Chapter Twenty Two


Every touch on her skin made her teeth grind together, she did not want these women touching her, she did not want anyone touching her. For some reason, her skin was so sensitive, every graze had her stomach rolling, what was wrong with her? Celeste bit the inside of her cheek, trying not to rip out these women's throats with her bare hands. How in the world could such a thought cross her mind? Never had she felt so violent towards someone who was literally doing nothing but their job. There was no reason to be rude and hateful to poor women trying to prepare her but none the less she had to keep repeating a chant in her head to keep her rational. They were pampering and priming her, smothering her in enriching oils and creams. The idea that she was about to be pranced about like a trained mare made things so much worse. Celeste was fuming, rage was coursing through her body, and all she wanted to do was find Thane and punch his handsome face into a bloody mess. It would do the man some good to be uglied up a bit, the thought of seeing is face with some bruises, maybe even a broken nose, made her feel a little better.

How could he do this to her? The man had literally rescued her from an auction block, from the prying fingers of men trying to test her virginity, to just put her back on display. The hurt she was feeling cut to the bone, but she was challenging it all into a barely suppressed rage. If he thought that she was just going to go along with all this willingly then he had another thing coming, there was no way in hell that she was going to subject herself to that kind of scrutiny again. There was only so much mental anguish a human brain could go through in such a short time and hers was pressing a limit. Did he not care for her like she thought he did? Things had been going so well between them, she had thought that things would be progressing even further till last night. Thane had surprised her that news and then treated her so callously, maybe he had never cared, and this was one of those stock home syndromes she was experiencing. Falling for her captive. Whatever it was, she was over it.

"Oh, my dear you look lovely as ever." Empress Natira gushed walking through the doorway.

"Like a lamb to its slaughter." Celeste let out tartly.

There was a silence in the room, the other women chatting around had grown uncomfortably quiet, and Celeste realized that she had just spoke out of turn to the Empress Mother. In the back of her mind, she knew that her actions could have serious consequences, but her body was on fire and she felt as if she was being swallowed up by her own skin.

Natira walked in front of her and gave her a once over with a calculating eye, before grabbing her chin, she starred her in the eye. "By the Gods, "she let out in a horrified whisper, dropping her chin as if she had felt the sting of the fire on Celeste's skin.

"What is it your Grace?" one of the eunuchs asked.

Turning quickly, she waved the man off, "I need to speak to my son immediately."

"I'm sorry your Grace but your son is already seated, and the Kings have already entered the Castle. Emperor Rysling has sent me to escort you to the throne room." The man stated.

Natira let out an impatient sound, "Then bring me Jubal and quickly." She stated turning to look back at Celeste and the other women standing around.

Celeste felt her heart sink into her stomach, what was going on? Why was Thane's mother so upset, she looked almost afraid, was something going on with the visitors? It felt like an eternity waiting on Jubal to walk through the door. When he did, Natira grabbed him by the arm, and pulled him off to the side. That did not calm her in the least, they were being way to secretive for her liking, whispering to each other like that right in front of her. Why should she be so surprised though, she was a no one, just another concubine here for the Emperor to do with as he pleased. Celeste bit the inside of her cheek so hard the coppery tang of her blood floated over her tongue. Just when she was about to demand they tell her what the fuck was going on, there was a screech from across the room as one woman grabbed another's hair and drug her across the floor.

"It has already spread," Natira announced in a voice of anguish.

Jubal looked just as devastated at the Empress Mother, if not more concerned, whatever was going was definitely not good.

"Everyone is waiting on the women, how are we supposed to send them out there in this state, the whole room will become one giant orgey." Jubal stated.

Natira was silent for a long moment before letting out a sigh, "I guess this is going to be one entertaining night." She turned back towards Jubal, "Stay close to the Omega, make sure she gets to Thane's side, then let him take it from there."

The uncertainty in Jubal's eyes were clear from across the room but he nodded. Celeste had no idea what was going on, women were acting the fool all around her, and Natira and Jubal were being shifty. "Come Celeste, I shall escort you to the Emperor." He announced coming to take her by the arm and lead her out.

"Excuse me but I am not even dressed yet," she squeaked out, trying to pull her arm out of his grasp.

"This is an event that you will not need clothes for my dear." Natira stated and a flash of pity was present in her eyes before it was gone.

For a moment Celeste's body went cold for the first time in what seemed like days. This was going to be exactly like the auction block, she was being sold once again, the knowledge made her fingers go numb. "Do not touch me," she seethed jerking her arm from Jubal's grip, "I can walk without being forced." She stated and she really meant it. With a steely resolve, Celeste made her bare feet move against the cool marble of the floor, if these motherfuckers wanted a show, she would give them one. Fuck "Emperor" Thane and his whole fucking little village of whores. This whole place would be set on fire by the time she was done with it.