True Friends

Everyone stared at the tattoo a while longer before Allison spoke up she has been holding back, "What do you know about my family?"

Ryan looked at Derek who he was sure knew more but he let Ryan take over instead, Savannah was also interested since she didn't know, "Well I don't know much but I can say that they have been doing it since the myths of Werewolves started. Do you know what your last name means?"

She shook her head but Lydia spoke up once again rejoining the group, "Silver."

"Bingo there girlie. Now why would you have a last name like that if not for someone reason, but I have to say pretty obvious and stupid if I do say so myself. Anyway the have a saying 'We hunt those who hunts us' nice saying if everyone follows it but there are always rouge ones out there not like I've met one though anything else you should ask your parents." Ryan rubbed his neck not really know what he should say he knew a lot of hunter families but they were each different if she wanted more details she had to ask her family about it.

"So anyone else want to know anything before we drop this subject?" Savannah asked looking around the table.

Derek was the one to speak up to everyone's surprise, "Do you know who the Alpha running around is? Or who his beta is?"

Ryan and Savannah looked at each because they were now having similar thoughts since seeing that teen McCall earlier, "I think we might have an idea who the Beta is but the Alpha no clue. As for the Beta it is some kid called McCall no clue what his first name is."

"Scott." Allison supplied making everyone look at her, "What he loaned me a pencil in class today and I got his name."

Ryan looked at her funny but went back to his conversation, "Yeah the alpha though I can't find unless he wants me to even on the way to school I couldn't catch his scent since it wasn't fresh. Why what's up?"

"Well I want to get my family's power back and since this person stole it I want to take it back." Derek did with his eyes glowing blue.

Ryan and Savannah nodded it was understandable if something happened to someone in their family they would most likely do the same thing, the table was once again quiet letting the information sink in since they were learning a lot in such short time. Again though it was broke by Allison, "How will you get the power back though?"

Everyone looked at Ryan but he held his hands up pointing at Derek since he was the one who brought up the topic, "You have to kill an Alpha to get its power." Simple and to the point they were starting to learn his style by now.

But the information made them all shift their eyes over to Ryan who was taking a bite of a third burger, "What?" He said with a mouth full of food.

Issac spoke what everyone thought, "Dude aren't you worried about someone taking your power from you because that means death."

Savannah chuckled while he swallowed his food before smirking, "I might seem easy going but that is just with friends with people who want to do harm to me," his eyes flashed bright pinkish red, "it won't end easy. Plus since I was adopted my family has had me train in all sorts of fighting styles along with all types of weapons. They never once thought of taking my power but did stuff for me to make sure that I can protect myself from anyone who tries to take it from me."

Savannah was now smirking, "it's true why do you think we moved here. There was a pack of Betas that tried to take his head but were sent back from a pack of 12 to 3 with the rest all being decapitated."

Everyone sucked in a breathe realizing it wasn't all butterflies and such that they thought it was, it was brutal and almost close to being survival of the fittest if you weren't careful. Now that they thought about it they had a lot to think about, seeing the atmosphere Ryan decided everyone needed time to get their emotions in check so he drove Issac and Boyd home growling a little when he saw Issacs dad smack him in the head as the door closed. The rest of the day he spent hanging out in his room until night hit where he went out alone leaving Savannah behind who was bouncing with excitement telling their parents about today.

Running through the woods Ryan came to a stop across the street from Lydia's house he wanted to talk to her and Allison since they had the most to take in he would talk to Issac about what he saw tomorrow. Walking across the street he came to a window that was slightly open before jumping to its ledge, "Lydia!!!" He whisper yelled into it startling the girl who was looking at something in her laptop while sitting in her bed.

Seeing it was Ryan she opened the window more and he swiftly jumped inside landing right in front of her causing her to gasp in wonder at the athleticism of his movements, "What are you doing here shouldn't you be i don't know anywhere else?"

Ryan smirked for two reasons 1) he could still smell the lust rolling off her towards him and 2) she was looking at supernatural creatures online no doubt trying to find out what she was but this wouldn't help her any. Walking to the bed he looked at the current thing she was on which was a Druid but he couldn't smell the nature on her like most had so he knew it wasn't that, "Sorry girlie but you aren't a Druid I would be able to smell the magic on you plus you don't have that feeling of nature about you."

She blushed closing the laptop and sitting next to him on the bed, "Then what am I it's been bugging me since we left earlier and I still can't figure it out."

Ryan smiled reaching over and stroking her hair, "Well I have some theories want to hear?" She didn't mind his hands and nodded "Well it could be numerous things to be honest so I can't really just say one but what I do know is that since it isn't active that it won't until something makes it. For now just be a normal teenager it could never end up activating and if it does I will be there to help."

"Why?" She asked on a whisper.

"Because I saw it today, you didn't try and be the fake you no one saw you actually tried to be the real one I'm glad. I don't want fake people around me or Savannah so I'm glad that you actually tried to be your normal self." He pulled her closer hugging her from the side while she leaned her head on his shoulder, "I won't force you but now that you know about it all I would like it if you became apart of my pack. You don't have to answer now but know that if you need anything I will be here for you."

Reaching over he put his number in her phone which he didn't do earlier cause he didn't want her to have it unless she was actually going to be a true friend to them, he could see she actually needed real friends. They sat there for awhile her just taking it all in she thought about his offer seriously, she didn't see a down side but she also needed to think about the other half of that world so for now she didn't give an answer. "What is the worst thing that has happen to you while being apart of the supernatural world?" She asked sitting up crossing her legs and sitting in the middle of the bed facing him.

"Umm are you sure you want to hear?" At her nod he went on, "Well there hasn't been to much really just a couple of fights. More often than not it is a normal life the only way things get dicey is if there is someone who has a natural attraction to danger."


Somewhere in another house*

"Achoo!" A boy with messy brown hair sneezed looking around his sense telling him someone was talking about him.

"What's wrong man? We need to figure this out cause it is some freaky things I read." Another guy said who had a shaved head and weird look on his face.

"Sorry it just felt like someone was talking about me." He said before joining his friend back in front of the computer that had a mythology of werewolves.


Ryan and Lydia were laughing while eating pizza before he finished his last slice, "this was fun we should do it more often. But for now I need to go I have to see one more person before getting my own rest. Goodnight Lydia." He leaned down and kissed her forehead before jumping out the window her smiling watching him run away.

Ryan soon blended into the woods running into the direction of Allison's house since he had spent more than an hour around her he had gotten her scent so it wasn't hard to find out which was to run. Soon he was outside a two story brick house it wasn't hard to tell the mountain ash surrounding it was funny to see though, it wasn't obvious if you didn't look though. The circle wasn't complete though so it was probably only used for emergencies, he wasn't scared though since for some reason it didn't work on him though the normal stuff that worked on others he was immune to.

Seeing a light on with the window wide open he could smell Allison's scent there was a roof right below that was the garage so he didn't need to worry about hanging from it like at Lydia's house. Leaping towards it he smiled seeing her singing loudly with headphones in spinning around she didn't even notice that he was holding his stomach trying to keep his laugh in so her parents wouldn't hear him. On a final turn her eyes opened and met his see froze there for a moment probably because she was also just wearing a t-shirt and cute pink panties, "Well hello there... this is a good look for you." Ryan's did even try to hide his lust she was a beautiful girl and he wouldn't deny that.

Squeaking she ran grabbing some shorts and rushing out the room coming back two minutes later to see him laying on her bed shirtless, "What are you doing!" She whispered squealed.

"Oh nothing I just thought it was fair since I saw you and all." Ryan smirked noticing she didn't even try to look away from his six pack that was on display along with her eyes following the v line into his pants.

Coming back to herself she blushed but didn't say anything about it, "Well what are you doing here?"

"Oh that I'm here because I wanted to see how you were doing after learning everything today?" He said with a small smile.

She sighed flopping down next to him if they were going to talk she couldn't see his good looks the blush still hadn't left her face, "Well I didn't learn more than what you told me. My parents asked how I knew and I told them I overheard some guys in school talking about it then they told me the basics same as you."

Ryan was glad she told them that he actually had overlooked that good thing she was quick on her feet, "I see. Well anything then? I just came by to check on you."

"No I just want to digest all this right now." She looked up from her pillow looking at the side of his face.

"Okay well you know where to find me and while you were gone I put my number in your phone." He got up grabbing his shirt and walking towards the window, "Oh I almost forgot if you want to be apart of my pack I wouldn't mind you don't even need to be a werewolf just agree and it can happen of course you will need the tattoo though."

With those words he jumped out leaving her shocked when he landed on the ground he noticed a SUV pull up seconds after he landed, good thing they didn't see him jump down and he had a shirt on. A man just a few inches shorter than him got out with a assault rifle, they had a stare off before he looked between Ryan and Allison's room, "Next time you show up kid use the front door or we will have a problem." He subtly lifted the rifle as a silent threat.

Ryan raised his hands even if he knew it wouldn't hurt him, "Sorry about that we're partners for a project and I thought maybe it was to late so I..... well yeah.. Ryan Matthews sir."

"Chris Argent. Now get out of here before I decide to use this." He said in his gruff voice.

Ryan smiled running down the street feeling Chris's eyes follow him until he was out of sight, while running away Ryan noticed two red glowing eyes watching him from the woods where he stopped and looked back with a grin. A roar shook the trees as the two dashed into the woods the rapid Alpha chasing Ryan.