Chapter Twenty Three


Thane drummed his fingers against the arm rest of his throne anxiously, what was taking them so long to come out? Sneaking a peek at the Kings waiting beside him, each on their own cushioned chair, he noticed them all eyeing each other skeptically. Tensions were running high, no one trusted anyone here, having so many important people in the same room together was dangerous. They were not stupid, the city of Vlallas would be the perfect opportunity for a foreign enemy to bomb while all the royals were inside at the same place. Thane had set up safety measures for an incident just like that but only a fool would not be weary. Watching the doors intently now, he had a gut feeling that something was wrong, it was not like his mother to be late. This was an important event in history, she knew how much this day would mean going forward in the future, so for her to be late meant something was amiss. Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat, the Kings looked his way, they were getting impatient and angsty. Thane gave them one of his richest charming smiles, "I'm sure my concubines just want to look their best for such a momentous day." He lied smoothly.

"We are more interested in this proclaimed Omega you allege to have in your possession." King Leo from the Planet Drogo stated. The other men nodded in agreement.

Thane smoothed out his features giving nothing away, "You shall see soon enough with your own eyes." He replied.

The question running through his mind was, when they do see her, then what will they do? Owning an Omega made Thane the most legendary Emperor in the galaxy right now. These men would no doubt start off with trying to buy her from him, which of course he would not let happen. When their offers are rejected, will they try and take her by force? War was probably inevitable but if there was a way to do this peacefully, he was all ears. What offer could he make in return that would be worth more than that of a rare Omega? That was his dilemma, being a ruler over an entire City that needed his strength and guidance was starting to seem like a real pain. Thane had never looked forward to the day when he would have to succeed his father. His index finger swirled against the surface of the cold marble absently, he was lost in his own thoughts when the beating of the drums announced company. Thane's head snapped to the entryway of the throne room, the flash of vibrant colors danced before his eyes, all his chosen concubines danced their way in. What an entrance they made indeed.

Their partially naked bodies moved to the beat of the music, they seductively twisted the shear scarfs around their necks, sliding them along there bare breasts. A thin piece of satin covering there womanhood was the only fabric on their bodies, which did little hide their mounds, with the way they were moving. Thane's whole body stiffened in a spilt second, one minute he had been appreciating his glorious harem, then out of no where he scented it on the air. Arousal. Not the usual arousal that he was used to smelling from women that wanted a man, no this was more potent. The pungent stench of these women's lust filled the whole thrown room, Thane glanced at the visiting Kings, gaging their reactions. Had the scent hit them yet? There answering stiffness answered his question. Thane's Harem had all gone into full blown heat, they were dancing like women possessed, beckoning to be fucked.

"Shit." Thane exhaled on a breath. Scanning the crowed of naked women he searched in vain for Celeste. If all the women were in heat, then the chances that she was also, was high. An Omega in heat was on a whole different level than a Alpha or Beta female in heat, or so he read. Never having seen an Omega before, he was going strictly on what he had read from his books of history.

"Is this your way of trying to deceive us?" King Stanton asked turning to look accusingly at Thane, "Flash your Harem of women in the throughs of heat, so that we may forget about the Omega and take one of these girls in her place?"

Thane gritted his teeth, "I can assure you that this was not planned." He stated and then narrowed his eyes at the men. "Let us make one thing perfectly clear here. I offered you proof that I have an Omega in my possession, never did I give any indication that I would allow you touch her, let alone have her."

"Surely you did not think that we would come all this way, brave the disadvantage of being under your…hospitality and not want more than to gaze upon such a rare female." King Leo said, his voice shaking slightly.

The powerful tug of being in a room full of willing women in the throws of heat were not lost on the Alpha Kings in this room. The whole room was suffocating under the presence of heated pheromones, surprisingly Thane did not feel the slightest interest, it was more annoying then anything. Like a fly buzzing around his face and every time he went to swat it, it would fly away, then come back and do it all over again.

"That is exactly what I think. You will not be permitted to touch her, she is mine." Thane stated matter of factly. "I have brought you here with the sole purpose of confirming the fact that there is an Omega among us, which leads me to believe that there is more out there."

King Théoden had been quiet through the whole exchange, he sat straight in his chair, only showing mild interest in what the other men were saying. When Thane had went silent, the man turned his attention to him, gazing at him intensely. "I assume that you have an offer in mind Emperor Rysling. I suggest you make it quick, before everyone in this room loses what precious control they have."

Thane was taken back by the respect that King Théoden had shown him by using his formal title. "I do have a plan, but it would take all of your cooperation, "he looked at each King, "The Temples of the Priestess, I have quite a few on this planet. I imagine that you each have your own on yours." He stated, at their nods, he continued. "I propose we start there. I met with a young priestess myself not to long ago and she had so much knowledge about Omegas that it got me curious as to what else she might know…or might be hiding. The Priestess offered to take Celeste with her, to keep her safe from me, I think that the temple may be a refugee for Omegas."

The most tantalizing scent that Thane had ever come across before slithered across his senses. In a distracted moment, his eyes immediately scanned the area, until they landed on the source of such an addictive aroma. Celeste had entered the room, accompanied by Jubal, who looked more than a little troubled.

"By the Gods." Came the collective gasps from the three Kings.

Thane felt his whole universe shift, how this ended, was anyone's guess.