visited it once, since she had been here or since he had taken the throne. How long has it been then since he had been with a woman? Celeste may not have much experience in that department but even she knew that it was natural for a man to have needs and if those needs weren't being met, then a man could grow tired of the toy he were playing with. Would Thane get bored of her soon, move on to another woman that was more exciting? Wiping her hands on her dress, Celeste bit the inside of her cheek in annoyance.

The thought of him with someone else sent a streak of violence flowing through her body. A feeling of territorial fury swept along, causing her fists to bunch up, her nails digging into her palms. No one would fucking touch him or she would slaughter them all. A cramping wave of nausea overtook her, and Celeste bawled a fist into her stomach. "Shit," she mustered. What the hell was happening to her?

"My Lady are you alright?" came that rough timber of a voice from the walkway.

Celeste straightened up and managed a small smile, "Of course." She stated, walking up to Thane she in haled deeply. The rich sent of his well-muscled body greeted her and she could not scent another on him, it was just his own glorious aroma that swelled in her nostrils.

Thanes expression darkened slightly, "Are you sure, you seem a bit…off." He said slowly taking in her appearance.

Rolling her eyes Celeste started walking to the dinning room without him, "You seem a bit off, but you do not see me insulting you." She threw back on the wind in irritation as she trailed off without him.