Chapter Twenty Five


Thane did not know if he had ever been so shocked and angry in his life. The blatant way that Celeste had acted around other men, offering herself to them, like having sex with those strangers would be nothing to her. He knew she was mad at him but to act so suggestively in front of guests, while going through heat, well that could have gone a lot differently. Celeste being gang banged in his throne room flashed before his eyes and he let out a fierce growl. Tightening his hold on her, she wiggled against him again, and he smacked her ass harder. A cruel satisfaction seeped into his bones at her cry of pain. "It will get harder each time." He promised darkly. The feel of her warm skin under his palm was a little too enticing. Thane's palm itched to create some more friction, but he willed himself to stay in control. Stomping his way to his bedroom, he needed to make it to the safety of a place with a lock, the stronger Celeste's scent grew the more danger she was in. An Omega in heat, unmated, would draw the attention of every Alpha within a ten-mile radius.

Kicking open his door, he hurried in, and tossed Celeste ungracefully onto his king size bed. Turning he went and locked the door, pressing his forehead to it, reveling in the cold press of wood to his skin.

"What in the hell is wrong with you?" Celeste spat angrily.

A faint muscle ticked in his jaw, "Wrong with me?" he returned, turning to face the extremely sexy female laying smack dab int the middle of his gigantic bed. Celeste's small frame looked swallowed by her surrounding, her hair in a wild disarray around her, and those beautiful feral eyes spitting fire. "Coming from the woman that was so sweetly offering herself up to complete strangers just a second ago, that is rich."

Celeste crossed her arms over her bare breasts, raising her chin a notch in defiance, "I was only doing what I was bought to do."

Thane shrugged off the robe he had been forced to wear in front of the other Kings and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt as he walked to the foot of the bed. "I see." He stated lowly. "Just doing what you were bought for."

"If you are just going to repeat everything I say tonight, then it will be a long night indeed." Celeste gave a dry laugh.

Tick.Tick.Tick. Thane was certain the muscle in his jaw was going to explode in his cheek. "Come here." He bent a finger in Celeste's direction, encouraging her to make her way over to him.

"No thank you, I am perfectly fine where I am." She replied haughtily. Something snapped in Thane, more than likely his patience, and he moved quickly grabbing Celeste by her bare ankles. "Do not fucking touch me!" she yelled kicking her feet out.

Thane's hold faltered and one of Celeste's heels caught him against his cheek. Letting out a curse, he gripped her tighter, her body thrashed as he drug her down the length of the bed. "If you do not cease floundering around, I will add it to your count." He threatened.

"Count?" she asked in a breathless whisper.

Flipping her onto her back, he wrapped one big hand around her delicate wrists, "So far you are up to ten." He stated bringing her flushed face up to his.

"Ten what?" she regarded him cautiously.

Ah, now that he had her attention, Thane took his time in answering. Drawing in a long breath, he mauled around what to say, letting her wonder a little longer. "Spankings of course." He drawled out.

Celeste's eyes went wide, "You would not dare."

Thane smiled without humor. "Did I not demonstrate in the hall that I would indeed dare?"

Face pale, Celeste's eyes reflected the fear she was feeling, and she renewed her vain attempt at getting away from him once again. Kicking out blindly, she landed a knee is Thane's gut, he winced slightly. Celeste was definitely a little hell cat, thought he planned on rectifying that shortly, the thought of smacking that bare bottom once again had him excited. Hefting her slender body over his lap, Thane wrapped a hand in her long hair, twisting it around his wrist. Jerking it back, Celeste let out a small gasp of pain, and he chuckled darkly. "Keep fighting me and it will only make this worse." He bent over to whisper into her ear. Straightening back up he took in her backside. The fine arch to her back, the way her spine was curved perfectly, and the swell of her rounded ass was all a sight to behold. Thane thanked the Gods for his good fortune, Celeste was pure sin, and all his. This woman was only his and it was about time that he taught her a good lesson in what that meant.

A little pain with her pleasure, he read somewhere that Omegas needed to be taught their place, that their Alpha's would have to control them. Thane never seen himself as that type of man before, that type that would take any pleasure in hitting a woman or controlling one. Looking at the woman laying on his lap now though, every Alpha urge in him was gnawing at the opportunity to bend his sweet mate to his will. Tutoring his little Omega in the arts of pain and passion seemed like a good start, he would punish her bad behavior and reward her good. Thane licked his lips in anticipation, rubbing his hand against the smooth softness of Celeste's bottom sent a thrill up his spine.

"I will never forgive you for this." Celeste stated.

Thane shrugged, "I do not want your forgiveness Celeste. I want you to understand your place and to realize that all I have ever done is try and protect you. A fact which you have greatly ignored and went out of your way to erase completely with how you acted tonight." He stated in annoyance. "You are oblivious to the dangers around you, so let me remind you who you belong to." Thane brought down his hand, it connected with flesh, and the sound of the smack echoed around them.

"Fuck." Celeste yelped, her back arched and she tried getting away once again.

Thane pulled his grip on her hair tighter, holding her still, "I want you to count for each spanking you receive, if you fail to do so, then we will start from the beginning. Do you understand?" he asked.

There was a long silence and Thane waited, Celeste trembled against him, "One." She bristled hating the fact that at that moment he had won.