Knowledge Is Power

After school Ryan, Boyd, and Issac all went out to the Lacrosse field where Allison and Savannah were dragged since Lydia wanted them to see the number 1 sport at Beacon Hills High. Ryan rolled his eyes when he got to the field seeing them play they had just put someone named McCall in goalie and he was obviously using his senses as a werewolf but didn't even know about it, Savannah and Ryan looked at each other shaking their heads before watching again. While they were sitting there the coach happen to notice the three guys who were in shape watching the game, "Hey you three got in interest in Lacrosse? It's a real mans sport why don't you come and try it."

The three looked at each other with Ryan shaking his head no he didn't care about it at all so he ignored the guy while the other two thought it over before deciding it was a waste of time. Seeing the three ignore him the coach went back to the players while Ryan thought he had spent enough time here, "Hey so you guys mind showing me and my sister around town we came in late and didn't have time to look around."

"Sure got nothing better to do anyway." Boyd said with Issac nodding in agreement.

"Hey I also got in late do you mind if I join you guys?" Allison asked with a little hope in her eyes she looked like she really didn't want to be here.

"What about the practice?" Lydia asked looking at everyone who gave her the same expression saying 'Are you serious?" She sighed but agreed she didn't want to be here either she had already made up her mind not to be who she used to be.

"Well then let's go." Ryan said walking down the bleachers but not before looking over at the McCall boy who let out a faint growl his wolf side thinking someone was messing with what's his. Ryan smirked not paying any attention to it but just to f*ck with the guy he slung an arm over Allison's shoulder,"So Miss Argent got a boyfriend?"

She blushed before shaking her head causing the others to laugh but I could see that Issac was interested from the light that shined in his eyes hearing that. "No how could I have a boyfriend when I just moved here?" She looked at him shyly before quickly looking away.

"Well goodie then, anyway how about this girls in one car boys in the other since I think it would be uncomfortable with everyone piling in mine." Ryan said with a chuckle Boyd was a stocky dude and Issac was long so it would be uncomfortable in the back with more than one person.

Everyone nodded in agreement deciding that they would meet up at a diner across town to eat since they were hungry, Savannah made a quick call home to tell them we wouldn't be home for awhile which they accepted. When we got to the diner the place was practically empty except a few tables Issac had said they made the best burger here that was the only reason for the stop and to say they were all impressed was an understatement the burger nearly brought tears to Ryan's eyes, "Issac I will never question your judgement on food again that was divine."

Everyone chuckled at his antics but couldn't help to agree even Lydia finished off her food no bother to hide who she really was, Allison was shocked but Savannah giggled seeing her being herself. While they were in the middle of eating outside the window stood a man in a leather jacket with black hair, his eyes glowed slightly blue before it went away. In that moment it had brought Savannah and Ryan's attention to him where they began a short staring contest before Ryan motioned him inside where he took a seat staring at the two.

"Are you the one who killed my sister?" Was the first words out his mouth when he felt the alpha status of Ryan.

The whole group was shocked since he didn't bother to hide what he had said, he didn't really need to seeing as one was from a hunter family, one was something he couldn't place, and the last two were like him o he assumed the whole table knew about them. Ryan looked at him weirdly before answering, "What are you talking about we just moved to town you should ask the other alpha about it."

He nodded, "Derek Hale." Holding out a hand.

"Ryan Matthews and this is Savannah Matthews my adopted sister... these are our friends but they don't know about any of this from what I can tell." Ryan said with Savannah nodding along.

"Oh." Derek looked the group over but didn't say anymore or leave wanting to see it play out.

With everything being so quiet the whole table heard their words but it was Boyd who spoke out, "What are you guys talking about?"

Savannah looked at Ryan letting him decide he was her Alpha after all, "Well were of course talking about the supernatural, you know werewolves, druids, banshees, Kitsune, Etc. They are all real you know."

... Five minutes later the table was still quiet no one moved or spoke trying to process it all but Lydia finally spoke out, "What does that have to do with you guy? How can that possibly be real should be my first question."

"Well to be honest were werewolves I'm a beta along with Derek here, lastly Ryan is an alpha but a different kind that we haven't seen before." Savannah spoke popping a fry into her mouth still smiling happily she didn't see the need to hide it from her friends seeing as things in this town were already weird enough.

"T-that can't be true.... can it?" Allison asked looking between the three.

Their answer was to let their eyes flow each a different color making them all gasp, "I thought you would know your family are hunters after all." Ryan said looking surprised that he saw shock on her face.

"Their what!!" She ask slapping the table and standing before blushing and sitting back down.

"Oh you don't know, well that's a surprise I know you father learned when he was fifteen of stories are true. Well to put it simply your family hunts supernatural kind who hurt innocent people at least that is what their code says." Ryan explained with Derek nodding at it.

Allison sat there shocked like the rest of the group before Savannah broke the silence looking at Lydia, "What are you Lydia?"

"W-what do you mean I'm a human." She said looking freaked out.

"No you're not." Derek said.

"Yeah I hate to shake your world here but I can smell it on you it's not strong because it seems dormant or something but you have something special about you even if you are human." Ryan said actually looking apologetic to the girl.

The girl in question had her world shaken up and it didn't seem to be sitting well but who would be if you just told them you weren't entirely human. Ryan could only sigh then look at the two guys who have been strangely quite when he looked over Issac decided to speak out, "How did you become this?"

"Well we are born from it." Ryan shrugged.

"Then why do you all have different colored eyes if you were born from it." Boyd spoke out something in his voice though said he had something else on the mind.

"Oh that's because each of us have something different about us me I'm the alpha or a version of one since my eyes are pinkish red, Savannah here is a beta in my pack so her eyes are golden. And Derek here has killed an innocent so—" Ryan was stopped when Derek spoke out.

"That's where you are a little wrong I didn't kill an innocent for the fun of it. I did it because I once had someone I loved who I wanted to have the bite but..... it didn't take and when I saw her suffering from the bite I ended her life so she wouldn't." It was the most he had spoken since he sat with them but they could all see the melancholy in his eyes when it was brought up.

Ryan patted his shoulder in sympathy which he accepted somewhat since he didn't shake his hand off, the table went quite thinking about that. Lydia was still stuck on her own thoughts about what was brought to her attention she wasn't just going to accept it in a day but she would think about this when she got home. Boyd decided to speak out after letting everyone digest the information, "What's the bite?"

Ryan smirked, "it's a bite from an Alpha that changes someone into a wolf, the bite works most on those who are willing or have the most potential as wolfs. While like in Dereks girlfriends case it is rejected and it is poisons to them slowly killing them."

"So you—" Boyd started but Ryan held up a hand.

"I can but I won't not unless someone is absolutely sure I will never change anyone on a whim or because they think it is cool. This is a forever change that will effect you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, so if I do it for anyone they have to know they are a member of my pack and follow my rules." Ryan said with Savannah nodding.

Savannah rolled up her sleeve showing a tattoo on her wrist it was an infinity sign with wolf heads in the circles, "It's the pack symbol everyone gets it who joins it means we are forever live and die by the wolf and live and die by the Alpha. We don't compete for power in the pack and we don't turn our back on our own."

Everyone looked at it while Derek nodded his head liking the idea but he didn't think of joining since he didn't want to give up his own family's symbol but increase their pack once more.