Chapter Twenty Four


Proudly Celeste lifted her chin as she entered the thrown room, the women before her were working their magic, dancing so seductively it made the heat rise to her own cheeks for daring to watch. Was that how she was supposed to act, put herself on display like that, throw herself at the mercy of these men? Every bone in her body rebelled at the thought of making herself such a spectacle, her brain had no problem with the idea of it though. A sick thought turned over in her mind, making the inappropriate suggestion that she should do exactly that, make a damn good spectacle of herself. These "Kings" were here for one reason, to see her, to examine what she was. Taking note of the concubines in front of her, she bit the inside of her cheek, this is what Thane liked. As she first entered the room, his attention had been on these naked women, glued there. The perverted nerve of this man! He knew good and well that she was coming, yet he dared look at other women that way! Seeing it with her own eyes had something deep inside her turn almost violent, Celeste found herself wanting to slaughter all these women with her bare hands.

The uncomfortable irritation of her skin spurned on her annoyance. Thane was meant to only look at her, only want her, so what in the fuck did he think he was doing gazing openly at these other women? If that was what he wanted, then so be it, she would give him exactly what he wanted. Expect a slut, get a slut. Thane wanted to impress these foreign Kings so badly, then she would give them the show of a lifetime, no more timid little Omega. Celeste's blood pumped in her veins so loud it was like a roar in her ears. Walking down the aisle, she promptly took one of the sheer scarfs from another woman, and growled at her, daring her to do anything about it. With a calmness she did not know she possessed; Celeste tentatively approached the men seating below The Emperor. "Your Majesties, I am under the assumption that you have traveled a great distance, just to see me." She purred twisting the scarf around her body. Celeste did not even spare Thane a greeting or look his way, she focused on the three Kings.

"Ah…" Thane started, then cleared his throat, "Kings Leo, Stanton, and Théoden this is Celeste the Omega you have heard so much about." He stated, his voice had dropped a degree.

Celeste shivered at the timber in his voice but still did not acknowledge him, she moved closer to the Kings, leaning in towards them slightly. "Do you like what you see?" she whispered to the first one who's gaze had not strayed from her naked breasts.

"Um, this is all very impressive but how do we know she is truly an Omega, and these are not just pheromones from a supplement she has taken?" King Leo asked swallowed hard.

Celeste beat Thane to the punch, "Would you like to test me yourself?"

The thought of them touching her was almost repulsive but she forced herself to smile charmingly at them, batting her eyes lashes like she had watched many women do, when trying to seduce men. King Leo reached out a hand, his clammy fingers grazed her collar bone, and then shit went down. The most primal growl she had ever heard echoed off the marble walls of the room, Celeste went weak kneed, and slumped onto the ground. It was an involuntary action, it was as if her body reacted to the call of the Alpha, and she hung her head in submission. A dark shadow covered her body, swallowing up the light, and Celeste knew it was Thane without even having to look up. The man's dominating scent was everywhere, it was as If he was marking his territory with just the sheer force of his testosterone. The air was suffocating, his darkening presence making her want to gag from the force of it, had Thane always had such raw power seeping from his pores before?

Rough hands grabbed her up by the arms and she was face to face with the predatory monster. Thane's green eyes had darkened to hard cold flints of black. The muscle in his jaw ticked as he clenched the back of his teeth down in an all-consuming rage. Fear mingled with an absurd excitement filled her body, he had never looked more appealing than he did at that moment, towering and dooming all at the same time. "That will not be necessary." Thane stated darkly. "I have all her paperwork in order, her testing from a certified lab, and her birth history are all on file and stamped with the golden seal of confirmation."

The men exchanged looks between themselves. "We would like her to be tested through our own doctors all the same, if that is acceptable to you?" King Leo asked not taking his eyes off Celeste's body. "If we are to agree with any alliance, it would be smart to check out all the facts, what you have proposed is a rather big decision."

Thane nodded, then scooped Celeste up into his arms and carried her over to his throne, where he sat down and placed her on top of his lap. Celeste felt like a child that had been scolded, sitting on Thane's lap was obviously a statement to herself and to the Kings, that he owned her. Annoyance at having been publicly pranced around like a mare for sell, then treated as an adolescent child had Celeste turn her head to stare directly at the Emperor. Thane did not spare her a glance, but his hand twisted in her hair, and he gave it a slight tug, making her gasp in surprise. The answering low rumble in his chest had her thighs clenching together, a flush crept up her neck, heating her cheeks.

"That is acceptable, set up the time, and I will personally see her there. Afterwards, we can all sit down and discuss out next move." Thane's free hand came to rest possessively on Celeste's inner thigh. It was so big and warm, it ingulfed the smallness of her body, sending a heady sensation straight to her core. Did he know the kind of affect he was having on her, the way her body was reacting to just that slightest touch? Of course, he probably did and was using it to his advantage, publicly humiliating her further. "Now I offer you the selection of my Harem for the duration of your stay here, as you can see my concubines have entered their heat, take as many as you think you can satisfy." Thane waved over the women for the three Kings to ogle.

"You are too kind Emperor Rysling." King Damien murmured his attention already taken by a pair of burnets.

Thane nodded with a dark smile, "If you will excuse me, I have something to see too." He stood up, hefting Celeste's naked frame over the muscle of one of his broad shoulders.

Celeste had a flash back of their first meeting, Thane rescuing her and putting her in the same position, though this time it felt more ominous. Not to mention she was butt ass naked in front of three Kings who were no doubt getting an eye full of her private areas. Bare boobs were one thing, but for them to have such a direct line to her asshole and vagina, made her squirm. As soon as she started wiggling, Thane's massive hand smacked down on her bare ass, making her squeal out in pain. "Do not even fuckin try it." He commanded, his voice was deep and dark, and so very very sexy. Celeste bit her bottom lip and felt her whole-body buzz with the threat of that statement. What would happen if she did indeed try it again?