Chapter Nineteen


Things with Celeste were going smoothly, he was giving her space, slowly building up their friendship. He was trying to build her trust, win her over with small gestures, never pushing too hard or being to aggressive. It took everything in his power to stay away from her, to not hold her the way he wanted to. Every time he seen those wild eyes of hers, the way she smiled into the sun light after successfully planting a bulb, her dimples on either side of her lips indented so deep he wanted to lick them with his tongue. All his predatory thoughts he tried to keep to himself, though as of late she had been making it extremely difficult. The way she suddenly started eating, those small, slow, deliberate movements of her lips as she sucked a piece of fruit. The way she watched him watch her eat that said fruit, it had his dick pressed so hard against the bottom of the table, he thought it might burrow a hole straight through the top. The little minx was playing a game with him but what kind of game he was not sure. There was no way that she could possibly be ready for him to act on his impulses, yet she said something different with those bewitching eyes of hers.

"Are you going to tell Lady Celeste of what will be happening tomorrow night, your Grace?" Jubal asked.

Thane had been standing under a marble archway, silently taking in Celeste tending to her garden with one of the Concubines, a woman that he had seen with her a lot over the weeks. At least she had made on friend, though the woman's intentions were not clear yet, he would have to ask his Mother about that one and dig up some information. Thane trusted no one to be that close with his woman, people had a weird way of surprising you, if you had a mind to let them. "I suppose I have been putting it off, haven't I?" Thane mussed quietly.

Jubal made to stand next to him, "The longer you wait, the less time she will have to prepare herself."

"Yes, you are right." He sighed, "We had just been getting along so well lately, I just did not want anything to jeopardize that so early in our relationship." The distinct clatter of heels against stone sounded around them and Thane turned to see his mother approaching them. Grimacing Thane looked at Jubal who shrugged and gave a quick bow, before gracefully leaving Thane to the devices of his mother. The joy. "Mother, how lovely to see you, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" he asked sweetly.

Natira's eyes narrowed on her son, Thane raised a brow, "Do not try to smooth talk me boy, what had I not been informed of your decision to invite all our enemies to the Palace?"

"You were informed, I am assuming that is how you know now?" he shot back.

There was a tense moment of silence, "I do not think this is a good idea at all. You know what they are coming here for, would you subject Celeste to that cruelty?"

Thane shifted to stare at his mother full on, "I do nothing without thinking everything through. They are not out enemies, they are our neighbors, for now. I would like to try and keep the peace if possible. As for Celeste, I would never do anything that might put her in harms way. The knowledge is out there, everyone knows that I have an Omega, they have the right to be curious. If she was found there might be others."

"I just have a gut feeling that this is not going to turn out very well for anyone." She stated, letting out a sigh, "I love you; you are my only son, I will support you in everything you do. I just hate finding things out last minute, I would have liked time to prepare myself and your Harem. I am assuming that all the girls will be expected to preform?"

Thane nodded, "That is tradition, the King's shall have their choice of any Concubine they would like at the festivities."

"And if one wants Celeste? She is still a concubine and unclaimed, so they will all see her as fair game." Natira stated.

A muscle ticked on the side of Thane's jaw, "I will deal with Celeste the way I see fit." He ground out.

Natira looked at her son for a second but nodded her head, "Alright dear, you do what you think is best. I will round up the girls and began working." She said softly and left Thane to his own devices.

The sun was starting to set, it would be dinner time soon, and Thane would have to deal with the consequences of his actions. Celeste was so beautiful, she had a kind heart, was nurturing, and brave. She was all the things he had ever wanted in a woman, he never thought he would ever be so lucky as to actually find one, but now that he had, he was never going to let her go. Tomorrow would prove to be a difficult and challenging day but if he had built up any trust with Celeste at all, then now would be the time to put it to the test. They were all about to go into battle, they just did not know yet that this would ultimately define the war.