Chapter Twenty Six


The harsh smack on her bare ass brought things back into perspective for Celeste. This was not her world, this was not her home, and these were not her people. No matter how much Thane wanted her to be happy here, she simply was not. Too much had already happened and there was no erasing the past, it was not his fault. Thane was a good man, despite the little lesson he was trying to teach her right now, he still had a soft spot for her. That was problem, he cared too much for her, it hampered her need to escape. It would be better if he could not stand her, then she would have no qualms of leaving this word behind. Another biting pain of skin connecting with skin was made crystal clear, echoing off the walls, and Celeste gritted her teeth. "Five." She counted in annoyance. The man was a brute, trying to show his dominance over her weaker body, all because he could. Alright, she kind of deserved it, but this was a little too much. Making her count with each smack of his hand, he was treating her like an adolescent child, which she was anything but a child.

It burned, the sweet agony of his rough palm slapping against her bare skin. Over and over in the same spot, tears of frustration fell down her cheeks, this was humiliating. The man was trying to break her spirit and for a moment she felt as if it would work. A little slip of her essence escaped with her following tears and Celeste willed them back into her eyes. Thane Rysling did not deserve to render her to a sobbing mess, he would see it as a victory, he would think that he had won. Celeste bit hard on the inside of her cheek, Gods she would not let this be how it ended for her. Being brought down by one man and his hand? Her spirit being crushed by a spanking. No way in hell. Straightening her shoulders, she turned her head as much as his grip on her hair would allow. "Eight." She seethed. "Is that all you got?" she dared ask, taunting him the best she could in her current predicament.

Thane's nostrils flared slightly, his green eyes darkening, the muscle in his muscular jaw ticking. Celeste's mouth gaped as she stared at his handsome features and the most embarrassing thing happened. Her body betrayed her! A sticky liquid soaked down her thighs and Celeste tried squeezing her legs together awkwardly. Being completely naked was not to her advantage at that moment, the liquid soaked through Thanes Pants, she could feel it warming underneath her. Closing her eyes in humiliation, she opened one lid to peek at Thane, who had the decency to look shocked…for a split second. The smirk that tugged at those beautiful full lips had Celeste's heart pounding in her chest. Oh no, that look was pure evil, or sinful however you wanted to look at it. They were one in the same to Celeste. Thane was about to use this against her, she could already see it, but goodness he looked so sexy.

"A little punishment and you are already soaked for me?" he asked lazily rubbing a finger down the crack of her ass and dragging it through her slick.

Celeste's face flamed but she shook her head in denial. "Ah…nope, sorry I just had to piss really badly." She blatantly lied.

Thane raised an eyebrow, staring at her for a moment, before letting loose a loud chuckle. "Poor little firefly, caught in my big hand, there is no escaping me." He mumbled lowly.

The friction of his finger against her clit made Celeste jerk in surprise, no one had ever touched her so intimately before, this was not like the many Alpha's that had spread her apart to analyze her. Thane's touch on her skin felt so much more personal than that, like he was taking his time to savor her every response. That realization made her heart thunder in her ears and her body break out in chill bumps. Celeste felt her nipples harden against the air, she felt feverish, and all she wanted was more of that delicious friction between her legs.

"P-please…" she arched her back slightly, begging for something but not knowing what.

Thane withdrew his digit from her damp center, "Please what?" he asked his voice thick with amusement.

Celeste sucked her tongue against her teeth, the man was being difficult on purpose, knowing exactly what she meant. "Let me go." She stated, twisting her body in vain attempt to escape his hold.

"Tisk tisk." Thane shook his head, "I still owe you one more." He stated sliding his palm against her bruised ass, rubbing it comfortingly.

Celeste shook her head, "N-no, please let me go." She begged.

"Remember to count or we will start over." Thane said, brining his hand down, this one hurt worse than all the others combined.

The pain only seemed to spur her body on, more liquid gushed down her thighs, and did not understand what was happening to her. Why was her reaction to be spanked so strong, she should be feeling repulse for this man, he was abusing her? Yet, her traitorous body was loving it, hanging on his every touch, the harder the smack, the more she squirted.

"Ten." She said in little more than a whisper, sobs wracking her frame.

"I got to tell you, I was hoping that you were going to be stubborn, so we could see just how drenched my trousers could get." Thane admitted but released her from his grip.

Celeste sunk to the ground, winced as her butt hit the floor, "I despise you." Celeste flashed him a heated look.

Thane shrugged his shoulders. "Your body seems to find me acceptable; your heart will eventually follow."

"Never." She vowed. "I will never find you acceptable! I would rather be raped by your whole palace, then spend even one more moment with you." Once the words were out, Celeste paled, she had not meant that.

Thane's eyes flashed, before they went deadly flat. "If that's what you wish." He stated icily standing up. Celeste looked to the floor, his pants were soaked in her slick, the fabric sticking to his muscular thighs. Of course, that was not what she wished, she just wanted to leave. She opened her mouth to speak but Thane was already headed for the door, slamming it shut behind him.

"Oh no." she whispered pulled her knees up to her chest, she finally gave in, and cried her heart out.