............. Chapter 5

Ryan ran but not cause he was scared but because he didn't want to be seen by Chris while fighting the Alpha, he was dodging trees while the wild thing chased him from its scent he didn't smell anything but pure anger. It was all that was radiating from him he could feel that all it wanted to do was kill, stopping in a clearing he watched as he caught up to him the two watching each other waiting for the other to strike. After a moment Ryan's eyes started to glow pinkish red before he half turned he didn't think it was necessary to use his full strength on a mindless creature that was obviously just out to kill.

In seconds they clashed one six foot two teenager and a seven foot monster that would have any weaker person pissing themselves, it was like a car crash that made a resounding boom across the woods scaring some animals away. When they separated the seven alpha flew ten feet back while Ryan stood firm smirking and letting out a low growl towards the one thing that thought he was going to be a weak wolf to kill adding to his power. Seeing that he couldn't take down Ryan the alpha started to circle him but picked up the scent of someone else coming making them both look towards the entrance, Ryan knew the scent since he had smelled it not even twenty minutes ago.

Rushing at the now still wolf Ryan threw a punch at its face making it whimper for a slight second before it lunges back at Ryan making them both tumble down a hill towards a river. They both stumbled into the water being taken by the current right when Chris with a few hunters reached the top looking at the calm water, of course the to let the water take them so they wouldn't have to deal with the hunters right now. Ryan cause he still needed time to see what kind of hunter Chris was and the Alpha for some other reason that Ryan didn't know.

As they got closer to a lake Ryan jumped out the water landing on the side alert and waiting for the Alpha to come out but it didn't going further down before jumping out it stared at Ryan for a moment before running of to who knows where. Ryan thought about following and giving chase to end it there but remembering that Derek wanted him he let him go for now deciding when Derek was ready he would be there to help kill it just for the fun of it. Sighing he ran off straight home he needed sleep hopefully he wouldn't have to deal with the nightmares tonight.


(That fight sucked but hey I'm not to good at them.... anyway this next part will hopefully make you guys stop asking about the memories and stuff since I am going to address that.)

Ryan after a long shower flopped onto his bed falling asleep almost instantly, opening his eyes what he saw wasn't his room but a bright room that was all white in front of him a man who was smiling at him, "It's been awhile Ryan."

"Who are you?" Ryan didn't panic he couldn't move but he knew that the man wouldn't hurt him.

"Well that's where opinions differ but just call me Sam for now. But we don't have much time so I will make this quick, you died before. In your past life I saw all your suffering and the loneliness in you." Sam said sighing.

Ryan was shocked but held it back, "What are you——- The dreams." It came to him like a tidal wave there was no way he could have seen stuff like that in a dream he wasn't sadistic and he forgot about the orphanage people long ago.

"Yes, sigh I thought when you were reborn you would get them back all at once but something went wrong that's why they are cracked and you get them as fragments in dreams. By the time you turned eighteen they would have all come back to you. But I have been watching you and will give you a choice I can fix them now and you can know everything or I will make them go away and you can just keep living your life." Sam made a rolled joint appear from no where making the space smell of weed that was strong enough to make Ryan's head fuzzy.

Ryan sat there thinking about it the weed making him more relaxed and open to the ideas, he could see this as two was a blessing and a curse. From the curse part it would be having knowledge apparently about something important if Sam's tone was anything to go by and the blessing was that he wouldn't have the problems of the past his new family already the antidote of his past life. Ryan looked at Sam who was sitting back and enjoying his smoke looking right back at him a small smile on his lips.

"I don't know yet but if you can answer some of my questions first then I will know what to say." Ryan said and seeing him nod he went on, "What am I my parents said I'm not a norma Alpha my eyes are different."

"Oh that's easy and Immortal Alpha Wolf. Next."

"And me being able to basically blend in with nature?"

"Oh that well when you died previously I gave you some extra abilities if you will most you wouldn't even know about for another year but if you want to know now then easy. First you are basically one with nature meaning your real mother in that world is Gaia who has been watching over you since you were born, you are close to animals, plants and anything that has to do with nature." Sam took a drag of the joint, "As for the others since you are here I will let you know what the others are first I gave you the power over space and time..... next is Telekinesis..... ummm... oh yeah you can create Illusions..... is there anymore?" Sam grabbed his chin trying to remember if there was.

While Ryan sat on the side eyes wide about the new information he got it was interesting to say the least but it also lead to more questions but he needed a moment to digest everything that he was just told. So many powers all at his fingertips but he didn't think about abusing it at all instead he wanted to learn how to control them and see what they could do to help him and his family.

"Ahh I remember now dimensional travel is another thing it will allow you to visit different worlds with all sorts of other types of beings and stories. So let me address some things first, when you give someone the bite the have a chance to gain one of your powers not dimensional travel but any of the others also you should know they will become immortal also. Anything else..... Ahh even if the person is already a supernatural your bite will make them immortal not changing them but just making them immortal."

"Well I don't have anything else to tell you really but you should know that all the info to use your powers will be sent directly to your head after you wake up. So have you decided if you want your memories or not?" Sam finished after the joint was completely gone.

Ryan was finally digesting it all and his eyes were already steady he didn't need to think about it anymore, "Thinking it all over I know what I want... Take my memories who needed them I am making new ones and I have a good like I don't need the suffering of my past to come back. So I'm ready to go back."

Sam smiled nodding his head, "Then let it be done....." with a wave of his hand Ryan was gone but smiled when he felt someone else take his spirit.

In A Green Paster

Ryan opened his eyes again but this time he was looking up at a woman with long flowing emerald hair and ocean blue eyes, she was smiling at him with love and care brushing the hair away from his eyes. "Hello son, I'm sorry for what I did I should have taken care of you but I couldn't. This isn't somewhere you should be it only has me and nothing else here."

"Why—" Ryan started but she put a finger on his lips stoping him.

"Sssh I don't have much time I'll make it quick and simple you have no real father you are a product of me and nature. And no I won't follow you back I'm bound here or worlds will crumble. But you can visit me if you decide to visit other dimensions I will make sure you stop here along the way. No go and enjoy your life son and remember I am always watching you love." Gaia leaned down kissing his cheek as he was taken away back to his body.


Ryan's Room*

Ryan woke up with a smile remembering everything he just experienced he no longer would have nightmares and he didn't need to think about it anymore it was all in the past. He smiled because he now knew he wasn't an unwanted child that was just thrown into an orphanage but sent there by his mother who wanted him to have a full life so she sent him to earth to make connections. Ryan smiled because he could now lived as he pleased with no strings attached he didn't have to worry about anything holding him back cause he was going to break barriers.

Ryan jumped out of bed with a spring in his step before a wave of pain hit his head flooding with information from all the powers he just unlocked a year soon than he was suppose to. Falling back into bed he held his head waiting for it to stop before standing again he knew Savannah would come in here soon if he didn't get up and get dressed she had friends she actually liked now so she couldn't wait to get to school. With the knowledge of space and time it was like the world was different he could see things that he couldn't before, small little pockets of entertainment floating around that controlled the aspect of space around him.

The concept of time was different though more than him being able to just stop it he could also go back and forth in time, since he was new with it he could only control it to minutes now but if he trained hard enough it could turn into years. Smiling he reach for a round black ball floating in his room and the space around it started to swirl as if he was ripping a hole in space so he brought his hand back until he could control it better.

Going for a shower he tried out his other powers making little progress with Telekinesis being able to move small to medium sized objects, Illusions he would have to wait until he had more time to work on those.