New Life

(Guys I decided to redo this because I didn't want to do the typical wishes and put into a world thing while there are wishes this will be different then what I had put out the first time but for now please enjoy.)

In a dark space a man stood looking down at a soul that had just perished, since it was a soul it couldn't talk but it did have a life an the man let out a single tear drop watching its life. The soul was a man once known as Ryan Herbit he was an orphan who from the day he was born was a lost child, growing up in an orphanage he was abused by the caretaker there who didn't even like children. When he showed up she got worse after being stuck with a baby that did nothing but cry all the time, though it wasn't his fault considering he was a sickly child but no one knew.

When Ryan hit the age of five he was seen as a genius child since he could already read and write at a middle school level, this only brought him hardship though. While most orphanages would get more support his seemed to stay the same because the caretaker secretly used the money on herself. When he turned ten he learned he had lung cancer stage four which didn't give him much time left, with the racking bill the caretaker took to beating him but where it couldn't be seen since he had doctor appointments.

When a bruise was found it was blamed on the chemotherapy that he went through which made him weak, after a year he went into remission giving him a little hope. This only brought about more hate from the caretaker when she saw the bills she would have to pay for his treatment, "You're nothing but a leech if it wasn't for the money I get from you I would put you up for adoption."

The state never looked into it but after learning of his cancer they figured out why he wasn't adopted, but the truth was she never brought him out when prospective parents cake to look. Instead he was locked in the basement until all parents left so that she wouldn't lose her cash cow, seeing that they gave her more money to get him the best schooling experiences. After living in hell there for seventeen years Ryan got the chance to move out and live on his own after saving up money and moving into a run down apartment, of course he had to hide the money seeing that the caretaker wanted to take it all.

At nineteen his cancer came back he was feeling happy those past eight years seeing that he didn't have to worry about it but this time it wasn't going way. In his last days he was in a hospital bed looking like a skeleton all his hair gone, ribs showing, and hollow cheeks. He had never been one to make friends seeing that he thought so lowly of himself from all the words the caretaker had said to him so he was always alone, in his last minutes he smiled at the tv watching the credits roll to his favorite tv show Teen Wolf.

This brought him to the man standing in front of his soul watching his life, although the man could take his memories he wanted the boy to grow stronger in his next life so he left the memories in his head. After reading his thoughts he knew what the kid wanted so he granted the wishes before sending him off to live in a new world with a little extra.

Wishes: 1) Immortal Alpha Wolf

2) One with Nature Magic

He also gave him a little extra but let him figure out as time passed on since he couldn't get all the powers at once being a child it would kill him before he could taken it all in.


17 Years Later*

A car was driving down the road speeding to a small town in the back way of California, in the car was a family of four two middle aged parents in the front while two teens were in the back. One was a girl who had waist length blonde hair with sparkling green eyes she looked just like tinker bell being petite and small even for a sixteen year old, her eyes flashed a golden color from a passing car before going back to normal. She was the type of girl who any person would fight for and actually had some boys fight over her which she just found amusing.

In the front the mom just looked like an older version of her but with slight crinkles at the corner of her eyes, she was also breathtakingly beautiful so it was a shock seeing the guy next to her who was a looking exactly what you would be expecting a nerd to look like suspenders and all. He had messy black hair and a pair of oversized glasses making him look goofy, but from the woman next to him all her eyes showed was pure love.

The last person in the car was a stocky guy with a swimmers body he had messy curly hair and mocha colored skin obviously making him the outcast in the group. This was Ryan he was adopted at the age of four found in the basement of an orphanage, it was his new mom Rebecca who had found him using her wolf sense she smelled him out in the basement growling and almost ripping out the throat of the caretaker when she saw him. If it wasn't for her husband then she would be in prison for murder though he had to hold him self back too using all his self control not to kill the caretaker, the three year old Savannah didn't take it well either.

They had immediately taken him out of the orphanage adopting him and was surprised to find out he was an Alpha wolf, probably the last from his family line. After three years he had come to call them mom and dad and while it seemed they should be submissive to him since he was an alpha but because he saw them as his family he never held it over them. Now they were just a happy family who were moving from their old home to Beacon Hills.


Ryan POV*

He watched as the wooden paddle struck his back again not being able to do anything helpless, instead of being four though he was fifteen he didn't know these memories but thought they were things that could happen if he stayed where he did. Seeing the paddle coming once again he awoke with a start his eyes glowing red growling fiercely but he calmed down just seeing his family his sister looking at him worriedly.

"Are you okay?" She scooted over cupping his face trying to calm him down fully, "It's going to be okay.... was it.... was it the dream again?" She asked softly still holding him while he fully came back to himself.

Ryan's eyes softened looking at her and nodded, "I'm fine just need to calm down some." He put his head on her shoulder relaxing and taking in her scent.

His parents up front were satisfied with what she was doing for him it was always to calm him down when this happened, it wasn't just cause he was an alpha but something more but they couldn't tell what they hadn't seen an alpha like him before. Ryan eventually calmed down again smiling brightly at Savannah who returned his smile leaning on him and getting some sleep since it was still late and they made it in later that they had expected. Ryan smiled at her before looking out the window watching the trees pass by, just as they saw the sign for Beacon Hills and alpha roar shook the whole woods area letting them know he just claimed a beta.

Ryan's dad slammed on the breaks all their eyes changing to a golden brow color except for Ryan's whose went a reddish pink color while he let out a low growl pulling Savannah into his arms protectively. After the roar passed the family all went back to normal but still alert, his dad started driving again towards their new home like it wasn't even a question that they were going to be staying here. Of course it was normal to run into different packs and lone wolfs anywhere you went and there was no way for them to avoid others as long as a peace treaty was set the two packs could live in harmony.

As they went down the road they nearly crashed into another SUV that was on the road just stopped for some reason but quickly hit the breaks avoid them by a hair. The other person didn't even bother to come out and apologize instead choosing o drive off so they shrugged it off and went to their new home. When they finally came home Ryan stared in wonder at the new place that they were going to be staying it was like an abandoned building but was converted into a home for them.

(Dereks place he moved into later in the show.)

They all got out extremely tired so they didn't do much exploring before showering and heading to be ready for the next day. While the rest got some sleep Ryan sat up in his room staring out the window looking at the nearly full moon that was showing, it had learned a long time ago to control his shifts so he wasn't worried but at that time he did take care of his Savannah. While it was easy for his parents his sister being a hormonal teenager it was sometimes harder for her to control her shift so he watched over her.

Deciding it was enough he laid in bed stretching out his hand while watching a single black and blue rose rise from his hand sitting on it peacefully. He felt the presence of another wolf down below but ignored him since it wasn't the alpha deciding he need some sleep before his first day of school tomorrow.