
Ryan woke up to someone jumping on his stomach and taking in the scent he knew it was Savannah who giggled happily, "Get up you are my ride to school and it is nearly time for it to start."

He chuckled and rubbed her hair pushing her off him slightly so he could get ready, after a shower he was wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans, and a black leather jacket. His hazel eyes were bright since he didn't have a nightmare last night he wasn't as tense as he usually is after a dream, going downstairs he quickly grabbed a bite to eat since Savannah was trying to drag him out the house. They went to the five car garage and got his Mustang GT, starting it up he sighed in satisfaction at the sound of the engine purring Savannah just rolled her eyes checking over social media.

The two were polar opposites but couldn't be separated at all she was always focusing on shopping and whatever new was on her phone, while he focused on books and different styles of fighting. Their relationship was on the border of being close siblings but one step away from a relationship that they both held back on due to their parents. While Ryan has plenty of confidence he didn't want to give them a reason to send him back to any orphanage so he held it in.

On the ride to school Savannah looked over information about Beacon Hills ending up on several people's social media accounts to learn about how they did things in this town. "So I'm on some girl named Lydia Martins Instagram and apparently there is a party this Friday.... think we could get and invite?"

Ryan rolled his eyes smiling sightly, "Did you forget that this Friday is the full moon? Do you really think that is a good idea?"

"Well what is there to be afraid of when I have my big bad alpha who will protect me when the time comes." She said poking his cheek making him chuckle and her giggle.

He shook his head as they pulled into the parking lot that had kids hanging around everywhere, they parked next to a Porsche that had your typical douche sitting on the door. When they got out the car a lot of people watched them considering they were new and this was a small high school, the guys couldn't help watching as Savannah skipped over to Ryan's side walking with a smile. Ryan ignored everyone instead he walked in with a frown he over heard something about wolfs coming from to idiots but didn't say anything instead he walked to the front office with Savannah.

When they reached the office they got their schedules which were of course different since Savannah was a Sophomore and he was a junior. Going to the hallway they said a quick goodbye before heading to their first classes which were already in progress, his first class was Latin which he only took to appease his mom took it herself. When he walked in the teacher stopped talking turning to look at him, "Oh you must be the new student... we'll just take any open seat we are just getting started."

Ryan looked around the room noticing that every desk was two put together, seeing every seat open but one he took it which was next to a girl with Strawberry blonde hair. She looked him over like she wanted a piece of him but she also seemed to be acting like he wasn't even there, when he sat down she ignored him but he could smell the lust rolling off of her. Smirking he paid attention to the class before the teacher made them work in pairs on a packet that was due before class was over.

"So do you want to do this in turns or we each do a page?" Ryan asked looking over at the girl.

"Well actually I'm not that good at this do you mind helping me? We can do it together." She said looking like a ditz but he could see the intelligence in her eyes that she was trying to hide.

Ryan stared at he for a moment watching her curiously, "Ryan Matthews..... you are?"

"Lydia Martin." She said in a bubbly tone that didn't go along with the intelligence in her eyes it was like she was trying to act stupid for some reason.

"Well Lydia I would help you but I'm sure that you would know more than me but for some reason you are trying to hide that. Look I won't say anything about the way you act but I won't be around someone fake. I'll do my half the you can do yours." Ryan did while staring on the paper work letting his words sink in for her.

Lydia stared at him in shock she wasn't use to people calling her out on stuff usually they just bought he act since she had been doing it so long that it was natural. Looking at the guy who was quietly working on the packet she couldn't help but think about his words then sat there while he did half of the work, when he finished she decided to speak. "I'm going to try this again, I'm Lydia Martin and you are right I'm not an idiot but some people don't like the girl who is smarter than them so the act stuck."

Ryan looked her over, "Then is that person really worth you time then?" He countered with an eyebrow raised.

She didn't answer though and worked on her half his words ringing in her head 'is that person really worth your time then?' She thought about Jackson but shrugged it off trying to concentrate.

Ryan watched her eyes shift from the paper to dazing out a little when she thought about what he had said to her, he didn't say anything more though and decided to let her figure it out for herself. He tapped his pen against his knee trying to keep calm even if it wasn't a full moon yet it was still close so it was effecting him some, but with his breathing technique he held it in. It had took him awhile to get use to the thought of raining in the wolf but when he thought of nature and open fields it was like it calmed down and he was actually there so his wolf was calmed down and his breathing stayed normal.

When the bell rung he was the first out of class not even noticing that Lydia tried to talk to him since he didn't want to stay in a classroom longer than needed. For the next three classes he groaned at the stuff being taught it wasn't that he didn't like school but they were behind so he had already done a lot of this at his last school so it didn't help his boredom. When his English class was over he immediately started walking towards the cafeteria so he could get something to eat for his howl stomach.


Savannah POV*

Savannah was standing at the lockers with two of her new friends one Allison who was new just like her and Ryan and Lydia and her boyfriend Jackson who were talking about Lacrosse like it was a religion. She could also feel the stares of two people across the hall but didn't even look back at them one was a wolf who was clearly a new beta since he couldn't control his aura that was leaking out.

"Well enough of this talk about Lacrosse can we please go to lunch now I am hungry." Savannah said swinging on Allison's arm who giggled at her antics.

"Sure let's go I'm hungry too." Allison agreed walking with her.

"Hey don't forget me." Lydia whined following the two she had found two people who didn't know about her and wanted to be friends with them and show her true self.

When they got their lunch they started looking for empty seats before Savannah spotted Ryan skipping happily over to him with Lydia, Allison, and Jackson following her. They saw him sitting with two other people one black guy with a shaved head laughing at something that was said and another that had messy brown hair with a boyish smile that brightened his face.

"Hey Ryan!" Savannah said happily while taking the seat next to him her friends joining.


Ryan POV*

Ryan smiled hearing her voice, "Hey tinker bell, met my new friends this is Vernon Boyd but he likes going by Boyd and this is Issac Lahey, turns out they like games just as much as I do."

"Hi guys. Oh Ryan this is my good friend Allison Argent and this is Lydia Martin and Jackson her boyfriend." She said then took a bite out of her pizza not noticing his eyes go wide when she mentioned Allison's name.

"Nice to meet you all." He said nodding to them before turning back to Boyd and Issac, "So what do you guys think about this weekend Saturday gaming day my house?"

"Sounds awesome, all night gaming marathon?" Boys asked in excitement.

"Hell yeah I'm in!" Issac said with enthusiasm in his voice but his eyes flickered for a second showing slight fear but Ryan noticed but didn't say anything.

"Awesome can't wait."

"Humph." They all heard Jackson mock them lightly while staring at them like they were beneath him earning a glare from Ryan and Boyd while Issac just stared.

"Got something to say pretty boy?" Ryan said with a scowl trying not to punch the guy in the face.

"No it just seems like I'm with a bunch of kids." He laughed wrapping a arm around Lydia who actually looked uncomfortable.

The table went silent with everyone staring at him even Allison and Savannah making Lydia nervous since she could see the disgust in there eyes, she didn't want to blow a chance at new friends but had to defend her boyfriend. "Well... haha..... guys he is just kidding right Jackson?" Lydia chuckled to lighten the mood which didn't.

"Yeah guys just a joke." He said with a bored tone.

Everyone ignored him after that going on about their own conversations this also left Lydia out of it making her pout slightly she was starting to regret her decision of being with Jackson. Ryan planned out the whole Saturday with them, they were pumped to hear about everything each use to being a loner but were drawn in by Ryan when he called out to the two. Savannah also took the chance to ask Allison for a girls night, they both had already been invited to Lydia's party Friday where they planned to hang out this was jut icing on the cake.

For the rest of lunch the group of five became real close with Lydia feeling left out hearing the conversation between them she was jealous and thought of what Ryan had said to her earlier. When lunch was over they all walked out together, Ryan had felt two people staring at them all lunch but didn't address it but when he heard their conversation he couldn't help but raise a brow but he ignored their problems. When he broke off to go to his last class he came to a halt with Lydia standing in front of him, "Can I help you?"

She bit her lip before speaking her mind, "I'm not shallow like they think.... but it's hard to speak out with Jackson there if he knew who I really was then I would lose him." And while she didn't care about what he thought of her since he was just something on her arm for their high school years she had to play the act to keep him there.

"I don't know why you are telling me this if you really didn't want to act this way fix it yourself. You can't let others judge you if you want to true friends." Ryan said as he walked around her so he wouldn't be late for his class it was his first day and all.

Lydia stood there something changing in her eyes before she walked off to class so she wouldn't be late, this was the day she was going to turn over a new leaf and not be who she was.