Chapter Twenty


Celeste stabbed at the salad on her plate vigorously, her fork screeching against the glass, her irritation increasing. Giving Thane a side glance, he was watching her closely, finally he leaned back in his chair. Shoving the forked salad into her mouth she glared at him, daring him to say something to her, she made herself chew the food loudly. A hard effect to make seeing as it was literally lettuce she was trying to chew on, a few bites and it was gone, the next mouth full she made sure to cram her as much as she could inside. Thane crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her with open amusement, this infuriated her further, who did he thing he was to sit there and smugly eye her? Damn it, just because he was the Emperor did not mean shit to her. All he was to her was an arrogant, overzealous, and pompous, ass hole. Those green eyes were sparking, and she made sure to look him dead in the eye as she stuck out her tongue to him childishly.

"Alright, I think I have entertained this attitude for long enough, mind telling me what is going on?" he finally spoke up.

Celeste fumed, "Oh entertained my attitude, have you?" she asked mockingly.

Leaning forward now, he placed a hand on the table beside his plate, drumming his fingers against the tablecloth. "Have I done something to upset you?" he asked dryly.

Throwing down her fork onto the plate, Celeste sat back in her chair mimicking Thane's earlier position, crossing her arms over her chest. "What ever would give you that idea?"

"Enough of this Celeste, I have something important to discuss with you and you are making that extremely difficult, if you insist on continuing to act like a child..." Thane trailed off, starting to sound impatient.

A low thrum vibrated Celeste's body and she got a little excited, was she starting to make the big bad Alpha irritated? "How could you have upset me your Grace?" she asked too sweetly, "You have been nothing but condescending these last few weeks. Treating me like I am made from glass and shall shatter if handled to harshly. You have been sweet and considerate. You have Kept your distance and not so much as touched me."

Thane's eyes narrowed, "Let me get this straight, you are mad at me for being too nice to you?" he asked in confusion.

Celeste huffed out a breath, "What am I here for?" she asked, "You bought me as a whore, someone to serve in your Harem of beautiful women, yet you never visit it. You never call me to your bed chambers, so what is going on? Are you getting your women from a local brothel, have you taken a male lover, and the Harem is just a cover for the outside?" Celeste rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Ah ha! That must be it! You keep adding to your Harem, making it huge to compensate for the fact that you have no interest in women."

Jumping at the loud bang, Celeste stared wide eyed at Thane, who had brought his fist down hard onto the table. "I am trying to be patient with you but another comment like that and-"

"and what?" Celeste cut him off.

The room went silent and Celeste's breathing picked up, the rise and fall of her chest giving away her calm façade. She might have pushed him a little too far, but this was all she had been after, a little crack in that fine armor.

Thane took a deep steading breath and looked at her with darkened eyes, the green of his irises almost black, "There will be a gathering tomorrow. All the Kings from the surrounding regions will be attending, they are coming to see the rare Omega." He stated.

Thane's words sounded like gravel to Celeste's ears, dread sunk like a rock in her stomach, and she stared open mouthed at the man before her in shock, "What?" she squeaked out.

"This is what I have been trying to tell you, I did not want it to come out like that but with all your ranting…well now you know." He let out a deep sigh.

Shaking her head Celeste forced herself to reel in her surprise at the news, "So what exactly does that mean for me? Will it be a replay of the auction block incident?" she asked quietly.

"After all the time we have spent together, do you honestly think that I would ever let that happen to you again?" he asked, his voice was dangerously low now, almost raw.

Celeste did not know exactly what she was supposed to think at that moment. There were Gods only knew how many Alpha Kings coming to this Palace and they were all coming to see her. Why would a bunch of men be coming to see her if they did not have more than just seeing her in mind? It made no sense and she was technically a concubine; would she be expected to sleep with these men? So many questions ran through her mind and she had no answers. This whole life was a mystery to her, just when she thought she was settling in, boom, something was thrown her way to change everything. It was hard to roll with so many punches, the constant changes to her life, they seemed to be never ending.

"I am not sure what to think, I am nothing but your concubine, your property." She seethed.

There was a show of emotion that passed over Thane's eyes, but it was quickly gone, and replaced by this cold hollowness. Celeste swallowed the hard the lump that had risen in her throat. This dinner had not gone the way she had planned it too, before this conversation she had been hoping for…well she did not know specifically what she had wanted but she knew this had not been it. The kind man that had showed her nothing, but generosity was now gone. The man that sat across the table from her she did not know, all the gentleness was gone from his face and he looked at her now like a stranger.

"I will have Jubal see you back to your room. I hope you have a nice sleep; my mother will prepare you and the other concubines on what shall be expected on you tomorrow." He stated and rose from the table, leaving Celeste by herself. Biting her bottom lip in anguish, Celeste felt it deep in her bones, she had royally fucked up.